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scurvofpcp t1_j8o05os wrote

I 'try' to keep my kitchen stocked in such a way that I don't 'have' to go shopping for 3 months.

Besides the ability to divert food budget for a couple months at a time to help out with some other emergency, or the ability to not be fully fucked whenever there is the slightest cashflow problem is nice.


sir-alpaca t1_j8oo5nx wrote

Three months seems like a lot. I keep enough food to eat around a week, maybe two without going to the shops. A reserve of actual money seems more useful than being prepared to eat canned beans for months.


scurvofpcp t1_j8s1imd wrote

It does, except when crap happens. And yeah keep a financial savings as well but keep in mind it can take 2-6 months right now between dropping off a resume and getting that first paycheck.

And then factor in things such as covid and social political turmoil and even a 90 day supply of food does seem a bit small in that big picture.