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808natsu t1_j904m4d wrote

Neither will getting an additional dog👍


pangosd t1_j90cyfs wrote

Real LPT is always in the comments.


davewhocannotbenamed t1_j90drbk wrote

Two dogs are better than one.


AspartameDaddy317 t1_j90fbb4 wrote

Definitely a case of sounds good in theory but it depends on how the dogs get along and if you have the time.


jotsea2 t1_j91fcql wrote

I’m not sure they take much more time then one, but yes size and interaction definitely matter


Periwinqueen t1_j91nwhj wrote

They do if you consider taking them to training classes, groomers, and the vet separately. Some dogs are difficult to walk together for the first year of being together and require separate walks as well. So I would say two dogs definitively take more time than one, especially in the formative years, and then in the latter years as well.


jotsea2 t1_j91p6h3 wrote

I mean the first two aren’t necessary requirements. And I agree on some of the cohabit side of things.

That said, they always have someone to play with, which can make care easier/more efficient.

But overall I agree, it’s not as if it’s 2 for 1 or something. It’s another life you’re responsible for


Periwinqueen t1_j91q32h wrote

While they’re not requirements, most dogs require some level of training and grooming whether you enlist the help of a professional or do it yourself and it is 2 times the work with 2 animals.

I think it’s a common assumption that two dogs will “tire each other out” and/or entertain each other, but this depends greatly on their personalities and age gaps and it’s not a cop out from actually playing with your dogs, walking them, and providing mental stimulation. Outside of special cases such as littermate syndrome dogs typically find human interaction more rewarding which is a trait we selectively bred into them over generations.


jotsea2 t1_j91qxcm wrote

This is super informed opinion and I appreciate it. While there are some benefits, you’re right it’s certainly more work. In thinking about a couple I know who employs this very mindset to their pack of 3 and it doesn’t work. They need their own stimulation/attention even if sometimes you can get benefits of two. I shouldn’t have made it so simple


happy_freckles t1_j92dehe wrote

oh yes they do. We had a great dane then got a small maltese. They didn't get along or interact much so I'd say it was a bit extra work due to that. Both were quiet chill dogs without the other.


rexmaster2 t1_j9336ye wrote

As some believe that having another kid will save their marriage. Never does.


Scary_Speaker_7828 t1_j936e57 wrote

A lot of butthurt folks on this comment it seems. Truth hurts 🤣💀


Peelboy t1_j904vcr wrote

Dogs and kids never make things easier, only get involved in things like that when you are healthy and ready to care for something that will rely on you entirely.


fluidzero t1_j913q4p wrote

A million likes from heart. But technically I can give one.


rrickitickitavi t1_j906m2d wrote

But it does solve the problem of not having a dog.


yoleafbug t1_j92u9ew wrote

Absolutely. I had a dog shaped hole in my otherwise happy life. I got a dog and I am fulfilled. But this was after knowing I had wanted one for a long time and never faltering in the desire.


Blue_Trackhawk t1_j936ori wrote

That's right, methodically solve one problem at a time. Gotta start somewhere. Get that dog!

Happy cake day!


MarcusXL t1_j90972u wrote

Addendum: A dog is a living thing. It's not an animated stuffed animal.

Before getting a dog, consider whether you are able to give it everything it needs, provide a secure home, pay for vet bills, for its entire natural life. If you're not sure about these things, don't get a dog.


jadedhomeowner t1_j914z9j wrote

Yup take a look at r/askvet. Mant of the asks are from people who can't or don't want to prioritize a vet visit. They shouldn't have animals, unfair as it is.


DrunkAtBurgerKing t1_j91wfpk wrote

The amount of people who buy exotic animals and refuse to see a vet is really sad. I see it in r/hedgehog all the time.


AquaticAnxieties t1_j92r9da wrote

Lol, not even just with exotic animals. I see people do this with hamsters, rats, etc. too


DrunkAtBurgerKing t1_j92yyfk wrote

Yeah... My coworker was shocked when I mentioned bringing my hedgehog to a vet appointment. She's owned rats for years and didn't know you had to


simondrinkwater t1_j907im5 wrote

But your problems will feel better with a dog by your side.


EndangeredGiant t1_j90dfi7 wrote



FortWendy69 t1_j911bme wrote

B. I. NGO and Bingo was his name-O


birdsofpaper t1_j916xx9 wrote

I want to name a dog I have someday Bingo and respond to questions about his name with claps and letters. For some reason my husband calls this “exhausting”.


daveatc1234 t1_j907d0l wrote

Your thought may be flawed If my problem is tennis balls never come back to me when I throw them..


AngryRedGummyBear t1_j914vtd wrote

Now they come back, but your dog is playing "no take, only throw" with you


Giggingurl t1_j905wsw wrote

My dog makes make my problems go away.


johntwoods t1_j9077ma wrote

All of em? Certainly not.

Some of em? Absolutely.


boing757 t1_j908imq wrote

Who comes up with this shit ?


Nighteyes09 t1_j90vxxj wrote

Did for me.

Some find faith. Other's accept what they can't control. A few even make massive gains and find fame. Me? I got a dog.


PrisonerV t1_j907tkb wrote

Same can be said for a kid, but a 100 times worse.


