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Swampwolf42 t1_j50h7sg wrote

My only concern with this is the trauma the other pets in the house would suffer. Can any multi-pet homes that have done this weigh in?


KaneinEncanto t1_j50izz7 wrote

Given that I've read stories of cats who would be constantly looking for their roommate for days or even weeks after they were put down outside the home... the immediate trauma of seeing the act & body might be less than "not knowing" for an extended period of time.


Odd-Impression-4401 t1_j50nyau wrote

My younger cat passed with liver complications. I choose to make him more comfortable at home.

The older cat was aware of the younger cat passing, and I even let older cat check the body and she had a little sniff, and then sulked away. I think she knew.

The older cat was fine later, and I have had no issues with her missing the younger one.

I really think the closure helped her.


ksharpalpha t1_j515op2 wrote

My parents had two dogs. When one passed, we didn’t let the other see his remains. She would always go running towards other dogs that sort of look like him on her walks, looking for him.


ge93 t1_j517z0x wrote

It costs you zero dollars not to post this.


bshort939 t1_j50o9qd wrote

I did this last summer. I left my other pet inside while I had my dog, Jax, put down on the front porch. The vet suggested I let her outside once the process was done and he had passed so I did so. She came up and smelled him and was for the most part okay, just timid. I can’t vouch for all animals handling it the same way but she was fine. I like someone else that commented used laps of love and would highly recommend the service to any pet owners. Jax hated the vet and got to spend his last moments at home in my arms. It was better for everyone involved.