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BobbyTheDude t1_ixtehic wrote

As a person who works at a thrift store, we will throw it away. The chances of someone needing that exact size for their microwave and nerds a new one is extremely small. It's a waste of space.


Left-Influence-6712 t1_ixuaf6c wrote

as someone who volunteers at a thrift store, we will sell pretty much anything that’s brought in, including microwave trays. my local goodwill seems to follow the same rule because i’ve found some questionable things there before. besides, i’d rather have something sit on a shelf than clog up a landfill


Hopeful_Optimist_ t1_ixuf3mo wrote

But you don't have an infinite amount of shelf.

And everything ever made is gonna end up in landfill eventually anyway.


tnoy23 t1_ixv78ir wrote

You don't have an infinite amount of shelf space but it's not like it has to stay until it sells. No reason you can't take it off if it doesn't sell in 2 weeks and then toss it. At least it was attempted to be resold then and maybe someone would buy it, maybe not, but you can't know if you don't try.


pioneertele OP t1_ixtf2so wrote

Wierd. My goodwill has different sizes off and on. I waited till i found the right one. Maybe its just your store?


BreakfastBeerz t1_ixtktuo wrote

No you didn't. You broke yours, went to the thrift shop hoping to find one, didn't, and are now trying to get internet points for thinking you have a good idea.

You are literally the only person on this planet that has ever thought to donate a microwave tray to a thrift shop and are the only person to have gone to a thrift shop looking for a microwave tray.


LotusLizz t1_ixtov8g wrote

Who shit in your cereal?


pioneertele OP t1_ixuh5gs wrote

Somebodys grumpy. I did break mine and found a replacement at goodwill this last week.


FloweredViolin t1_ixvnivx wrote

No, I've seen them in thrift stores before. Several times over the years. Never bought one, because I never needed one, but it's a thing.

I have bought pot lids with no matching pot.

When my slow cooker busted but the insert was still intact, I looked at the thrift shop to see if an identical one was available before purchasing a new one. I've seen plenty of orphaned slow cooker inserts over the years, and do consider purchasing the one for my slow cooker when they show up, but have decided having 2 inserts is enough.


1Deerintheheadlights t1_ixty6zu wrote

Better to try the Habitat for Humanity store.


gardengirl99 t1_ixuetgh wrote

That’s where I took mine. I made sure to write the manufacturer on it.


OrginalPeach t1_ixu94y3 wrote

Not true, you’d throw it away BUT. My mum went looking for one at our ‘op shops’ (I am Australian). She found plenty.


FFXIVpazudora t1_ixwhwql wrote

I think it depends on the store. Most of the thrift stores around me have tons of microwave trays and potless pot lids. I found a few lids that went to pans that didn't have lids, and even found one for my dad's insta-pot. Works great for soups, and the actual lid would've been like $15. I think I paid like 25 cents.


riascmia t1_ixu3rea wrote

They also make great cake platters because they're perfectly flat and usually pretty big.


Downvoteyourdog t1_ixuno0a wrote

They also make great trays to do coke off of because they’re perfectly flat and you can usually find one in your hotel room.


RearEchelon t1_ixw3waj wrote

All mine have always had the little thing on the bottom where the motor spins them. Sort of precludes them being stable on a flat surface.


Steinrikur t1_ixz2h0r wrote

I never seen one where that thing in the middle goes down further than the edges. My current one is perfectly stable.


GuacamoleFrejole t1_ixtp63j wrote

I kept my old tray and use it to cover bowls of food I place in the microwave instead of using plastic wrap. It works well on all sizes of bowls.


matroe11 t1_ixv52gt wrote

I use the one from our old MW for pizza. I use it to get the pizza out of the oven and use it as the cutting/serving plate. It is perfect


Beloved26 t1_ixvg7iy wrote

you can.. microwave plastic wrap?


Gothmog_LordOBalrogs t1_ixvxeqi wrote

They say, as long as food doesn't touch it while microwaving it's ok, but it just feels wrong for me


smallbrownfrog t1_ixvp8iu wrote

That’s one of the main things it’s used for. Tinfoil for oven, plastic wrap for microwave.


KiwieeiwiK t1_iy7qkjm wrote

I do it daily. I eat rice every day so I cook a big batch and then freeze it in portions in plastic wrap. Then I can just microwave a portion and have rice ready in a couple of minutes


chahud t1_ixvs1km wrote

You would cover things with plastic wrap when reheating them in the microwave? What a waste of plastic. You know there exist dedicated items to cover your food with in like every microwave. Even if yours doesn’t have one, they’re a couple dollars from a home goods store or smth and you don’t have to throw it out 30 seconds later.


