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madskilzz3 t1_jci558o wrote

Neither. Weight gain happens when you’re in a caloric surplus.

CICO- Calories In, Calories Out. No way around it. To lose weight, one must be in a caloric deficit.

A. To lose weight (water, fat, and/or muscle): consistent caloric deficit + enjoyable nutrition plan.

B. To lose weight + gain/retain muscle: A + resistance training (home/gym).

C. To lose weight + gain/retain muscle + improve cardiovascular: A + B + Cardio


No-Comparison8472 t1_jcjdrij wrote

Not true. You can eat thousands of calories per day from fruits and olive oil and you won't get fat


madskilzz3 t1_jcjf9jm wrote

Michael Phelps- consume 10k calories per day, but he burned it off due to his training. But for the average person who has a 9-5 low intensity job, eating like Phelps will most likely lead to a caloric surplus, which will turn to weight gains.

At the end of the day, calories in calories out. No way around that.

Caloric deficit: lose weight

Caloric maintenance: maintain weight

Caloric surplus: gain weight


Bryan_Mills2020 t1_jckhk63 wrote

Agreed. You cannot get fat from eating dietary fat which is very high in calories.