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shitawkae t1_iu1gc4b wrote

I hope Toe Sucker survives the culling.


Aggressive_FIamingo t1_iu23ss3 wrote

I'm keeping the MILF Mobile in my thoughts and prayers. The "TITSOUT" license plate has brought joy to so many.


Concernedandconfus t1_iu2aqsg wrote

Honestly I hope she fights that one by saying she's talking about birds. A tit is a type of bird after all...


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu2ruos wrote

Everyone should keep the MILF Mobile in their thoughts and prayers. We can keep its legacy alive.


Simple-Dog8972 t1_iu3i2sx wrote

They use to live here in Sanford, but hadn't seen it in a long time. Honestly they looked more like it should say CRACKHO


doinks_n_dabs69420 t1_iu17jd8 wrote

This is the worst thing to happen to Maine since Nestlé bought Poland Springs.


gigglybubbles t1_iu1kz5n wrote

WAIT when did that happen?!


shenshenw t1_iu1sy1p wrote

Nestle bought Poland Springs in 1992.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iu2j1wy wrote

And sold it before covid. Don't want to deal with their plastic waste. They saw it coming and happening in Europe. Im no environmentalist but its a great idea to have these companies deal with their own waste. I worked at Hood making 3 million bottles a year in Northern new england and had to quit because I was disgusted. Meanwhile Nestle is making 55 million bottles a year in the tri-state. Nestle is an AWFUL company.


gigglybubbles t1_iu1t6wt wrote

Jesus. Was not aware of that.


TheMrGUnit t1_iu1w3de wrote

Man, how is that rock you've been living under? You were there so long Nestle bought and sold the company before you even noticed...


Vormison t1_iu1kk41 wrote

This is BU11SH1T.


Jakelshark t1_iu0uhye wrote

I think they're tacky, but as someone new to Maine I've been very amused by some of these plates. I'm partial to L8RBTCH I sometimes see on my commute...


anode_cathode t1_iu16sxw wrote

Big win for the shitty parents who think their kids learn the word 'fuck' at the age of 8 from a license plate!


fastIamnot t1_iu1pj6w wrote

Finally, the most pressing problem of our time will be eliminated.


WangnanJahad t1_iu2w5z9 wrote

because like you, our state government is only able to focus on one thing at a time, right?


thorgundersen t1_iu3rrnf wrote

If they could just accomplish one thing it would be nice.


Peachman2000 t1_iu3z7b7 wrote

Are you telling me that empty words mean nothing?


sfurbish t1_iu45haq wrote

I'd note that the same people who worry about kids seeing bad words on license plates apparently have no problem with schools teaching 3rd graders that gender is a choice.


Peachman2000 t1_iu4aswx wrote

The type of people that offended by the license plates are way more likely to be offended by transgender people existing as we. This is the traditional family values crowd we’re talking about. They want the world to look like the fantasy world in 80s family sitcoms like Full House.


sfurbish t1_iu7e4w3 wrote

Hey Peachman, No third grader needs to have you or anyone preaching your sexual proclivities to them. Childhood is and should be a time of innocence and there's plenty of time later on for them to learn about the birds, the bees and the bozos.


Peachman2000 t1_iu7yp8g wrote

I disagree with childhood being a time that necessitates some sort of innocence. Why shouldn’t we just be honest with them about the way things are? Nevertheless, children in elementary school are not learning about sex. Being Transgender has nothing to do with sexuality. It is a matter of gender. If Transgender people are being brought up in classrooms, it’s no more in depth than an acknowledgment of their existence. Students may be told that it is okay to be transgender. As they should be. Transgender people aren’t hurting others by existing.


sfurbish t1_iuebmn7 wrote

Yeah, at least that's the line they use to soften the weirdness? I have no issues with adult transgender people doing their thing, but I do have issues with schools teaching transgender in any form to grade school kids. Schools, IMHO, should do more to address bullying and less to placate gender warriors.


Peachman2000 t1_iuef9me wrote

I don’t understand why anybody could have a problem with teaching about transgender people in schools. What possible harm could it cause to anybody? There seems to be all this baseless fear around the subject. Especially when it comes to children.


mainemtnrover t1_iu1gde0 wrote

I just question, who get's the say on what is vulgar? That is how this started.


EngineersAnon t1_iu1hwl1 wrote

Why, The Government, of course.

You trust them, right?


WangnanJahad t1_iu2w9qx wrote

They are government owned plates. I get being scared of government taking away your rights to your property. License plates aren't YOUR property.


EngineersAnon t1_iu2xc9y wrote

Regardless of the forum, do you trust the government to even-handedly apply a standard as vague as "community standards"? It's not a question of property, it's a question of censorship.

Fuck censors.


2SticksPureRage t1_iu3ggw5 wrote

You do know up until the lepage administration did away with restrictions that the state was doing just fine with non obscene plates right? For like decades…


thorgundersen t1_iu3sg0s wrote

It happened DURING the LePage admin, not BY it. Dunlap, a Democrat elected by the Maine legislature, was the Secretary of State who made the choice to stop censoring license plates base on the fact that it would cost the state a lot of money just to lose court cases. He decided not to die on that hill.


sfurbish t1_iu45081 wrote

You do realize that this is coming down under the Mills administration with a democrat majority in the legislature. Perhaps not the best time to go pointing your political finger?


sfurbish t1_iu44sec wrote

Funny how that works. The government requires you to register your vehicle. Then it mandates that you put plates on it (front and rear). Of course, they charge you for the costs of those plates, a bit extra if you want so-called vanity plates. And now they want to censor what you put on those plates that you paid for by claiming they are government property. I've come to expect the government to be overbearing, but you'd think the state legislature would have more important matters to resolve than nasty words on license plates?


_6zero3_ t1_iu1q4yb wrote

Only a Freedom Hater Commie would take a plate from a Veteran, let alone a creative genius.

fyi: the "V" is red (veteran plate), plate numbers are blue



Breakertorque207 t1_iu1sgrx wrote

Every time I see that I laugh my ass off and wave to a fellow brother at arms


GentOfDebauchery t1_iu1zoen wrote

I’ve seen a AGINA tagged plate on a veterans plate. Clever.


eljefino t1_iu2h22j wrote

Did they get to keep the old style veteran vanity plates? All the regular issues got "stars and stripes" a couple years ago.

There was a subaru that read V AG1NA <- note the numeral one

that perhaps coexisted with the other.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu0zrfb wrote

Aww man...there go half the posts on this subreddit! /j

That being said, I'll stand by what I've said: if you support this for kids' sake, let me remind you that your kid has probably come across at least one no-no word (either on the Internet or in the community) before they hit their 10s. Welcome to the modern era, enjoy your stay.


TheMrGUnit t1_iu1woi3 wrote

Most of the truly obscene license plates I see are closely accompanied by a "Fuck <insert politician name>" sticker of some sort, often more than one.

Removing them from the license plates won't do shit in that regard. That said, I'm the type of person who tries not to swear in front of kids, so take that as you will.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu19moi wrote

Yes, profanity should litter our environment. mOdERniTY!!! (Idiocracy)


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1bk31 wrote

If you think swear words everywhere equates to idiocracy, methinks you missed the point of the movie.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu1k3mg wrote

Aww, is the big boi afwaid of no-no wowds? Yes he is, yes he is!

Grow up. Fight against people using slurs instead of fighting against people dropping fuckin' shit everywhere they go.


asininedervish t1_iu1v11h wrote

Should has nothing to do with it - it causes no harm, and there are plenty of worse things I would prefer were banned.

E.g. religious themed messages.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu1ziwc wrote

False. it affects vulnerable people and shame on anyone doubling/tripling down on promoting it for our community. I know high schoolers who are protective of what innocence they have left and don't want to see this language on the roads, not everyone in this state is as degenerate as some in this sub.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33209 wrote

You serious? A load of high schoolers get their no-no words from TikTok. So I'm calling r/thathappened there.

As I said, your kid has already learned "fucking shit" and similar words by the time they turn 10. So for the kids that have, they are not "vulnerable people" in that regard.

Back in the 2000s, I was taught to swear at a third-grade bully in order to get him to stop bullying. The only reason I didn't do it was because I was an anxious and terrified kid who really didn't want to get beat up. If the same thing happened today, and if I actually went through with it, the kid wouldn't be fazed in the slightest.

Swear words are here, they're being dropped, and there's hardly a thing you can do about it. There are bigger things to focus on.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu33hct wrote

Well, the state is getting rid of obscenity plates, as it should, so I don't gotta do anything. Na na na Na na, pottymouth lover.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33yrc wrote

But you'll cry if the word "fuck" is dropped anywhere in your immediate vicinity. Lmao. Grow up.

What's that old saying? "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? "Actions speak louder than words"? Mm.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu3455l wrote

You don't know fucking shit about me, or my maturity level, all's I know is that you're still hung up on 3rd grade bully shit, perhaps you should do the growing up. Lmao.

PS I can swear, I just don't think the state should be producing them for public consumption. And now the state agrees.


sfurbish t1_iu43yc7 wrote

Looks like your purity only lasted until someone rubbed you the wrong way? Welcome to the modern world of nasty words.


bugdude666 t1_iu5swee wrote

Bahahahahahh you cannot be serious my dude. That’s adorable.

