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[deleted] t1_isu5slw wrote

Reply to comment by priceless37 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

Honestly, it sucks they all do this, and when I say all, I mean ALL. But I am not going to pretend they'll do anything about it.

Dems theatrics have gone too far really, people are over it.

We just want to know how you will fix the economy, inflation, and housing. Republicans will with this year simply because Biden is doing that bad.


determania t1_isu7ijb wrote

Republicans have no plan to fix anything. They are simply campaigning on culture war nonsense.


[deleted] t1_isua0ey wrote

It's like there's no difference, I think you're right.


determania t1_isua7kr wrote

There’s a huge difference, and you’re a fool if you can’t see that. Democrats aren’t all that great but Republicans are batshit crazy.


[deleted] t1_isub8dv wrote

Hey man if you're falling for it, that's on you. I'm not interested, I vote policies.


determania t1_isuc573 wrote

You are the one falling for the both sides BS while posting in conservative lmao


Competitive-Army2872 t1_isu6d2u wrote

How does POTUS fix global inflation?


Squidworth89 t1_isu7wnl wrote

He waves that magical wand he's got and POOF! all is fixed...


[deleted] t1_isu9pq7 wrote

"Global inflation"

You mean corporate price hikes?


Competitive-Army2872 t1_isubwbi wrote

Call it what you wish. Nevertheless, inflation is global.

How exactly is POTUS supposed to control that?


Squidworth89 t1_isu7rtp wrote

He really isn't doing that bad... you're just falling for the authoritarian brainwashing they're doing to you.

The economy is still firing on all cylinders... Hence why we have supply inflation, demand is outstripping supply.

Inflation is global. And by global inflation standards... the US is doing far better than many.

Housing has nothing to do with the Feds. 75% of the land people live on is zoned single family. Municipalities need to stop limiting the ability to build housing units.


[deleted] t1_isuakkl wrote

I'm not Republican thanks.

Explain the supply inflation.

"Global inflation" It's literally all political bullshit, and corporations are hiking prices. You could argue the war, but NATO is all in, it's clear the gas isn't going to flow.

So, how is the administration helping the people in response to the situation that has been created? Or are you all just ok with accepting this? I guess you are, which is why It doesn't really matter.

They will never stop limiting it, because all they want are apartments.


Squidworth89 t1_isuf7sf wrote

There is monetary inflation which is caused by printing currency. Then there is supply inflation which is based on supply and demand.

When supply of goods doesn’t keep up with demand for goods; prices go up.

Conversely when there’s too much supply… prices go down.

Inflation predates Ukraine. I noticed it in building supplies in early 2020. Costs doubled or more on material.

In response to what situation?

They don’t want apartments… that’s the problem… we need more multi story buildings with multiple units in them instead of all these single family houses.


[deleted] t1_isuocv2 wrote

What is the supply and demand issues you say that we are facing then?

Inflation does not predate the pandemic, but neither was it the cause. It was all speculation, and then it stayed up.


When I say apartments, I mean buildings, not landlords and tenants. And there is plenty of room for single family housing, no working class person wants to live in a complex of any sort, or families for that matter.


Squidworth89 t1_isupnc2 wrote

The pandemic did start inflation. It showed how weak the worlds supply chain is.

Go back to building supplies… when the pandemic hit suppliers cut production goals figuring they’d have material backing up and people wouldn’t be spending. The reality was the reverse. Everyone was bored at home and getting caught up on projects.

Look at baby formula… there’s a relatively small number of places that make it. When a couple shut down for an extended period it causes a crises.

We see it regularly in gas. When refineries are down… it spikes.

That’s all supply inflation. Supply of goods isn’t keeping up with demand.

What crisis in Maine? Housing? That’s National. The fix is at the municipal level. Harass your local politicians. Maine does have a law coming up that allows universally by the sounds of it a second unit on all single family lots. But it needs more higher density rules changed.


[deleted] t1_isutzme wrote

No, ship transports who favored electronics over everything else previously caused the issue. The whole reason for the bill. The pandemic didn't see any inflation in food, gas, or energy, except lumber from Canada, because borders were the issue.

I mean is this an argument to trust bust? I agree.

It's obvious we're in a recession, and they are raising prices to offset losses. It's corporate manufactured. You could argue it's also the "green" push.


priceless37 t1_isuhulg wrote

How are the republicans going to fix it? I haven’t heard any actual ideas just a lot of typical republican doom and gloom conspiracies…….


