Submitted by kittehs4eva t3_yan25h in Maine

Hello all. I'm many months post op from foot surgery and am looking to find out about any trails in Maine that are basically flat. By that I mean no roots, rocks or ruts. Dirt or flat grasses are fine. Elevation change is fine. I'm hoping to find trails that are in the woods. Before surgery I hiked small mountains around southern and western Maine/Nh and am in serious need of some woods time. I have 6 months or more before I can resume my usual style of hike. Send your flat trail knowledge ova this way. Thanks.



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GuanoLoopy t1_itbrtu8 wrote

The Eastern Trail in Scarborough thru the marsh area is really nice. The whole eastern trail is flat and easy to walk.


Cosmoplasma t1_itbs5f7 wrote

Four places that immediately come to mind.

Valentine Farm on North Rd Bethel.

Witts end trail, Roberts farm preserve, or Shepard’s farm preserve in Norway.


blainemoore t1_itbscxt wrote

Pineland Farms in New Gloucester has some nice trails; mix of fields and woods, not a ton of roots or technical trails.

Twin Brooks Recreation Center in Cumberland does too, though not as many trails as Pineland.


Coldsmoker33 t1_itbw9sw wrote

Mountain Division Trail/ Gambo park.


dannoGB68 t1_itc02s4 wrote

If you download the free “All Trails” app, you can put in a location and it will show you nearby trails. It ranks them by difficulty, shows the elevation change and any special features. Pretty helpful. I’ve used it in various parts of the country and the info seems quite reliable.


Lissma t1_itc516j wrote

Wolfe's Neck has some very flat, accessible trails that, while they're more heavily used, still offer woods time and a nice view of the water.


Goodunnn t1_itc5xw0 wrote

The Carriage Roads in Acadia sound perfect. The ones by Eagle Lake are great and easily accessible


haditupto t1_itc9g1d wrote

Saco Heath is also nice and flat, wide and groomed


Catg923 t1_itca4y2 wrote

Download all trails, the app. You can filter by challenge and also altitude gain etc. People leave reviews so you can get a better feel for what to expect.

Where in Maine are you looking?


JimBones31 t1_itcaeie wrote

Dodge Point is pretty forgiving!


VegUltraGirl t1_itcas9n wrote

Greater Lovell Land Trust has some great flattish trails, Loon Echo has a few as well. Raymond Community Forrest had a flat loop as well as a small mountain. Shepherds Farm Preserve in Norway has excellent flat trails!


davidfdm t1_itcmah2 wrote

Smith Preserve in Kennebunkport


Shoshuaa t1_itcwrcj wrote

Ever thought about cross-country skiing or snow shoeing in the winter?


Yeet-Stroke t1_itdc85p wrote

All of the Bangor City forest is wonderful they have 2 long trails that go around the whole forest that are super flat and you can diverge and go on the bog walk if you want


bdana666 t1_itdkoxx wrote

The Eastern Trail continues south at the back of Southern Maine Medical Center in Biddeford parking lot (can be tricky to find but it's there). Nice flat walk in the woods.


Lemonchicken207 t1_itdu127 wrote

The Royal River Park in Yarmouth is a paved path (mostly) in the woods. The Greenbelt trail in South Portland is paved and some is wooded (the stretch between Broadway and Wainwright Park).


justnocrazymaker t1_itdzn63 wrote

Maine trail finder has a lot of accessible trails / trails rated for folks of all levels of mobility


linuxdragons t1_itek2eb wrote

Mitchell field in Harpswell. It was a military base of some sort thats been reclaimed. Miles of flat walking with a nice view. A decent portion of the trail is wooded.


SgtBurpySleeves t1_itf67u3 wrote

Mackworth island is a very flat, nice walk. And there's fairy houses!


penbayman t1_itfcyie wrote

The Belfast Rail Trail is very nice and flat. A little over 2 miles along the cities waterfront. Tugboats , sailboats, power boats abound! Through a working shipyard, And following the well groomed trail to City Point. A very nice little hike.

Belfast Rail Ytail


SadExtension524 t1_itfooj6 wrote

Miller Park in Lisbon is paved and through the woods.


houndmaster7 t1_itho92p wrote

Bridle Path in kennebunk, I'd park off western Ave.


bride123105 t1_itiiftx wrote

There's a loop that goes through the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge.