
satanshark t1_je0x7bh wrote

Well, that's where you messed up, son, you can't go to no bar to find a nice woman. You gotta go to a nice place, a quiet place like a library, there's good women there; and 'erm, church, they're good girls. Or this place here, where I'm going tonight. The Black Awareness Rally. There's going to be some fine women there. Good, clean girls. That's where I'm going, shit.


satanshark t1_jc83189 wrote

Nice try, Edible Arrangements owner. How in the heck did Edible Arrangements, of all things, survive the economic downturn of 2008? The pandemic? How is fruit cut into the shape of a star so insulated from market disruption? I don’t know what you all are trafficking or laundering, but I remain convinced this is some sort of front operation backed by big pineapple.


satanshark t1_jc7vuvj wrote

I have a history of registering my vehicles up to several months late. The town or city clerk will not even question it. At 150 days expired, operating the vehicle becomes a criminal violation rather than a civil infraction. I’m fairly certain the practice, at least in Cumberland County, is to not arrest the driver solely for that offense anymore, and instead summons them to court. That’s more information than you wanted, but yeah, just register your car; you’ll be golden.


satanshark t1_jb6jmb0 wrote

Reply to Night life by [deleted]

Well, that's where you messed up, son, you can't go to no bar to find a nice woman. You gotta go to a nice place, a quiet place like a library, there's good women there and 'erm, church, they're good girls. Or this place here, where I'm going tonight. The Black Awareness Rally. There's going to be some fine women there. Good clean girls. That's where I'm going, shit.


satanshark t1_izempcc wrote

Reply to Just moved here by Mewexx_

If you like indie music, Sun Tiki Studios and The Apohadion in Portland are full of people in your age demographic. Both are safe and friendly places, and there’s a stupid amount of talent in this town.


satanshark t1_izaky63 wrote

If they pleaded guilty, they would have done so with an understanding of the penalties the DA’s office was seeking, whether that is a fine, jail, loss of license, etc. They would plead guilty with an agreement to those penalties, or they would plead “open” and let the judge decide (who will often take the DA’s advisement). If there’s jail time involved, they would agree to go into custody after pleading, or the Court would order a reasonable stay (delay in reporting to jail) to let the convicted get their affairs in order before disappearing for a week or however long. They may have been given a payment plan for any associated fines; if they don’t stick to the arrangement, your friend could wind up back in court on a failure to pay warrant.

There is also a separate, administrative State process through the BMV that will determine for how long your friend loses his license. This will usually match up with any license suspension ordered by the Court. As someone stated above, the criminal speeding is an aggravating factor in the OUI, so it could be longer than the statutory minimum suspension.


satanshark t1_ixzlho3 wrote

Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Winter Vest? by wandrefilled

I have one pair that I went and bought from the store a few years ago. I love them, but they’re not insulated and don’t have the best tread on ice, I find. They’re perfect for fall and the post-winter softening.


satanshark t1_ixzl1qb wrote

Reply to comment by wandrefilled in Winter Vest? by wandrefilled

It’s also going to take you a while to acclimate and understand how it all works. Layering is really the key. I haven’t seen anyone mention a scarf, but I find keeping my neck cozy goes a long way toward overall warmth. It’s also a good windblock, because the cold, damp wind will go everywhere — down your jacket, up your jacket, up your sleeves or pantlegs.

There’s a moment when you step outside and your whole body braces against the cold. I’ve lived here most of my life and still haven’t found a way to stop it.


satanshark t1_iu56aq7 wrote

My partner’s daughter is in NYC for school. She was hostessing in the West Village one night and took a last-minute call for reservations. Recognizing the area code as that of our home state, daughter mentioned it to the caller. Caller asks daughter’s name. Says, “do you know so-and-so with the same last name?” Daughter is like, “Yeah, those are my parents.” Random caller turned out to be a long-time friend of the hostess’s mother visiting NYC for the weekend and that was the third restaurant she had tried that night.

Crazy thing is, I was working in NYC at the time ,and my partner had come down to visit for the weekend. So she got to meet up with her friend for brunch the next day. They hadn’t seen each other at home in years.


satanshark t1_itwi6si wrote

I’ve never placed one in my yard and likely never will. But when I see them it feels good to know people probably share my values. I also eyerollingly appreciate creativity in campaign signs. Give me slogan with a pun on your name, or something painted colors other than red, white, and blue. If I don’t agree with your politics, I’m not going to vote for you; but I’ll respect your hustle. I think, too, that back before we were overwhelmed with politics, there were primacy and recency arguments to be made for signs. I wish the state would enforce penalties for not removing signs by seven days after an election.