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marrymejojo t1_ita1b8n wrote

See if you can find a copy of Robert tristam coffins book. 1st edition is called "mainstays of maine" and the reprinting was renamed "maine cooking: old time secrets"

One of my favorite old regional cookbooks. Has the most legit recipe for lobster stew of all time.


JayhawkInMaine OP t1_ita2o8p wrote

Sounds like it’s right up my alley!


marrymejojo t1_ite673j wrote

The guy was a poet. Its a really fun read. Things arent really in a recipe format... he just sort of writes about things and explains how to make them.


marrymejojo t1_itelxio wrote

Here is the lobster stew recipe. I'm trying to read it and condense to a recipe...

Steam lobster with their backs turned downwards. After that. Pick the lobster over a bowl so you can reserve all the liquid from the lobster.

As he says "save every part part of the hot lobsters except the shells, the colon, and the stomach"

The proportion onf meat and liquid should be 50:50.

Sautee the tamale in equal quantity of butter. 7 minutes. Then add the lobster meat, blood, and juice. Cook for 10 minutes.

Gently add some cream and simmer very gently.

Cool and allow to sit for a day if you can for according to him "for every hour that passes increases the flavor, not arithmetic, but Im geometric progression"