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wessex464 t1_jdlyuya wrote

I like stellarium, the free version is more than sufficient for just casual use.


ThisOriginalSource t1_jdm0uvd wrote

Sky guide is pretty good, though I can’t remember if it’s free. Stellarium is awesome, can go back/forth in time to see astrological events, again not sure if that’s free either.


20thMaine t1_jdm8ktm wrote

I use the free version of star walk 2

I like that it has a “night mode” that tinges the screen red so as to not destroy your night vision

You just point your phone at a spot in the sky and it shows you what those constellations are.


mainlydank t1_jdmh768 wrote

Mobile Observatory is awesome for Android and has a free version.


xach t1_jdmxlt6 wrote

There used to be a regular column in the Bangor Daily News that gave a star map and some info about interesting space events for the week or month. I believe it was from a local astronomer, not some syndicated thing.

So...subscribe to, look up those columns, and determine which ones apply to the current date and time.



anisleateher t1_jdmzw0b wrote

Google sky maps is what I've been using for the last decade. Although I'm not sure it's owned by Google anymore at this point.