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t1_j5osqft wrote

LPT: whenever someone says "be normal" or "dont be weird" they mean "read the room" or "this thing youre doing is making me/people uncomfortable" or "youre doing this the wrong way", not "let go of your entire personality and act exactly like other people".


t1_j5p9vwe wrote

the true lpt is always in the comments


t1_j5pe8yw wrote

It's becoming a game for me. Usually there's one comment that rings better than the op's.


t1_j5qhi3h wrote

To quote Abed. "When you really know who you are and what you like about yourself, changing for other people isn't such a big deal."


t1_j5rx4ss wrote

Not always. Once I was told I was weird for wearing a hair clip that made it look like a I had streaks in my hair and leg warmers.


t1_j5qj8oy wrote

Sure, but what is stopping them to saying exactly what they mean? The best way to communicate that you are uncomfortable with my behavior or if I'm not reading the room is to say exactly that to me. Not make me the outgroup by calling me weird. Oh, and no, they aren't trying to spare my feelings.


t1_j5penvf wrote

Um what? That may be the case sometimes but not 100% of the time. Im high energy and when people don't like that Im not slowing down.

Bunch of boring folks down voting lol


t1_j5pjnc4 wrote

> "read the room" or "this thing youre doing is making me/people uncomfortable" or "youre doing this the wrong way"


t1_j5pq1o2 wrote

Again, thats true sometimes but people suck. I'm gonna be my weird self and if it makes people uncomfortable thats on them.


t1_j5ptuy9 wrote

Actually not how social interaction works.

Are they comfortable with that?

Are they a captive audience while you are making them uncomfortable for reasons out of their control?

You saying I’ll be how I want totally disregards that the other person is meeting you on an agreed social interaction level but you are disrespecting that, in this case purposefully. There is PLENTY of room to be yourself.


t1_j5q0qih wrote

Im not being disrespectful by being myself. Pretty interesting that I'm being told how to socialize considering I've learned the social skills to have quite a large group of loving friends. My quirky excitable self is what has attracted such wonderful people in my life. Thanks for the advice, but if it ain't broken I ain't fixing it.


t1_j5qcjay wrote

Okie dokie.

Notice I never once said don’t be yourself.

Also loving friends know you well, right? Not quite what we were talking about.

Get real.


t1_j5o6rdk wrote

Dont kill the cringe within yourself. Kill the part that cringes.


t1_j5n3jul wrote

If you're not weird, you are boring


t1_j5obamd wrote

This is the idea I've embraced as I've gotten older. Being just like everyone else? Borrrringggggg. I'ma be weird and probably have a lot more fun than the conformists as I age. 😉


t1_j5q3a6z wrote

People think I'm weird or assume I'm weird because I'm boring.

Nah man, I'm really just that boring.


t1_j5p9vsw wrote

And if everyone is weird then that means we're all just normal again


t1_j5ojpax wrote

A Famous Saying: Everyone is normal - until you get to know them.


t1_j5oq54q wrote

A great Irish man recently told me "those that matter, don't mind, and those that mind, don't matter" The people that should matter to you, won't mind your strange proclivities and eccentricities. A beautifully simple phrase to me.


t1_j5np7l2 wrote

I mean, that's where the spice of life lies. What triggers our favorite colors? Or our favorite board game, book, magazine or TV show? Stay Weird.


t1_j5pgwts wrote

I have taught my children to embrace the good weird and report the bad weird.

So far it's working for us. No reports have been made in 14 years.


t1_j5og13o wrote

I tell my students that life is too short to be normal. But sometimes you have to find people who are the same brand of weird as you before you can let it all out, lol.


t1_j5npndw wrote

Any advice for helping a weird & shy little boy keep his weirdness when entering school age? I’m really worried he’ll be peer pressured into conformity.


t1_j5pess4 wrote

Everybody's Crazy - Formidable Vegetables (Father Funk Remix) always helps remind me to stay weird


t1_j5ogu62 wrote

Those that hate you for being weird/yourselves are either inexperienced/narrow minded or they were themselves shit on for being weird once and internalized the criticism, which is sadder imo


t1_j5ph2yg wrote

I can assure you, not everyone is weird. Some people just don't have much going on in the personality department.


t1_j5pvhi5 wrote

They could just not be showing you their weirdness, but if not I guess that lack of personality is pretty weird in itself.


t1_j5qgd68 wrote

Some people are weird, but would rather seem like they have no personality than admit to being weird


t1_j5pgci7 wrote

The only normal people you know are the ones you don't know well enough.


t1_j5pjcez wrote

Yeeeah.. but also don't be inconsiderate to others about your behaviour. What you percive as a weirdness may just be annoying to others and making them uncomfortable.


t1_j5o36jr wrote

But what if she doesn't like pizza AND doesn't like pasta? How can I embrace that?


t1_j5pexnz wrote

We are talking about people that are weird, not people that are wrong.


t1_j5okn5i wrote

I agree, everyone is unique and has their own quirks and interests that make them "weird" in one way or another. Embracing your individuality and what brings you joy is important for self-acceptance and happiness. And it's true that people who judge others for being different may have their own insecurities or issues to work through.


t1_j5p9hk3 wrote

If everybody's weird, then nobody is.


t1_j5phblg wrote

The weirdness is the originality. It’s the spice of life. Without it, life would be unbearable.


t1_j5philf wrote

Dating became FAR more fun when I heard the old line "The odds are good, when you realize the goods are odd."


t1_j5pk3bf wrote

Some pedophile read this and thought, "yeah!"


t1_j5ptrzd wrote

If your weirdness infringes on the liberty and enjoyment of others though. Please stop with it immediately.

Every time I read this kind of "encouragement" I have to think: "Oh great! Finally, someone who gets it! Let's go out and abduct some people to turn them into my genetically enhanced cat girls with which I gonna take over the world!"


t1_j5pu4fv wrote

IF you are not actively or passively harming anyone with your weirdness (physical, mental, or emotionally) then your weirdness is perfectly fine.




t1_j5n1qyf wrote

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Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


t1_j5p2f7w wrote

Weird is subjective.
I like weird. Too boring without weirdos.


t1_j5p6fde wrote

I once met a guy who wasn't weird. He was just completely normal in every way. It creeped me out.


t1_j5paae8 wrote

A little bit of weird is a lot of fun


t1_j5plv9m wrote

To restate:



t1_j5pmyzs wrote

I've always been a weirdo and i embrace it all the time. I'm more of a nerd and have knowledge on way too many things, so that makes me weird. I consider it a good weird.


t1_j5pug3v wrote

Main character, "Everyone at school thinks I'm a freak.I just want to be normal."

Sassy old grandpa before he dies in a later scene, "Being normal is over rated."


t1_j5q35f3 wrote

The kind of people that make fun of your weirdness are usually the ones who also get unreasonably excited or upset about someone doing something with a leather ball.


t1_j5qlk1t wrote

Just stopped in to agree. Embrace what makes you different. My partner and I call ourselves the Abby Normals .


t1_j5r0z6v wrote

It is OK to be weird. But don't make weirdness your personality.


t1_j5r5tm0 wrote

Unless youre a pedo or some shit, don't embrace that.


t1_j5rdkd2 wrote

In the words of the great philosopher Willie Hugh Nelson, "Well, I may not be normal, but nobody is."


t1_j5rh33p wrote

No days there is no norm. You do you as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or against the law.


t1_j5thlhi wrote

The only normal people are people you don't know well.