Submitted by pakiripakiri t3_11umuir in LifeProTips

It took me (too) many years to realize that, just like exercise will fatigue you but then make you stronger.. being effortful in life makes you more energetic. As a young man I used to think that when I got successful I could relax more and I'd have more energy to do fun things. Now I know that the more you relax, the more you drift to a stop. Of course, balance is important... but if you want to feel power coursing through you, work hard.



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keepthetips t1_jcorwqy wrote

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autoposting_system t1_jcox44d wrote

Yeah, this is definitely true

Edit: who would down vote this lol


[deleted] t1_jcp9vnl wrote

Was thinking about something similar to this. I agree 100%. It is almost as if conditioning your brain to work harder and persevere thorough adversity will make you more resilient to anything else. Ideas start as thoughts but need work to be materialized. It all boils down to how strong your willpower "muscle" is.


never--give-up t1_jcqqmb2 wrote

Exactly! This is something that I'm still learning. I think it's so important to push yourself and not be too complacent. It's amazing how much energy and motivation you can find when you just put your mind to something and really go for it. Knowing that hard work doesn't just make you tired but can actually energize you makes it so much easier to stay motivated and keep going.


Passton t1_jcqsp79 wrote

Completely agree. When I meet a big deadline or finish a big project at work, it seems to springboard me into starting or finishing personal projects. I have no desire to take a break or come down from that big push to accomplish. Wish that equated to exercise.. I'm just a workaholic.


Crypt_hoe_Bobby t1_jcqvw4d wrote

This post is about being productive and the covid thing may be true but it’s is pretty unrelated. It’s like if I posted “doesn’t apply after open heart surgery” like obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone.


Zealousideal_Pea938 t1_jcqwo7t wrote

If you're on this thought process; well done! I'm currently reading a book called "Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess" by Dr Caroline Leaf and it's changed the way I interact with people and act daily. Title is a little harsh and there is (as with all books) information that won't apply to you and can be filtered out but I think it's worth a read just for the self awareness it gives. Being effortful and conscious about the way you live day to day life literally rewires your brain on a molecular scale.


steelgeek2 t1_jcrxjef wrote

*LPT might not work on neurodivergent who do not get dopamine release from successful effort.
Like me.


MoreSleepLessWork t1_jcs262w wrote

Here’s the thing - people suffering from long Covid are often told they just need to get outside and exercise more, but that typically causes a horrible relapse that sends them to bed for 2-3 weeks. There are many thousands of people who are suffering daily, years after they’ve been exposed to Covid, and their families, friends, and doctors tell them to get more exercise because it’s all in their heads. But it’s not. So commenting on a post like this should not be dismissed or disrespected.


ItsAllJustMalarkey t1_jcs8v4j wrote

This sub is drifting further and further into a general life-philosophy sub.

OP, I vehemently agree with your sentiments. Just pointing out that this is hardly a “pro-tip”.


CrashTestKing t1_jcsdqok wrote

This only applies if the effort you put into something results in a dopamine release, which is definitely not always the case.


Hungry-Baseball-Fan t1_jcv6l8n wrote

That's so true! I thought the same thing, that when I was successful I could relax and have all the energy to do things I enjoyed. But I've learned that in order to get energy, you need to be effortful and work hard. That's why I like to take on ambitious goals, it's so energizing to challenge yourself and push your boundaries! Balance is still important though, it's hard to maintain the same level of effort for an extended period of time. Knowing when to take a break and recharge is essential!