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raynedanser t1_jan2r00 wrote

The same people that don't use turn signals or headlights won't clean their cars off.


schreckenghast666 t1_jancdn0 wrote

Please turn on your headlights when it’s snowing as well. Yeah you, in the white car.


[deleted] t1_jancw4k wrote

Please don't use your cellphone while driving


sdb865 t1_jane2pe wrote

Got to love when it happens the other way around too. Saw someone the other day with snow completely covering their windshield that slid from their roof. Driving down Park Ave like nothing happened lol


indyaj t1_janivho wrote

Jesus. That qualifies for a license revocation. They are 100% hazard to others and their own self.


hogrider01 t1_januedz wrote

This is not the type of snow it is not required


DidDunMegasploded t1_janzjh1 wrote

How about turn your fucking lights on in the fucking daytime, you dumbass rube.

Dear God, I could kill myself from alcohol poisoning from all the cars I see that don't turn their headlights on, whether it's in snowy weather or a clear day. They aren't in the hands of CMP, it's okay to turn them on.


DidDunMegasploded t1_janztnm wrote

If an obese autistic woman like me can do it, so can you.

...I'm starting to think I should get this imprinted on my shirt and my hoodie and wear it everywhere I go. Seriously, people.


BeemHume t1_jao5gx0 wrote

This is not as big a deal as the frozen slush on top of the semi trucks.


PatchMountain t1_jaofnor wrote

Honestly, what is the danger here? So much umbrage these days......friggin' chill out.


MoistLobst3r t1_jaojefr wrote

Hello, Mr george? He's no good. No good operator.


Snotrockett t1_jaonzxa wrote

I had a work truck (Peterbilt 10 wheeled box truck) have the mirror get completely cleaned off on the ME/NH bridge by a giant piece of ice and snow.


RaptureRaven t1_jaoorhd wrote

The snow can block their view of oncoming traffic, which can cause an accident.. It can slide off your roof onto your windshield when you stop, and could cause an accident. It can be partly frozen, fly off, and hit other cars on the highway, which could cause a high speed accident.

It literally takes two minutes to not endanger others. Plus, its the law to clear your windows in Maine.


midgit2230 t1_jaoq4v9 wrote

It’s even better when it flys off the car/truck in front of you and crashes on your car.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_jaoub5o wrote

First it shows me that this person probably doesn't use the rear view mirror ever. That's pretty dangerous in and of itself. Second how can you be sure there's no ice underneath that snow if you didn't try to brush it off? Third it doesn't take much to make it so the driver behind you can't see. Even if you're following an appropriate distance behind a chunk of ice or a flurry of snow can make it difficult for you to see the road ahead of you. Fourth it shows that the person driving this car doesn't really care about anyone other than themselves and are too lazy to take a minute and a half to brush the snow off their car.


BARRYTHUNDERWOOD t1_jaow9xo wrote

Imma get what I can get with the ol’ driveway broom, then the trick is just go real fast for like 1/4 mile as soon as you pull onto the road


plink420 t1_jaowpns wrote

I agree in most cases but there are definitely cases it's handy being able to turn them off. it's handy for me to be able to turn them off anyway.

Prime example, my house is located on a heavily travelled road and across the road from my house is another road that is dead end but quite long with a lot of houses on it. I back my truck in rather than pulling in so it would be quite annoying for all those folks to be blinded by my headlights shining through their windshield as my truck warms up, meanwhile they're just trying to find a break in traffic to pull out. Turning my lights off while the vehicle is on alleviates that issue.


Adventurous_Gap_2092 t1_jaowvvi wrote

I was just thinking about this tonight. I broomed off my roof before I left the house. I cannot reach it without a standard room .

Then I'm out all day parked. My roof is reloaded and I can't reach. I cleaned off the rest of the car but this is exactly how it slides down when ai can't reach the roof.

This new proposed law is a bit unfair to average height or below women.


Erniesheep t1_jaox855 wrote

The same people don’t use their rear view mirror


i-am-garth t1_jaoxrmx wrote

I wouldn’t have obscured his license plate. He’s on a public road and deserves the opprobrium.


MosskeepForest t1_jaoygl9 wrote

Eh, if someone has snow on their car and it's slightly annoying me.... I just don't follow as close.... and go on with my life.....

If it were giant sheets of ice or something, sure, that's a danger. But a bit of snow? My car will survive....


ForwardJeweler9549 t1_jaozb5k wrote

Got a broken windshield a few weeks back from one of those. Could the lack of lights be because they're on auto and it's not dark enough?