GuacamoleFrejole t1_ixwug6h wrote

Why do you think buying more wasteful plastic is a better solution? If you don't have an extra microwave tray, just use a microwavable plate to cover the food. You've likely already have them.


tway2241 t1_ixvlewt wrote

They work terribly for covering plates though


dougola t1_ixtbdx2 wrote

If your microwave dies, check the fuse before anything else.


pioneertele OP t1_ixtbyus wrote

I guess that makes sense. I was just so happy to find a tray that perfectly fit at our local goodwill after ours broke. $2.99 saved me from breaking down and buying a new one, or worse yet new microwave.


Human_Alternative_ t1_ixtlh2l wrote

A microwave is like $100 lol


Onilakon t1_ixtsdwd wrote

Not everyone can afford to replace an appliance when it breaks


pioneertele OP t1_ixuhy3u wrote

Save a little here and there and you can buy something you actually want to spend your money on.


Kwright721 t1_ixutget wrote

So you would rather spend an additional 97.01 on a new microwave v. just getting the plate? Now I’m irresponsible with money but even I know that makes absolutely no sense


BlueMatWheel123 t1_ixuht2n wrote

Over the counter microwaves can be several hundred dollars. The high end ones (with motorized vents and downward facing lights) are about $1000-$1500.

Replacing a broken tray is a lot cheaper if your microwave is a high end one.


ehutch2005 t1_ixtgiin wrote

Also check for scorch marks on the waveguide cover. It's a little, generally rectangular sheet of mica on the right interior wall of the microwave. They can sometimes arc and burn if your microwave is dirty. You can sometimes find exact replacements online, but the cheaper option is just buying a sheet of it on Amazon and cutting it to whatever size and shape you need. I spent $4.95 to save an $80 microwave.


SnooHabits3457 t1_ixtm59f wrote

I ain't living my life like this I don't have time to think about it someone needs my glass tray this is a gateway drug to basically overthinking everything that happenes to me


WhiteWingedDove- t1_ixtphfz wrote

How to end up on an episode of hoarders 101


Imsdal2 t1_ixu5rom wrote

Will, in fairness the LPT is that the thrift shop should be the hoarder. As pointed out in the top comment, that doesn't work in reality.


SilkCortex44 t1_ixtjbj8 wrote

No. I’ll keep it, thanks.


fangirlsqueee t1_ixtux04 wrote

Yea, I kept mine when our old microwave died. I swap it out with the new one when it needs to go in the dishwasher. Both are the same size. I'm not even sure which is new vs old at this point.


ColonVenture t1_ixveurb wrote

Are you my mother?

Me- "What is this?"

Mom- "Our old microwave tray. In case we break ours."

Me- "...Have you ever broken one?"

Mom- "Well no..."


mbfos t1_ixv9xpo wrote

I’ll just put it over here with all the others.


accidental-poet t1_ixwb310 wrote

I just ordered a new microwave today. My old one is 20 years old. The tray is 16" in diameter. You bet your ass I'm keeping that for a kick-ass party platter.


leftyontheleft t1_ixtd63i wrote

Same for coffee pot for a coffee maker!


Lou-Lou-Lou t1_ixu9pig wrote

I use my old glass tray as a lid once I have cooked my rice. Fits perfectly on the bowl.

Its a good idea to keep or donate them.


IliosKatharos t1_ixujb7a wrote

I too use my old tray as a lid for a large bowl while cooking lots of rice Works well


MotherLandLad t1_ixudwv5 wrote

As a person who worked in a thrift store, I could never understand why we were throwing away good shit, like microwave oven glass plates.

I would price them and put them out.

The same goes for remotes and power cables and a bunch of things that are needed and essentially, useful items.


gladashell t1_ixvdtqo wrote

I've bought replacement microwave turntables twice from thrift stores and searched the electronic accessory walls for weeks before breaking down and buying a remote for an old tv on line. Thank you for your service.


MotherLandLad t1_ixvepwg wrote


why were we throwing certain stuff away when we could either sell the items or use said items to test things?


