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MrFittsworth t1_je2i0gk wrote

I met my fiance on tinder. Dating apps aren't that bad if you are mildly socially aware and can engage in anything more than small talk with a stranger


DontXpectCompnsation t1_je53iov wrote

I met my wife of tinder lol. But I don't look back on the swiping with any kind of fondness. I actually had already stopped swiping to preserve my mental health and my now wife messaged me out of the blue after I swiped on her long before she did me.

When it goes well its nice to look back and say its not too bad but I had so many weird, uncomfortable situations before I met my wife. I had a girl try to aggressively to set me up with gay friend because I had a "gay vibe" Or another girl who pretty much opened with a story of her sexual assault. Its out there.

Not to mention my wife and I matched during the pandemic which what when everyone, even "normal" people were on Tinder.


MrFittsworth t1_je55iih wrote

I had a lot of really positive experiences on tinder. I got my dog through a connection where we remained friends. I got a new car because a girl I was seeing at the time had a sibling selling hers cheap. I've wound up in really inexpensive apartments due to parters, and like I said, my fiance.

Tinder is like most things, you get back what you give. Sure there were some awkward days, but typically that happens even at work or just existing anyway. It's not nearly as bad as it seems at face value imo.


eb0livia t1_je6oo46 wrote

This is true for anywhere you meet people, some people are just weird/creepy. when you’re actively going on more dates and only are meeting other people looking for dates statistically speaking, it’s going to happen more frequently. Just make sure you’re using the app like anything else safely, not inviting anyone to your house, meeting anyone in private, or catching a ride with anyone.