Professional-Skirt50 t1_jaozcsd wrote

You don’t find it ironic that you are playing with you phone while driving in the snow? SMH 🤦‍♂️


MacTechG4 t1_jap3jed wrote

“But it’s tailgater repellant…” ;)


poppinfresco t1_jap9k4f wrote

Please don’t take your phone out to snap pictures to farm that karma, while driving. Don’t try to bullshit me and tell me you were the passenger either. This is America, no one has passengers.


dumpln t1_japblcx wrote

Nothing says “I am more important than everybody else” like not giving a hoot what that might do to other people. Survival of the fittest


winstonsmith8236 t1_japn8dc wrote

Dude. While driving back from Logan the SUV in front of me launched a 2’ x 2’ solid sheet of ice about 15’ in the air, luckily giving me time to brake and slow down a bit so it landed and cracked/shattered in front of me. All of this at about 90 mph. Thought to myself…so that’s why they tell you to wipe the snow off your roof….


hambone_boiler t1_japoa64 wrote

I always shout "Unsecured Load!" to myself when i see this. A chunk of snow or ice is still a fucking unsecured load


Visual_Stand t1_japrc7y wrote

Isn’t it a law you have to keep your roof cleared anyway? I’ve always done this.


Leviosahhh t1_jaq7j2n wrote

I keep a broom in my car for this reason but I can’t get all the snow off the roof. I push the top few inches off but it’s definitely not getting clean because I’m just a tiny person.

To be fair, my car is an SUV. When I had lower cars, it was never an issue as long as I had my broom or a longer snow brush.

I get the law and see the need for it because this would have been easy to prevent, but it does discriminate against shorter people a bit.


Michael_Kansai t1_jaq8elr wrote

Isnt this illegal in Maine? Or was that something my parents told me.


Earthling1a t1_jaqda65 wrote

LD 522 currently in committee (Transportation, work session on March 9) would make it illegal to drive without removing the snow.

5 items in testimony - 4 citizens in favor, logging industry opposed. Call your representative, especially if they are on the Committee. Committee members listed on the bottom left of the page.


-Hedonism_Bot- t1_jaqpuwu wrote

Friend of mine was in a taxi on 95, explorer type vehicle. Ice off the tractor trailer in front of them demolished the window. Would have killed a person in the passenger seat. Luckily, no one was. Totaled the vehicle because it bent the A Pillar. Driver did an amazing job keeping it under control!

I clean my vehicles off religiously now.


nhhandyman t1_jaquyas wrote

A friend moved to Maine from NH. They told me they wish Maine had a version of Jessica's Law which is a NH law that allows for law enforcement to pull over and ticket these crazy people. The fine is high.

The law is named after the girl who died in car crash caused by snow flying off a car, causing the crash.


mullenman87 t1_jaqzibl wrote

this is extra lazy.. you have a sedan bro.
I can *maybe* understand someone with a van or SUV can't reach the roof to scrape it.


InfamousCelery4438 t1_jaqzr4z wrote

There was an article in Reader's Digest at least 20 years ago. They studied the rate of traffic accidents for people who didn't have their headlights on during the day, vs. those who did. No headlights showed a huge leap in accidents, even in good weather. Most modern cars have a setting for daytime running lights, which can be turned off if necessary, such as the person who doesn't want to blind their neighbors while backing into their driveway. It's a safety thing.


2crowsonmymantle t1_jarahdc wrote

Oh, no worries, that’ll blow right off, problem solved. 🙄🙄🙄 One night after leaving the movies at Clark’s Pond I once watched a solid sheet of ice fly straight up into the air from a car in front of me in moving traffic and it landed straight down like a sheet of glass dropped off a building onto another vehicles windshield where it exploded.

Yeah, that went well.


Trip_inthehead t1_jardak0 wrote

Saw a guy this morning with only the driver's side of the windshield cleared. While the other half still had at least 1/4 inch of snow on it, probably more.


Frequent-Mail8262 t1_jardl3o wrote

Why not just scrape it off? Lol this was day after storm 40 degrees out and sunny. I understand vehicle parts fail but why risk the safety of yourself and others? Just to feel like a rockstar?! 🤣

Broom. Cardboard. Scraper. Hand. Pour warm water over it. Do something! Lol


Leviosahhh t1_jarf2uo wrote

I did broom and ice scrape. I live on top of a mountain and it’s not usually 40° when I leave for work around 6. Usually a bit colder and snowier. Accidents happen. Mine happened an hour before the store open and I handled it immediately.

