This year, there are more deer on our road than people. 15 yrs, never seeing a buck and this summer there are at least 3; they don’t startle when my dog and I walk by and they sleep in our yard at night and they don’t run away, just stand up and look at us when we take the dog out at night🤷🏻♀️and they’ve eaten plants and shrubs that have been “deer proof” for years. What’s going on? Anyone else dealing with an increasing deer population?
Admirable_Result_531 t1_itb9zra wrote
A decrease is hunters in a big cause of this. But this year there has been a significant increase in deer hunting permits issued, especially bow hunting.
Doc_coletti t1_itbtkkk wrote
Bow hunting is popular where I live, due to all the felony convictions.
iceflame1211 t1_itc1qyn wrote
The discovery of PFAS contamination in deer meat is another, newer reason dissuading some hunters the past couple seasons.
bigdog4709 t1_itbjphs wrote
Not enough hunters. Too much posted land.
tracyinge t1_itdjejj wrote
There are plenty of hunters, they just realize there are a lot more ticks than hunters.
Bywater t1_ita572f wrote
Ya, I am seeing way more than usual. I wonder if they going to up the limit this year.
DiscoRichard t1_itajdpo wrote
Love this for the buck population. Maybe I’ll finally see a rack.
Rich-Management9706 t1_itbdj35 wrote
Decrease in hunting popularity most areas hunters can take multiple deer this season
Jesus_Was_A_Fungi t1_itaenxv wrote
Careful. They might a got the Strank. Embiolytosis. Strank outbreaks are rare but about every 20 or 30 years the strank comes on strong, especially in those deer preferential to wetlands. You steer clear if you think they got strank. Nothing ever good happened cuddling strank deer.
200Dachshunds t1_itb0tdp wrote
What’ chu talkin’ bout, Willis?
DistanceSuper3476 t1_itbv57u wrote
We always have lots of deer but I do not see any Fox or Coyote...
sintixerr t1_ita6c2k wrote
Just saw my first since I moved here.
Breezy207 OP t1_itbj4ka wrote
Come to the Blue Hill peninsula-they’re everywhere!
noj_ t1_itbzwoj wrote
driving from brooklin to ellsworth last night we saw 16 deer and a coyote
Breezy207 OP t1_itcca9d wrote
We hear the coyotes a lot up on the blueberry fields up on Wallamatogus-they must be thriving with so much prey
lama_drama99 t1_itc7vz6 wrote
Do you have property that can be hunted on? My husband and I have been looking for areas to hunt this year and would gladly help save your shrubs and plants lol
Breezy207 OP t1_itccgj2 wrote
We don’t- most of the land is posted around us…
fredezz t1_itarfc8 wrote
After gardening for to many years to mention, this is the first year that deer have eaten our tomato and cucumber plants...the cedar trees have been well trimmed for ten years.
Breezy207 OP t1_itbj1h0 wrote
That’s so frustrating-we gave up our garden bc of deer. Will try again next year…🤞
smokinLobstah t1_itbn4fc wrote
Deer tape. Actually works.
dirkdirkdirk t1_itaub08 wrote
Drove at 2AM last night down I95 near Kittery and there laid a carcass of deer in the middle of the highway. Going 77 miles per hour on cruise control could not evade on time and went over it and damaged my splash gaurd underneath my car. Scared the shit out of me. I’ve been in Maine for 5 years and I haven’t seen a single deer here until now..
Breezy207 OP t1_itbitni wrote
Scary! Glad you’re ok!
maineman1990 t1_itc2wx4 wrote
The deer literally Broke several tposts in our fence to get in and chew up plants. Left little patches of fur and hide in the galvanized steel mesh and cost us hundreds of dollars in plants, material and labor. Must have just been throwing their bodies against the fence until it gave or tried jumping it and got tangled up. We are in town with a bit over 5 acres that we are trying to develop into a self sustaining homestead and these deer are not making it easier.
tracyinge t1_itdk0q2 wrote
try the deer tape!
Lieutenant_Joe t1_itdpp3u wrote
Ammo’s expensive, man
78FANGIRL t1_ita34c4 wrote
No, but turkeys are on my property almost daily. 🦃