BreakfastBeerz t1_ixtkb4s wrote

Who breaks the glass tray? Also, if someone were to break the glass tray, why wouldn't they just contact the manufacturer for a replacement? If I were to break the glass try why would I think to look at a thrift shop for a replacement? If I were a thrift shop, why would I keep said glass tray so it can take up space and not throw it out?

This is probably the worst LPT I've read


CapeForHire t1_ixuhjof wrote

> Who breaks the glass tray?

Me, for example

>Also, if someone were to break the glass tray, why wouldn't they just contact the manufacturer for a replacement?

Samsungs replacement was about 40€. Got a used platter for 5€ instead


Imsdal2 t1_ixu5vx0 wrote

All you comments are correct, except...

> This is probably the worst LPT I've read

Are you new here?


concentrated-amazing t1_ixuimom wrote

I know someone who has it shatter and cut his hand pretty bad, actually. Thankfully, after several months, the tendon damage healed up fine.


DrMcTouchy t1_ixu3umc wrote

I have a second tray, it fixes an annoying first-world problem where I have a dirty tray that I don't want to wash. Just throw it in the dishwasher along with the metal range screens. No work, no waiting to use the microwave.


Iridemhard t1_ixunf71 wrote

Sounds like "Big Microwave" is pushing the idea of throwing out your microwave tray collection. I wasnt born yesterday, Big Microwave. You can have my trays when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.


akeean t1_ixwbp70 wrote

Have you tried putting your cold dead fingers into th. microwave for a minute or two?


DigitalSteven1 t1_ixtn046 wrote

LPT: Sell your glass trays because the thrift store will sell it for profit anyways. Cut out the middle man and make money.


behappysometimes t1_ixtw4m6 wrote

Delete this, I’m genuinely annoyed that I had to read this on my timeline.


JackOfAllMemes t1_ixukw6f wrote

It took you longer to write this comment then it would have to just move on


yandeere-love t1_ixum4o6 wrote

tbh I'm tired of seeing "how 2 do something good hearted for someone else with literally no benefit to you" posts.


CHAINSAWDELUX t1_ixv2yiq wrote

God forbid we try to reduce waste


yandeere-love t1_ixvpj38 wrote

Oh I agree with reducing waste but it seems like more of being a decent human being than a life pro tip


pioneertele OP t1_ixwmvj6 wrote

In hind sight, I should have worded it as if u break yours, hit up your local thrift store for possible cheap replacement to be classifed as LPT to satisfy the hivemind haha


weelittlewillie t1_ixuos3h wrote

Anyone else read this and think it wasn't a LPT as much as "something unique happened to me and maybe it can happen to you too!"

No one is winning at life by donating a hyper specific item to Goodwill.


pioneertele OP t1_ixuugle wrote

Maybe if i worded it, if you break your microwave tray, go to goodwill someone probabaly donated their old one. I get your point.


cisco1972 t1_ixv7k32 wrote

Funny coincidence...I first read 'donate' as 'detonate'.


RidethatSeahorse t1_ixubhk4 wrote

I bought one in a thrift store and use it to hold indoor plants. On the look out for another.


MycologistPutrid7494 t1_ixtbny2 wrote

I always save at least one extra tray (I always buy the same size microwave).


ramriot t1_ixtlr9m wrote

Plus that little wheeled triangle if you can.


Due-World2907 t1_ixu5s3f wrote

Is this your way of asking us for a glass tray because youve broken yours?


MsAnnabel t1_ixuq4mn wrote

This reminds me of when I had one of those ceiling fan light covers break and I went to both HD & Lowes and neither had one. I went to a Goodwill and there it was for only .99!


keepthetips t1_ixt9edf wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


Empire2k5 t1_ixtgl4h wrote

I'm throwing it and breaking it. Local goodwill said no


BGDDisco t1_ixu2qwq wrote

LPT: If your glass tray breaks or is in the wash, a dinner plate may do as a temporary substitute. Make sure it spins like it should. Never microwave food without the spinning plate, unless the oven is designed with no spinning plate.


CHAINSAWDELUX t1_ixv33so wrote

Why can't you microwave without a spinning plate?


BGDDisco t1_ixvc2ao wrote

Hot spots. The microwaves will sort of clump together in places within the rectangular box. These clumps will be super heating a tiny bit of the volume. Spinning the food spreads out the super heating around the lump of food. Without spinning it can destroy stuff.

Recently while heating a tub of chocolate buttons to make a topping, the tub caught on the side and stopped spinning. The side of the tub super heated and melted letting liquid chocolate, still being heated, run all through the bottom of the microwave oven. It was an awful thing to clean out.