Obviously the rockstar comment was sarcastic. Snow happens. Glad you handle every situation perfectly and never wind up in an unexpected situation with Mother Nature. Congratulations


alaindesjardins t1_jarna8p wrote

I have three kids with ADHD and don't always have the time to clean my wife's car off. She says sorry.


Frequent-Mail8262 t1_jas1pjv wrote

Why are you being so very sensitive? I put a laugh emoji - its not that serious.

I’m not the OP - I posted a picture of a truck that I saw in 40 degree weather the day after a storm. Absolutely no precipitation at all. I really don’t understand what your issue is about said truck or the car OP posted unless it was of course you in one of the photos.

Snow does indeed happen and as someone who lives in a state that snows (maine) and has driving privileges (a license) and has access to a vehicle to drive (maybe you even own it?!) then said person should know how to responsibly use the vehicle in all weather conditions wether predicted or not.

If your wipers broke and it’s snowing or other precipitation is coming down such as rain then you don’t drive your car. Period. Call a friend, a family member, walk or pay for some form of transportation to get yourself to where you need to go.

As a parent and a human who cares for the safety of others it’s a huge risk for yourself and everyone on the road around you when you can’t see. This is why side mirror and rear view mirrors and now cameras are on vehicles - snow all over your vehicle blocks sight and when covering lights either dims or makes them almost non existent. Snow and ice already slow response times. If someone slams on breaks due to chucks of snow and ice coming at their windshield again it can cause accidents.

Ask for help when you need it if you can’t reach the top of your vehicle to get mounds of snow off. Buy the correct tools to assist you in clearing off your own vehicle regardless of mechanical failure - you have to be somewhat prepared for this. I never said I was perfect but I do know how to use my resources and am responsible.

You’re doing just fine in life and I’m very proud of your attempts to clear off your vehicle.

Sincerely, The Person Who’s Neck Was Broken In an Auto Accident And Prefers/encourages others to not. Clean off your fucking cars or don’t fucking drive. Your not cool cause you can see out a crack. That’s not a skill.


ecco-domenica t1_jat07f9 wrote

Some people actually keep the tools necessary for winter road safety in their vehicles, like a scraper, shovel, and broom. Some people even invest in a collapsible snow pusher. Even below average height women, which I am, are capable of this.


ecco-domenica t1_jat0kd5 wrote

It's a snow broom. They're literally in every hardware and big box store. Same places you went to buy your shovel and ice scraper. It hadn't occurred to me that you don't know what it is or haven't seen anybody use one. I thought you were being sarcastic. If you are an adult person who drives in Maine, you should have this in your car and use it every time it snows. It works a hundred times faster and better than a broom.

I am also a short woman and I call shenanigans on trying to pull the short woman card. Don't do that.


Adventurous_Gap_2092 t1_jat21nl wrote

I assure you, they are not in every hardware store. I'm in the hardware stores here regularly. I haven't been in a big box store for a while except for walmart. They didn't even have ice scrapers there. I will check Lowes and Home Depot the next time I drive down to Bangor. Thanks for letting me know it exists. The rest of your approach, entitlement and uppity bs I could do without.


Frequent-Mail8262 t1_jat9shh wrote

LOL are you ok?

I don’t think we are reading or on the same thread. You seemed butthurt. I only wanted to further ensure your safety. This being your mental. You went into detail about living on a mountain. I like to chat and type and you took the time to read the whole thing so it musta been a good story.


ecco-domenica t1_jatak3e wrote

You can order them online from Lowe's or Home Depot or Ace Hardware. They are very, very common. You will be glad you got it.

But please. Don't go around saying you can't do the things that adults have to do or you're being discriminated against because you're a short woman, even a very short woman. That's not a good way to think about yourself or train other people to think about you. I don't care if you're mad at me if it makes you stop and think before you say something like that again.


TheBoyAlbi t1_jb07t87 wrote

The only thing I see wrong in this picture is that this person pulled out their phone and was using it while operating a motor vehicle


ecco-domenica t1_jb0kb6x wrote

It offends you that I brush all the snow off my car? You are pro-snowy cars on the road? Maine would be a better place if everybody drove around with snow on their cars? Maybe we should pass a law that it's illegal to remove the snow from your car by artificial means? lol


Adventurous_Gap_2092 t1_jb2zh4a wrote

I went to Walmart, the super one that is stupid big, Target, Two Lowes and a home depot. It was in none of those. I found something similar but not exact at Mardens. They aren't everywhere. Have the day you deserve.