My devout and dearly departed Irish Catholic grandma swore more than anyone else I know, give me a break.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu6d9aw wrote

What can I say, autistic people happen.


bugdude666 t1_iu6g0gy wrote

I’m adhd and my best friend is autistic, she thinks I am prob on the spectrum too. I haven’t had a professional tell me that but she’s probably right.

Let’s not use our diagnoses as a point.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu6gdij wrote

You tried using your GRANDMOTHER, dude. And now you're mining for dx sympathy attention. Not really worth my time, sorry.


bugdude666 t1_iu6kkjx wrote

Okay, have a nice night. Sorry you see my comments that way.


asininedervish t1_iua6ext wrote

> shame on anyone doubling/tripling down on promoting it for our community.

Not-banning a thing and promotion are different.

And religion affects far more vulnerable people, takes their resources and harms millions. I would rather we protect our youth from cultists - but if freedom of speech protects catholics, it needs to protect Fuck.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iuabqeo wrote

>Not-banning a thing and promotion are different

>it needs to protect Fuck.

Mm hmm.

Besides, the State's getting rid of them. So your point is...idk.


Glum-Literature-8837 t1_iu1j8wp wrote

I think most were tacky, but I was a fan of IEATA55. Hopefully that one survives the purge.


GentOfDebauchery t1_iu200uf wrote

To be fair the truck on Munjoy Hill in Portland with the FUCKYOU vanity plate I won’t miss.


EngineersAnon t1_iu1hr5b wrote

>Secretary of State Shanna Bellows is leading the process of removing these plates from the road. Bellows is a staunch supporter of freedom of speech...

Apparently, she's not.


WangnanJahad t1_iu2wh5w wrote

You don't own the license plate. The state does. They can tell you to do what they want with it. Your rights aren't being oppressed. This is like being pissed off you aren't allowed to waltz into your neighbors house uninvited.


EngineersAnon t1_iu2x4q1 wrote

If the State permits custom plates, then the State cannot censor those custom plates based on their content.


sfurbish t1_iu46dlp wrote

The state charges a fee for those plates and an extra fee for vanity plates. I'll agree that the state owns the right to suspend your registration for a legitimate cause (like an uninsured accident or unpaid fines), but those plates are bought or leased by the person or business registering a vehicle and so long as the state allows ANY vanity plates they are overstepping by censoring what's on them especially AFTER they are issued.


CasperAspergers t1_iu27nmv wrote

They can pry my FCK VWLS plate from my cold friggin' fingers, guy.


GeekOnaCycle t1_iu1a9yv wrote

I kind of get it for blatantly obscene ones but If they start to go after quirky ones that a single person with a stick up their butt is offended by (example : ), that'll be horse shit.

It was happening in California and it went to court and the court found Restrictions of ‘Offensive’ California License Plates Unconstitutional. Basically, if you have a legitimate explanation, it should be good to go.

Hopefully this doesn't go the way of North Carolina and quirky plates will still be fine.


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu1brap wrote

That was such a big deal on the NC sub. Everyone was so sad when she had to get rid of it.


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu0ssvb wrote

I don't live in Maine (although my cousin does), but I collect plates. I was pulling for you guys to keep these because I think they're hilarious. Looks like it's official they're starting to be recalled. My hope is the owners don't actually turn them in and keep them in their garages.


ThatsSoAutistic t1_iu10ntu wrote

It’s Maine, so they definitely will keep them.


Jericson112 t1_iu13938 wrote

I have never met anyone in my life that has returned old plates. I knew someone as a kid that had all their old plates displayed in their garage. Didn't learn until a few gears ago that you are supposed to send them back in.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1bpxf wrote

I’ve got an old plate that I bent with my elbow two or three years ago still sitting in my car.


Ebomb1 t1_iu3wgt2 wrote

State of Nevada is hardass about it. Nowhere else I know of has cared.


stedrocklp t1_iu3hnyd wrote

I have all my old plates in Maine. I was very surprised to know they didn't care to have them back. Where I used to live they'd suspend your registration if you didn't turn in your old plates. Wish I had some of the cool ones I've seen and have been impressed with peoples creativity or lack there of. Outwardly offensive? Perfect!


Xyzzydude t1_iu25u9r wrote

Well assuming from your handle you’re in NC, as am I, we used to be able to keep them but the state has clamped down by issuing fines for license plates not turned in that don’t have liability insurance associated with them.


llcorona t1_iu1tbl1 wrote

Is anyone using 3J0H55A? That's a good one which might remain.


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu1u0dk wrote

It’s on a 2001 dodge ram according to records.


eljefino t1_iu2hdbu wrote

This couldn't be a more perfect answer.

I can hear the roar of its bald mud tires now.


Erulastiel t1_iu257sl wrote

Don't worry. Bumper stickers can contain profanity still!