True-Expression3378 t1_j912so2 wrote

Yeah everyone knows only having a baby will solve all your problems, duh lol.


GrumpiestOldDude t1_j90bqhb wrote

It won't do your taxes or get you that raise at work. But it can give you a connection to the world again when you feel separated. It can give you purpose again when you feel useless. A dog can make even the most isolated feel loved and valued.


Scoobydoomed t1_j908yk9 wrote

Where is the life pro tip here?


OrginalPeach t1_j90aapi wrote

My dog annoys my music blasting neighbours. They haven’t stopped but I like natural revenge. If they are playing music, I don’t bother to use his quiet command.


more_beans_mrtaggart t1_j907t4j wrote

Nothing will solve all your problems.

Nobody thinks it will. Did you pull this out your arse OP?


fuck-fascism t1_j90dky2 wrote

Money can solve the most. But still not all you are correct.


slimzimm t1_j90op0g wrote

What the FUCK is up with this sub? I’m irrationally angry at how stupid these posts have gotten.


ChefLibby t1_j9136hy wrote

I had wanted a dog for years. I finally got one in May. I was then forced to be home each night for him. Having to be home every night made it so I was no longer stopping and spending the night at my abusive exs house. He also hates animals and wouldn’t come over since I have them in the house. It’s been almost a year in May and haven’t seen him since I got him. One problem solved 😂 Thanks Kaycee, you’re a heckin good doggo.


Environmental-Sock52 t1_j91erta wrote

Depends on the people and the dog. My dog has brought nothing but love and joy into my life, and I hope I have done the same for her.


Empire2k5 t1_j90gzcz wrote

Well of course not. It's not like I can get it to get a job and bring in an extra income. But can definitely help some find joy/happiness in life.


chaz65 t1_j90rf4o wrote

Gets second dog to solve the program of getting a dog in the first place


fluidzero t1_j913di4 wrote

Kittens help though.


Acrobatic-Ad3275 t1_j91ualk wrote

Treat a dog right and most problems will evaporate.


esgamex t1_j92ln7u wrote

But a cat definitely will.


maxmouze t1_j90h3wy wrote

*Just almost all of them.


tombom666 t1_j90hy56 wrote

It solves 99.99%. Thats a win win in my books


Kilek360 t1_j90mfqz wrote

Same goes for kids


randomcrazy t1_j90nnvs wrote

A cat doesn't need to be taken out for walks, get a cat.


Lets-Go-Fly-ers t1_j90uunm wrote

The real LPT: Depending on what problems you have, a dog can solve most or all of them.

(Financial instability is one they can't solve.)


lifeofideas t1_j90x3qv wrote

What about one more cat? Maybe the problems are due to there not being enough cats. You never really know how many cats you need.


calico810 t1_j917y78 wrote

“It only shows the world who you really are”


Bffb550 t1_j91a0h7 wrote

This is completely false - if your problems are too much money and sleep and too much freedom to travel then getting a dog will solve literally every single problem!


Blueblackzinc t1_j91nq34 wrote

But getting a dog could solve my cash flow problem. Provided that I do it multiple times.


borngela t1_j91qqgb wrote

Getting a dog could contribute to your financial problems


thisnewsight t1_j91t4du wrote

If you think dogs are dirty, don’t belong in the house, and leave them outside 24/7.

Don’t get a dog, you heartless fucks.


Vamoose87 t1_j91v1yq wrote

This. Things like a dog or a vacation home are nice, but you can really only find happiness by working on yourself.


Kcnflman t1_j91wmxm wrote

I would add that Nothing on earth will solve all of your problems.


FactsFromExperience t1_j927zm9 wrote

Who in their right mind would think that getting a dog or doing any one thing would solve all your problems.... I think we're over generalizing here.


TAMMYCRAPSALOT t1_j936otg wrote



FactsFromExperience t1_j93772p wrote

Well, they were but at least they were giving a voice of reason to explain to people that getting a dog, or any pet for that matter, is not going to solve all their problems! Hehe


10micro t1_j92bo1j wrote

Never had an issue with multiple dogs, except those due to old age or illness. Have had 1, 2, 3 and 4 as well as holiday dogs taking the pack to 6 or 7.

My opinion, depends on the human


Jurij781 t1_j92skwj wrote

How is getting a dog supposed to solve any problems?


cyb3rg0d5 t1_j92tyz1 wrote

How about a cat? Fish?? Plant?


Dreamforger t1_j936ryi wrote

My dogs do my taxes and are renovating the house, so they did solve all my problems. Also they cured my lactose intolerance and weak nightsight.


Flair_Helper t1_j937t3t wrote

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Vegasmmj t1_j90d17w wrote

Shouldn't get a dog unless you own a home. Having a dog makes it way too difficult to secure a rental home in an already crazy market.


NewButNotSoNew t1_j90klq3 wrote

This may vary per area and country. In some European countries landlord cannot forbid dogs, only kick you out of if you or your dog are a nuisance


Colonelfudgenustard t1_j90dpfw wrote

Neither will getting it on with a dog, if any sickwads out there need to hear it.


keepthetips t1_j903xzd wrote

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