Submitted by silasoulman t3_yg4ab6 in LifeProTips
Submitted by silasoulman t3_yg4ab6 in LifeProTips
Good, goodby. Won’t miss you. And the rest of it will make it worth $100 billion. 🤣😂😂🤣
I left that toxic echo chamber years ago. Now am blocking that junk, and WaPo from slipping through here.
I'm not sure what says the most.
The fact that you actually used twitter in the first place.
Or the fact that you seem to think you're so important that anyone would care if you stopped.
If you don't like it, go join Parlor. I hear they've got great things going on over there.
To call for a boycott, just because you don't agree with Musk. Well more power to you. I don't think you'll make him sweat too much with it.
A financial giant?!?
You somehow managed to comment what I was going to, word by word.
Has nothing to do with whether I agree with him or not. He’s allowing disinformation, racism, sexism, homophobia and all kinds of crap that wasn’t allowed previously. Why would I go to Parler or Truth social when Twitter is now what they were. I’m nobody special, I’m posting this as a reasonable way to protest the hate and lies now being allowed. You can stay there, block me, do whatever you want, I’m not forcing you to do anything.
Good for you, God bless your heart.
I hope that road to enlightenment carries on.
>make Elon’s $40 billion purchase worth $0.
Life doesn't work that way.
Elon Musk; his current net worth is over $200bn.
For context, $1bn is the same as 1000 million dollars.
We use words like millionaire and billionaire without pausing to acknowledge just how massive an amount of money that actually is.
Edit: fixed a typo.
Get with it.
It kinda does though, if Twitter loses users it has no value. Hell if people just stop visiting the site it drops to 0. I’m not forcing anyone to do anything, I’m just pointing out that we have a chance to punish a greedy sociopath. But hey you do you.
Get a real life and quit being worried about social media and POLITICS. Right now people who hate Elon are actively trying to sabotage twitter, cuz ya know this is the internet. It’s crazy so many are losing all sanity over this. Let me let you in on a lil secret “ Your political beliefs tell you how to feel and what to believe and right now it has divided our country and still is.
You have a better chance at getting a seat on a SpaceX launch than taking down Shitter Twitter.
Probably, and I have nothing against Twitter, just sociopathic billionaires who think their greed is more important than people’s lives. If nothing changes what have I lost, some time?
So what? As long it's nothing illegal so what? 1st amendment kinda sucks when you don't like it huh?
You have the right to disagree, and the right to continue to use Twitter as much as you like. And I have very right to not use it, tell people why and let them decide for themselves. I have no problem with free speech, I do have a problem with hate speech and dangerous disinformation. But then again that’s your choice to make.
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