BeneficialDog22 t1_ixu3bh5 wrote

Don't throw away any appliance right away, please. Check if your local city/village recycles electronics. They'll most likely have a list of what they accept.


reimancts t1_ixu6yv2 wrote

How much would a thrift store charge? I mean I got a replacement for mine online for like $4 that is the exact one that fits mine...


pioneertele OP t1_ixuhiqq wrote

I guess i assumed it would cost more after shipping than thift prices. Sometimes its the thrill of the hunt.


nashcure t1_ixunj68 wrote

It probably depends on the microwave or if people want OEM parts.

When mine dies a few years ago, I parted it out on eBay. Glass tray went for $20+shipping. Roller ring under it got another $9.99+shipping. Depending on how handy you are you can salvage other parts. Doors, button pad etc.

I do this with a lot of things that stop working. I've done this with power tools, coffee makers and lawn mowers. Sometimes the sum of the replacement parts pays for a new one but takes time and effort. But you should know what capacitors can be dangerous before digging around in some bigger electronics.


reimancts t1_ixv1q1c wrote

Prime.. these trays are so cheap and easy to get any more. Here is a life pro tip for you. Whenever you donate something, consider any garbage you donate gets thrown away and the organization has to pay to get rid of the trash. You add needless cost to something that is supposed to be charity.

It's the same thing with "clothing" drop boxes. It says right on every box, "clothing only" yet people leave baby toys, high chairs, he'll I have seen old paint cans. They do nothing with anything other than the clothes. Everything else has to go in the trash. So again the charitable organization has to pay to get rid of other people's trash they should have thrown away in the first place.

People often feel like it's a waste to throw it away, and feel like they are helping by donating it, but your causimg cost to the organization and taking away resources which could be used to actually help people.

Then there is recycling. There is so much plastic that cannot be recycled. People look at the 3 arrow symbol with a number and thing that means recyclable. No. The plastics industry made their own symbol that looks like a recycling symbol with a number which only designates the type of plastic. They did this so people think they are buying recyclable plastic when they may not be. My wife would put every kind of plastic in the recyclables. I would keep pulling out the stuff they don't recycle. And she would say, but it has the recycle symbol and she would say she feels like she is putting plastic into the land fill if she doesn't put it in the recycle bin. It took years to convince her that not only is it ending up in the land fill any way, but she is adding cost to recycling.


MIRAGES_music t1_ixuk80f wrote

lmao what - they will throw that shit out.


yandeere-love t1_ixulsrs wrote

How is this a life pro tip? It's a nice thing to do but doesn't improve your life in any way.


pioneertele OP t1_ixun0t2 wrote

Mine was improved because someone donated theirs.


yandeere-love t1_ixvpr69 wrote

Ah I see so the life pro tip is to promote a culture of doing that so that you're more likely to have that helpful thing happen to you?


pioneertele OP t1_ixwm8un wrote

What goes around comes around I guess. Posting this has been funny. You learn people like to pick apart and analyze everything a little too much I could/should have said for the true meaning of LPT: if you brek your microwvae tray, check your local thrift store or a cheap replacement.


PoorlyCut t1_ixuophs wrote

Sounds like someone broke their glass tray


dvishall t1_ixuozfh wrote

Most probably that person will be the same one who bought the microwave from you and went thrift store hunting to get a glass tray 🤣🤣🤣🤣


lostknight0727 t1_ixuq092 wrote

Depending on the size it's better to repurpose it into a serving plate. They are made to resist heat, have a lip to catch drippings/crumbs, have feet to keep their contact with the surface minimal, and sometimes just look decent.


ExPorkie15 t1_ixuwvh1 wrote

Who is breaking these hard to break trays?


Whoreson_Welles t1_ixuydu4 wrote

I broke the lid on a crockpot and you cannot believe the yell I emitted when I found a replacement at a Value Village. SCOOOOOOORE


NevaSayNeva t1_ixv1dgb wrote

I have a spare, if anyone needs it. It's taking up space in my cupboard, just in case the new one breaks. I've been waiting 15 years already, for it to come in useful.


KevoKevo t1_ixv30ar wrote

This is not a life pro tip


garry4321 t1_ixv7f81 wrote

I bet OP has a bucket of old PC slalom cords sitting in their closet “just in case”


Mahdlo_ t1_ixv7ppi wrote

If your microwave dies, try replacing the fuse before replacing the microwave a $3 part could save you hundreds.


