
anode_cathode t1_ja7s2ze wrote

You've already had plenty of people paint a picture for you, but anyway, NH still hasn't legalized weed, and if I were looking to get into the market, I'd look at the potentially emerging one there over the completely oversaturated one here.

As for Maine, plenty of job postings if you want to see what the employment market is like (I'll save you some time, you're going to be working entry level unless you know someone). The cannabis industry is in the early stages of consolidation, so if you're not already in, you need to figure out an angle to get in other than, "i know how to grow weed."


anode_cathode t1_iwwfrc1 wrote

Well, 90% of the employees are gone, some core teams are down to 0 employees, and no one can honestly tell you what his plans are for the site. He doesn't even seem to know what his plans are for the site. Twitter may not even be able to function in the near future. Most people I know are just hedging their bets at this point, especially folks who use it for commerce.