
scurvofpcp t1_j8s1imd wrote

It does, except when crap happens. And yeah keep a financial savings as well but keep in mind it can take 2-6 months right now between dropping off a resume and getting that first paycheck.

And then factor in things such as covid and social political turmoil and even a 90 day supply of food does seem a bit small in that big picture.


scurvofpcp t1_j8o05os wrote

I 'try' to keep my kitchen stocked in such a way that I don't 'have' to go shopping for 3 months.

Besides the ability to divert food budget for a couple months at a time to help out with some other emergency, or the ability to not be fully fucked whenever there is the slightest cashflow problem is nice.


scurvofpcp t1_j6hyvap wrote

For 2 I'm going to guess that you have never had to rely on the VA, been enlisted or incarcerated. That tends to give those who experience that a conditioned aversion to small brained power drunk government workers and the things they do.


And as for 3 well ... IT tends to be the politicians that favor corporate bailouts.


scurvofpcp t1_ixsdw5k wrote

Most people on Reddit don't understand what luck is, or most people in general. And ironically most of them could meme all day about the reasons to remember the name.

Still though, I've said it before and I'll say it again; if you get good at a couple things luck will find you.