MaddestMoose t1_iu29672 wrote

Literally a car in Rockland with “THOT” as the license plate with “I ❤️ anal” bumper sticker on the back windshield. Not sure which is worse.


Erulastiel t1_iu29d3x wrote

According to our politicians, the license plate.


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu25nr4 wrote

Ruins your cars paint though. Lol


eljefino t1_iu2hp55 wrote

You can get them off with a hair dryer. Rub the leftover adhesive with a rag soaked in gasoline. Get the gasoline off with Dawn dish soap and water. Done.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33azk wrote

That's the reason why the only bumper sticker that has graced any of my mother's cars is one I got in my first middle school for being an honor student.

I don't even know why she put it on in the first place. Woman goes apeshit if some asshat parks next to her and swings his door a little too close to her car...


Erulastiel t1_iu291r9 wrote

Not if you put them on the back window. My friend makes me window stickers with her cricut.


TheMrGUnit t1_iu1vyh0 wrote

I wonder what will happen to SMOL PP...


BeanieBisbee t1_iu15olm wrote

My neighbor has FTNWO. Fuck the new world order? I think she should be allowed to keep it...


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu1fid8 wrote

The person doing the screening might not have any idea what that means because I didn’t lol


MuleGrass t1_iu1t3k7 wrote

There is a beat to shit old dodge local to me FknMnt, better not get rid of that


theshoegazer t1_iu234if wrote

I'm sure each and every one will assume a position of honor on the wall of some sports bar.


NCSUGrad2012 OP t1_iu24zlv wrote

I’d rather them end up in my garage. Everyone in the license plate collector groups think they’ll go for a lot though. Lol


rdstrmfblynch79 t1_iu25e91 wrote

Gas at 2.33 god damn. I miss the recent past


[deleted] t1_iu2ih9g wrote



JFConz t1_iu3wnck wrote

That kind of goes against the whole ideology and generally progressive nature of the "liberal" philosophy. "It doesn't hurt anyone, why can't we?" I mean, just look at the definition of "liberal" on google.


X5acob t1_iu2p5p0 wrote

If anyone deserves to keep their obscene plate I hope dave gets to keep FUCKALS


EngineersAnon t1_iu1i7dk wrote

So, time to start spamming the censorship committee by reporting every plate that's even vaguely questionable. Including non-vanity plates.


MSCOTTGARAND t1_iu1kgsh wrote

Oh no the liberal dark lords are taking our freedoms and our children! The horror!


Yourbubblestink t1_iu1mr6e wrote

I’m surprised the Maga people aren’t crying about losing their free speech. My correct assumption is that they are responsible for the dumbest ones out there


sfurbish t1_iu481yp wrote

So your assumption about the people who started the whole "lets go Brandon" craze using the words that were actually being chanted is as wrong as your belief that Maine's elected bozos that are taking this puritan step are MAGA people. Great job Einstein.


Yourbubblestink t1_iu48po6 wrote

Lol the people chanting let’s go Brandon are on a different planet, one they made up in their minds.

What we’re talking about are people putting dumb stuff on license plates because they think it makes them seem smarter or clever or funny. I thought we resolved that in the bathroom stalls in about the seventh grade. So dumb.


sfurbish t1_iu7evk5 wrote

My point, that you missed or ignored, is that most of the MAGA crowd I've encountered have no problem with obscenity, profanity or what someone wants on their license plate. YOU are the one who started pointing fingers because for some people bringing Trump into a conversation is the only way they know to get attention.


Yourbubblestink t1_iu7fmuu wrote

Sounds like we’re agreeing. I’m saying the Maga people are the ones dumb Enough to want obscenities on their license plates. And yes I do have a problem with that, but it’s not because I’m a Puritan. I think it’s because I’m not enough of an idiot? Lol

It sort of reminds me of how I’m not interested in the stuff that’s written on the bathroom stall walls, but some people are.


Concernedandconfus t1_iu2axnh wrote

Isn't there a concept of grandfathering like... If you did something before it became a law you get to keep it? Does that not apply here?


ITheFallenI t1_iu2uooy wrote

taking care of the important matters, nice 👍


2SticksPureRage t1_iu3gitq wrote

My favorite plate was notsea which I think meant nazi…


thorgundersen t1_iu3rlyy wrote

The former head of the MCLU is now policing speech. I'm actually only a little bit surprised.


Peachman2000 t1_iu3zh8w wrote

There is a long list of way more important things to deal with than this non issue. I really hate the “family values” type of people.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iu1b3u9 wrote

“What about my kids!? How will I explain to them what that means!?”

How about no one gives a fuck about your kids. I don’t have kids yet someone they end up being my problem.


OniExpress t1_iu1f5yf wrote

How long to y'all think it'll be before we get confirmation that any LGBT reference could ts for removal?
