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anode_cathode t1_isaoiyf wrote

Aside from standard reg capture jobs like lawyer, electrician, etc. it's very much true. No one is moving here for tech, for example. Hopefully that will change.


[deleted] t1_isaoxnn wrote

The town councilor in Presque Isle is making 120k in the 2023 budget.

He says all wage increases are based on data from the private sector.

So the standard set for a high paying job is 120k, I want that to be clear.


AffectLast9539 t1_isb3md7 wrote

so we're basing our opinions on the unconfirmed justifications of a small-town councilor giving himself $120K?


[deleted] t1_isc48io wrote


Look at your own budgets ffs. Haha

It's Aroostook county, it receives government funds just for being undeveloped. It also receives funds for it's "crisis". Those funds are misappropriated everywhere, and it's ignorance to that, that has created this economy.

Presque Isle is a hub of the county up north. The budget is available online.


AffectLast9539 t1_iscuod0 wrote

No, I'm saying his justifications for his salary are unconfirmed. "Private sector data" doesn't sound very convincing.


DOGO8991 t1_isef3wk wrote


What is it?


[deleted] t1_isejvh9 wrote

Bused up labor, ACAP housing funds were used up since they were paying landlords to house them.left no money for people who live here, and can't actually afford to do so cause of raising rates. They call it a "crisis" but it's manufactured.


Faendol t1_isatwbp wrote

There are loads of available tech jobs, imo the problem is housing more than job availability.


c4boom13 t1_isco7fa wrote

Most of the tech jobs paid like shit compared to national competition though. Unum, Tyler Tech, Idexx, Delorme all paid worse than similar jobs in other states. The pay was good for Maine but it's a hard sell when you can move and get a 30% bump with the same skills. It's got a bit better as they realized they had to compete with out of state hiring, but it's still not great.


_freeheeler_ t1_isawivk wrote

This is pretty true, I had a decent job doing sysadmin stuff before I left Maine and I would throw out apps for other jobs and would land interviews but even with a decent paycheck, the housing is just too unreasonable.