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t1_iu5q3k0 wrote

I usually reply STOP and it works.

A few times the emails I got were from actual people working for campaigns, rather than bots. In those cases I wrote back "please stop texting/calling me and immediately remove my contact information from your call/text lists or I will vote against what you are texting me about."

I only got a single text this year and I am pretty happy about that.


t1_iu5wzfp wrote

I did that with a door to door campaigner “I am voting for whoever bothers me the least” never had another show up


t1_iu6m3ki wrote

I’m getting tons of these and the STOP is different each time. Stop2End or StoptoEnd there are minor differences in the command you have to text back and there is only one text per number. Some of them start with Pat or Steve (not my name) and I have NEVER contributed to a candidate over text. Super aggravating


t1_iu5pcu2 wrote

I moved to a different state when I was 17 for college, and I still get calls and texts from my original home state during election season. I've never even registered to vote in that state.


t1_iu5h0x2 wrote

If your state has early voting vote as early as possible. A lot of them will take you off their list then because it costs them money and they can't influence your vote anymore.


t1_iu5ibm5 wrote

Actually being interested and investing in the political process is the only answer.


t1_iu7pteu wrote

Where do you live? I’m still bombarded with mail, calls, texts, and television ads after voting last week.


t1_iu5eww2 wrote

I reply STOP to every political text. Not an ideal solution, but it has cut down on the number I've been receiving.


t1_iu5ef6m wrote

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t1_iu5ltft wrote

Every political message I have received by text has included the phrase STOP 2 quit.

So reply with STOP.

Do your messages not say that?


t1_iu5tek4 wrote

I think they are looking to be removed from all these text lists altogether. I get at least a dozen a week and as many times as I hit stop I still keep getting texts.


t1_iu6mzvh wrote

I have a "report spammer" option when I long press a text on my phone.

I've been reporting each and everyone of those texts that I get. (In addition to replying STOP. )

It probably does not do anything, but I like to hope that if they get enough spam reports the phone carriers will do something.


t1_iu5kx22 wrote

I hope to never suffer this, since for some reason my mobile carrier doesn't allow me to send messages.

It's been almost a decade with no answer as to why, across three numbers and like seven phones.

I can't send SMS to my family, or say 'STOP' to these campaigns, or use online services which require you send a message (the google chat thing for example)


t1_iu5pb3n wrote

Get a new number, or just block each and every one until they run out of numbers to use. And if they're using malicious means to using/creating new numbers, then shame on them, but otherwise there's nothing you can do.

It's like complaining about your home constantly getting burglarized when you live in a crime-ridden area, when the quick and easiest solution is to simply move to a different area. Otherwise, assholes are gunna asshole.


t1_iu5tsuf wrote

I feel you. I legit get constant texts and calls from the opposing party, asking for a completely different person in a completely different state no matter how many stops/please take me off the lists I do. No matter what, end up with the never ending barrage with different numbers every time.


t1_iu62a23 wrote

I reply with "send nudes" and never hear from them again.


t1_iu62uuj wrote

I’m sad to say I have been one of those people sending these political text messages in the past. I’m done with that world thankfully but I do have a recommendation.

I’m not certain if this applies outside of California but the most effective thing you can do is reply to the sender with “please remove this number from all text campaigns immediately.” This was the only way to make sure that we didn’t contact you again or for a different race.

By law, political text messages have to be “sent” by a real person (who sends hundreds at a time but hits “send” for each one). Phone calls are a different story; they are all automated now so it’s a bit more challenging to stop. I just filter unknown callers.

Good luck!


t1_iu64h53 wrote



OP t1_iu6c8l9 wrote

This is extremely solid advice! Time vs money is likely more effective anyways. I phone banked once and was actually a really positive experience!


t1_iu6f8yd wrote

Got mad once and replied "Will vote for opposition if you dont STOP"

It kinda worked i guess?


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