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DaytonaDemon t1_jdngj33 wrote

14,000 years ago, this would've been correct.

>About 25,000 years ago when the state was covered during the ice age, the weight of the ice compressed the ground underneath. The ice receded about 14,000 years ago, and the ocean flooded the area up to what is now Medway.
>“The walruses would probably have been living on the ice margins the way they do now in the Arctic,” Jacobson said. “That walrus either died and ended up deposited there, or died on ice and ended up dropping into the water. It had to be an environment the walruses live in, and that would have been the only time [in what is now Maine].”
>Spiess agreed with Jacobson that walruses were in Maine as the ice age was waning.



BnBrtn t1_jdno7jn wrote

You will be a Walrus or you will be nothing at all


ecco-domenica t1_jdnoei9 wrote

Wasn't there just a thread about what people recognize as coming from Maine? Now we know. It's walruses.


Pembina_Ojibwe t1_jdobg8j wrote

I lived in Maine until I was 29 and never saw a walrus. Lots of seals, moose, bats, bears, Stephen King, deer, turkeys, rabbits, etc


Foreign-Host-1408 t1_jdodp19 wrote

All of those trucks have different animals and images on them haha


BeemHume t1_jdoihw3 wrote

Mumma's not gonna be too happy her sister's on the U-haul and not her..


hike_me t1_jdoxudx wrote

It’s talking about the ice age.

There are some super famous (in the geology field) geological features in downeast Maine that were historically significant in our understanding the last ice age


Awright122 t1_jdoztsn wrote

How the fuck did they land on Cherryfield of all places


k_mainer t1_jdpel3x wrote

Glacial erratics are my favorite rocks.


DrMcMeow t1_jdpk1ga wrote

maine state museum had walrus and mammoth fossils on display that were found here.


EdSmelly t1_jdqdo87 wrote

I never knew we had walruses’s!


hike_me t1_jdqjbbt wrote

You should read the text. It’s about the last ice age.

Downeast Maine has some famous geological features related to the ice age. I took a geology of Maine course about 20 years ago. We had to do field studies in and around Cherryfield. Not long after that i was watching a program about the ice age on the discovery channel and they visited the Cherryfield area.


area_tribune t1_jdqweve wrote

They could have just put, "MAINE: Gonna be honest, we've got nothing for this one."

That would have been fine.


GummyViking t1_jdrfxm3 wrote

Oh yes, this ignoble Maine walrus, an icon with serious historical significance!


Athingwithfeathers2 t1_jdsq228 wrote

On my way to Belfast, ME many years ago I passed a sign advertising used fish. I've wondered for 30 years now exactly how one uses fish? As a fashion accessory, an arcane tool, or as an insect repellent? Ideas, anyone?


Athingwithfeathers2 t1_jdsqo4n wrote

I have an unusual rock I found in Penobscot Bay, just south of Belfast. It looks like it contains small fossils. That would be rare because the NE glaciers scraped down to bedrock before receding so very few fossils are found there. I can't tell if these are small fish or weird small mineral squiggles on metamorphic rock.