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keegley t1_j5zvag6 wrote

Flexibility training has pretty much eliminated chronic back pain I had for years. Now any time I hear someone complain about back pain I ask “do you stretch?” The answer is always “no.”


imakenosensetopeople t1_j5zyvzs wrote

Do you mind sharing your flexibility training experience or routine? Should I start by [trying to] touch my toes or what?


Tandian t1_j5zrsrv wrote

Hahahahhaha go tell that to /chronicpain

Oh I see you making up shit to promote your site?


Emreprox t1_j5ztek2 wrote

I've deleted the recommendations


johntwoods t1_j5ztojn wrote

Can you DM me the recommendations? Thanks in advance.


miclux t1_j602hwv wrote

r/SLPT believe in stretching to solve all joint and muscle pain.


Cold-Albatross t1_j5zu5fv wrote

Aside from any product promotion, I would add that core strength is very important as well, especially for lower back issues.


Emreprox t1_j5zvpou wrote

Yes exactly. My lower back pain was caused by lack of core strength. I attempted an exercise and forgot to use my core muscles


IAmAKindTroll t1_j60pkm4 wrote

This is hilarious because we have plenty of evidence that this is absolutely false.


Emreprox t1_j61exqn wrote

Source? Because all I see from my research + experience is that stretching, mobility and strengthening cures joint pain (especially back pain)


daisydaisydaisy12 t1_j65tx2h wrote

Cures joint pain? Then why do i have 3ft of scars? Should my surgeons just had me stretch? And hip replacement? Why?? Why acl surgery? Why rotator cuff? Just stretch!!!!


bizzonzzon t1_j61hpxw wrote

So you just started 8 months ago, and had two minor issues that got better with mobility work... That means you can give advice about "almost every joint and muscle pain"?

Mobility work and stretching are not the same. Advocating generic 'stretching' can be very damaging to any body, and there are many conditions in which stretching or mobility work would cause significantly more pain and injury.


keepthetips t1_j5zr0f1 wrote

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