[deleted] t1_isunp7l wrote

Fix what happened under the democratic administration?

Start with job training centers, low income housing, nationalizing the oil production in this country.

Something like that.


priceless37 t1_isv3fou wrote

Which republican candidate is running with that platform? HAHA. It sounds like a democratic platform. How are they going to pay for those programs?


[deleted] t1_isv4txs wrote

I'm not a Republican, or a Democrat. I am not easily placed into categories for easy digestion.

I just doubt the Democrats are going to win, their election results are terrible.

And that platform would be nice, wouldn't it? Not even the Dems would dare run on that, pretending otherwise is just echo chamber mentality.


priceless37 t1_isv7idt wrote

No they run on things to fix the economy like legalizing marijuana and taxing the rich


[deleted] t1_isv9t9f wrote

They didn't legalize anything, the country has been fighting this for at least a decade straight.

They tax property owners, the rich avoid taxes.


priceless37 t1_isvdmt9 wrote

Most states have sone form of legal. It’s only a matter of people trying to help the Economy vs republicans trying to stymie anything productive that will help inflation. States with legal marijuana are raking in the tax money. Property tax is a local tax not federal. Lepage wants to have towns raise property taxes by getting rid of the income tax. You don’t seem to understand how our tax system works…….democrats would fix the tax cuts republicans like trump made for himself and his rich friends.

I see rich democrats like gates, Cuban and soros saying that they should pay more taxes. Reality vs republican propaganda


[deleted] t1_isvfwh9 wrote

Democrats can run for Town and state government too. I don't need a tax lesson from you, thanks. Maine is 20 years in the past, and the county has a median age of 48. Democrats are doing nothing for the state.


I'm sorry, but you could argue this all day, but the Democrats are under performing midterms, that doesn't change that fact. There's no way Biden will beat Trump, and if he gets jailed, you're dealing with Desantis.

It just won't happen, I'm sorry.


priceless37 t1_isvirnx wrote

LOL. Both of those dudes are criminals…. Why do republicans like to vote for criminals? Telling, very telling.

Anyone who still supports trump should seriously consider mental health care . To deny the facts at this point is denying reality…… mental health care is needed. Hell trumpers drank their own piss to stop Covid. Mental health care is needed…….


[deleted] t1_isvjvbh wrote

Biden has the US landing troops in Somalia and bombing them. Pretty sure they're all criminals.

Sorry, but it's not smart to alienate 76 million people because they voted for someone else. You literally have to get along with these people in society.

It's messed up that people don't realize that.


priceless37 t1_isvlf6d wrote

We have tried to get along. Democrats try to compromise but republicans are not willing to do that. 76 million people…. Many died due to Covid and drinking their own piss as a cure, others have realized what a criminal trump actually is. We still have the stupid, but the republicans have also pissed off woman and men who have a conscience so their numbers are waning.

Good luck. Maine will have mills, and golden representing us.


[deleted] t1_isvzngs wrote

You know, never mind.

Golden is not winning at all. Mills will be fine most likely.


priceless37 t1_isx1rl8 wrote

Yeah cause Poliquin is a man the republicans can get behind…… LOL. Why do the republicans keep running the sane tired candidates???


[deleted] t1_isxcvpn wrote

Maine is unique in that everyone is older, and the younger generation is leaving. So we like to recycle the same old crap, over, and over again trying to relive the old days.


priceless37 t1_isvqxsb wrote

Republicans planning to cut social security and Medicare aren’t endearing them to their largest voting block, old people…… since Maine has so many old people how come we have a democratic governor and representatives? I don’t think trump and the right has the support you think it does. Early voting in Georgia is encouraging for the blue.


[deleted] t1_isvzevv wrote

The Democrats funded MAGA Republicans themselves as a political strategy.

Why is Maine behind on everything if we have Democrats in charge? I mean, subsidizing real estate property with tax payer funded solar farms for foreign investors, that was interesting to hear.

Yeah, Georgia is totally going Blue.

Sorry Repubs have mostly been voted in on town levels, and they have rearranged a lot of the voting districts across the country. But I am glad you're positive.


priceless37 t1_isvzu08 wrote

Wow that first conspiracy tells me everything I need to know, check out reality sometime. Unfortunately republicans keep voting against mental health help because they want to keep their sheep compliant. Good boy.