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DidDunMegasploded t1_irisl63 wrote

Man, just a little bit further before turning instead of cutting the corner and that wouldn't have happened. Big oof.

Can't beat the stupidity of whatever happened at the Biddeford one, though.


IamSauerKraut t1_irispdm wrote

What do you expect from cheap mitsubishi autos?


Way2L8AND1 t1_irj7vfc wrote

They should make it yellow with a big STOP si......... Oh....... Hmmmmmm....


raynedanser t1_irj8kig wrote

Those poor posts.

Or is it the clientele? Like maybe consistently people who should no longer be driving?


Alibutts1983 t1_irj8sog wrote

I will never understand this…like, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS POLE?! I’m baffled that these people are allowed to drive 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Bywater t1_irjitt2 wrote

I guess if they were turning into it then it might have lined up perfectly with... No, I got nothing.


ME_CPA t1_irjot0r wrote

Do we know if the pole is magnetized or not?


Fit_Photograph_5239 t1_irjp381 wrote

Why is it that people turn completely retarded in this particular parking lot?


IndecisiveKitten t1_irjswmi wrote

These are my words exactly EVERY time this happens - people on Facebook are always like "why don't they just get rid of them?!"

Because if they can't see a fluorescent yellow cement pole how the hell do you think they're going to see a pedestrian walking in that same spot?!


katinthehat26 t1_irk066b wrote

I love how the guy in the middle had to get a R-E-A-L close look. Ayuh. Think you got a post in your wheel well there, bub.


Dubluck88 t1_irk3i11 wrote

You can't park there sir.


NuXboxwhodis t1_irke2op wrote

Dude how does this keep happening I genuinely do not understand


urlocaldesi t1_irkerg4 wrote

I was going to ask if there’s a running tally of this pole v. cars in this particular parking lot, this year alone. I feel like we’ve seen at least 5 this year, if not more.


nugge_ t1_irkfqms wrote

Fkn HOW??


therealwolfe1982 t1_irkgbub wrote

Oh it’s the clientele…that’s my Walmart and trust me. Right during covid I was in line (15-20 minute minimum wait while various checks, cards and EBT get denied, items are put back, etc etc) and this woman walks too close to the woman behind me in line and the woman behind me goes “six feet, BITCH” and then holy hell here we go…SMFH. If LA is the armpit of Maine, and it is, the Auburn Walmart is the longest, curliest, skankiest hair in that armpit. Stay away!


BillNye69 t1_irkiqc7 wrote

So do you back up or pull forward?


DonkeyKongsVet t1_irkjfhr wrote

So looking at this particular case People just simply hit the pole because they can’t turn and keep right? But instead they drive like they do in the road and execute the turn in the wrong side of the road? They gotta do that lazy diagonal rather than turning like 90 degrees and keeping right?


grc207 OP t1_irklsaw wrote

I could make a good case for them passing the store entrance on the passenger side just behind them, maybe having a car parked illegally in the fire lane on the sidewalk, and becoming distracted. But there was no car on the curb when I was there.


EngineersAnon t1_irklx0t wrote

Either you cut your wheels hard and back up, and accept that you're going to ding your front bumper fascia again on the way back, or you wait for the tow truck to winch you sideways off her.

At least, that's what it looks like from this one medium-range picture.


DonkeyKongsVet t1_irkm2sl wrote

Yes but in this particular case from what I see on the photo it’s just the lazy diagonal turn and they didn’t see the pole walking back to their own car


CobaltAzurean t1_irkpl1f wrote

I used to work at the Farmington Walmart and we'd hear about it every goddamn time someone hit that friggin pole.


sporky211 t1_irkpse8 wrote

People in Maine always criticize Massachusetts for being bad drivers but maybe this ones just the Walmart's fault


UrchinSquirts t1_irkrx2t wrote

I’ve been working in MA for the last year and I have newfound respect for the drivers there. Aggressive? Yes, but heads-up and courteous in order to make traffic flow well. I know: I’m shocked, too, but I’ve picked up a couple of solid traffic techniques.


critical_courtney t1_irkvqbj wrote

Those poles just jump out in front of so many cars. They should consider tying them down!


DidDunMegasploded t1_irl0kat wrote

There was a stop sign pole that got knocked over by the Home entrance. Same with a handicap pole. Granted, though, it doesn't happen often like with Auburn, but it's funny to look at.

That Walmart is more eccentric in its customers ans pedestrians than its poles, though.


Alevans8 t1_irl7iht wrote

Yikes.....I'm new to Maine. I have only been here a month and I live in Mexico. That is horrible! With that aside I'm lovin it here so far, the kids and I are looking forward to seeing snow.🌨☃️❄🏂


Huge_Strain_8714 t1_irmgf8p wrote

Sure that's a Walmart? Them thar people look terribly underfeed


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmjd5f wrote

Northwestern maine in general is absolutely beautiful, but the human element throughout much of it leaves a bit to be desired

Idk why the fuck I have to look at confederate flags in a state where we sent more of a percentage of our population to die in the civil war than any other union state


pudleduk t1_irmkwo1 wrote

I have to say, the parking lot layout for that shopping plaza in Auburn is awfully designed. Narrow lanes, through lanes right across the middle, untold number of stop signs but one notably left out. I almost always leave there feeling like I drove the parade with the Kora Temple Shriners!


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmm0e9 wrote

You moved there at pretty much the best time, autumn is absolutely the best season to be in that part of the state (really, any part of the state, but especially that one).

I hope the difficulties that come with our winters don’t sour the novelty of snow for you. Storms get bad in the mountains.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irmnt5z wrote

A slur, mind you. There are a million adjectives in the English language you could have gone for instead, but you went with the ableist slur, which is very telling and shows just how much you hate disabled people. Pure ableist behavior. Easy indicator.

I'm not crying at all. On the contrary, actually. I just busted a lung knowing you'll be getting a one-way ticket to hell. It's always fun calling out ableists as I see 'em, and it's even more fun seeing 'em get blasted on Reddit.

Keep hating on people that don't affect you or your life. And keep on cryin' about it.