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keepthetips t1_jefiv5f wrote

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yParticle t1_jefmbao wrote

You can't fool me. I'll believe 'em all!


Kevin4938 t1_jeg0ieb wrote

I don't believe them any day. Why would tomorrow be any different?


SmokeyMcPoticus t1_jeg3xml wrote

LPT, take the right marketing campaign seriously and sue the company over failure to deliver.


Schellhammer t1_jeg4lo7 wrote

I remember the news of mitch hedberg passing got released on april fools day by his girlfriend.


StelioZz t1_jeg97yk wrote

That's why I want to die in April's first (not tommorow, don't send me a suicide bot pls). Just to give my family a trouble over telling the news around.

Annoying in life, annoying in death


Alen0tv t1_jegb04d wrote

oh right hahaha took me a sec to get it :D


rkhbusa t1_jegb5ng wrote

I forget to buy puts on the market every year March 31st.


TheIncredibleHork t1_jegb8hr wrote

And if someone posts the Mufasa "It's Friday then" dance, don't get excited because it's already Saturday.


thorkun t1_jegbn3d wrote

My mother is born april 1st. My grandpa and his brothers always prank each other all the time, so no one believed him when he called to say grandma had given birth :D


Organized_Khaos t1_jegc2aq wrote

With all the ish going on right now, I’d just like to cancel April Fool’s Day entirely. Thanks.


DFHartzell t1_jeggwrv wrote

What about someone who says the government doesn’t have a responsibility to make sure it’s kids are fed?


Cuglas t1_jegltco wrote

My due date is today, I’m still pregnant, and I am legitimately concerned that if this one is born tomorrow we’ll have to preface and/or hold off the announcement.


GrandAdmiralRobbie t1_jegmgh7 wrote

Unlike every other day of the year when people never lie on social media or in marketing campaigns


NuchieTW t1_jegmmky wrote

LPT: Don't believe any marketing campaigns the day after tomorrow


knight970 t1_jegnvp4 wrote

Don't believe anyone or anything,not even this Post


Kadooz_or_kudos t1_jegoe04 wrote

True facts I work for Lenny & Larry’s and we are marketing our new Pot Brownie tomorrow.


Upballoon t1_jegozy3 wrote

Op is probably in the eastern hemisphere where it's already April 1st. This is their April 1st prank


SirWhatsalot t1_jegp2tm wrote

Just stay off the Internet tomorrow. That's what I'm doing, soooo much gaming.


charliesk9unit t1_jegpkwp wrote

I'm just looking forward to another video from lockpickinglawyer.


duder167 t1_jegq44r wrote

My daughter's birthday is tomorrow. It was a little frustrating explaining to family at 5am.


urabewe t1_jeguk6l wrote

But that corn cob pizza crust was real though, right?


digidave1 t1_jegvo8e wrote

You shut up, In-n-Out is TOTALLY coming to Detroit


Asmodean129 t1_jegvola wrote

Pain in the arse living in Australia. It's October 1st here, and we get 2 days of it


LOTRfreak101 t1_jegwmmg wrote

If you're an anime fan don't believe any announcements today instead. Except for the fact that Princess connect re:dive global is shutting down if you play it.


mrlittlejeans3 t1_jegwx6h wrote

I used to live for pranks and April Fool’s Day! Really loved it! Then I turned 15.

Point being, adults who engage in this stuff and look forward to it strike me as kind of weird. The world is messed up enough as it is. Why make anyone suffer more?


D1rtyH1ppy t1_jegy87c wrote

So my ex who called and said that she has herpes is just a joke?


foobixdesi t1_jeh1emp wrote

LPT: Stay off the internet tomorrow. Fixed it for you.