Rabbiroo t1_ixv9v6y wrote

Interesting what is considered a PRO tip these days.


jpswade t1_ixvd1nc wrote

Mine doesn’t have a glass tray


derUnholyElectron t1_ixvfvzl wrote

Try to sell the broken microwave. It could have other spares that are useful.


papinek t1_ixvhlzx wrote

They trays are not there needed, they also can be easily bought. That being said much better LPT is keeping the microwaves magnetron (microwave generator) and high-power transformer. While extremely dangerous parts in hands of uneducated people, they are one of the most awesome things for electronics tinkerers like myself.


billygoat2017 t1_ixvqxc3 wrote

Lol, so true. I saw a microwave at the city dump, looked inside and found the glass tray I had needed for years!


chilakkuma t1_ixvsabo wrote

So glad I kept mine because the one the microwave I got afterwards just had the glass tray explode one night.


dpittnet t1_ixvwkhd wrote

“life pro tip” lol


Ladyenigma1993 t1_ixvyyly wrote

The same is for the metal rack in a toaster oven.


tc2007 t1_ixvzye9 wrote

I kept mine (large tray), in the hope of using it for a cake or something. Likely won't ever happen. :)


FairieButt t1_ixw0rat wrote

Coffee carafes too! My coworker broke ours over the summer. We didn’t let her live it down, but our office mom coworker hit the thrift store on break and purchased 2 replacements for us.


Horrorgal82 t1_ixw2j7p wrote

I never thought of doing that! Thank you!


Chinlc t1_ixw2tun wrote

I read that as detonate 3 times before I understood it


thunder66 t1_ixw54zy wrote

We have re-homed a glass tray.


ElBisonBonasus t1_ixw70d2 wrote

Bought a new plate.... Microwave decided to stop working two months later.


usernameblurb t1_ixwbadt wrote

This is a great tip. Ours broke and we had to special order one, it took four weeks and cost something like 40 euro. I was not pleased with the person who broke it (me).


Slinktard t1_ixx9zqi wrote

Post it for free on Craig’s list or Marketplace for free with the diameter. I bet you’re more likely to have a match that way. And they come to you.


Leo68fd t1_ixtup7y wrote

Read title as detonate instead of donate and questioned OPs moral character.


maxmouze t1_ixu14r9 wrote

>LPT: If your microwave dies, donate the glass tray before throwing out the appliance. Someone has broken theirs

Who? Henry? Something tells me it was Henry.


Spongeman735 t1_ixugkky wrote

Damn OP did you grow up in the depression?

Real LPT: Don’t own a microwave, a toaster oven/air fryer combo makes your food taste way better and doesn’t really take much longer


pioneertele OP t1_ixuhrnz wrote

No, just tired of spending money on stuff. I have a toaster oven/airfryer combo and use it a lot actually. My main use is the defrost option. I have a freezer full of beef and venison and dont always plan ahead to thaw so i need to defrost.


grumbo t1_ixuhimw wrote

Take out the magnets before tossing it


AholeBrock t1_ixusu1e wrote

Get rid of the microwave and get a 20$ electric kettle. It'll boil water faster and you can make instant ramen etc just by pouring the boiling water over the noodles(or w/e) and letting it sit and cool for a few minutes. Everything else that a microwave can do can be done with either a toaster oven or an air fryer but healthier AND tastier. AND you can reheat soggy French fries like some golden god of the kitchen.


CHAINSAWDELUX t1_ixv2put wrote

Yea it's cool to have a toaster oven and air fryer but that might not work for most people and there are still a lot of things you will have a hard time reheating. Would you air fry or toast cold oatmeal? The methods you mentioned will usually be better but I sometimes still avoid them because it will take longer


AholeBrock t1_ixveflt wrote

I pour boiling water from the kettle on my oats and wait 4 minutes. Less for instant oat packets. More convenient because i leave the kettle with some water in it an just turn it on while walking by(push a button then fill a bowl with oats and water, no need to open and close a box and push multiple buttons). Any other challenges? There is no shame in just liking your microwave, but I've had all these appliances side by side to compare them(although I've never used an expensive microwave) and the absolute only thing that a microwave can do that an electric kettle/toaster oven combo can't do either better and/or faster is microwave popcorn. I don't miss my microwave tho because stovetop popcorn surprisingly tastes better and I'm not that into popcorn anyway.