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houndshmix t1_j1zcguf wrote

This is great advice. Also, don’t fall too heavy on substances (including caffeine,) and consider getting a small sun lamp- I have a cheap one from Amazon that cheers me up when I get home from work at five and it’s already dark. Do not let up on these practices until May, lol. Sometimes April hits me hardest, when it seems like it should be warmer but it’s still muddy and miserable outside.


houndshmix t1_j1zclrj wrote

Ps- if you’re lonely, go hang out at a cafe or become a regular at your local library. My weekly librarian chats are the best, year round!


weakenedstrain t1_j1zekw8 wrote

Local libraries are CLUTCH. Many have great activities and groups, and they’re also just a great place to sit and work or relax.


wackybones t1_j217b3v wrote

Can you tell me the name of the sun lamp I'm depressed af


Far-Elderberry-3583 t1_j2502f5 wrote

Just do a product search on the Amazon website for Sun Lamps they have many different brands and styles and ranges in price.


rdstrmfblynch79 t1_j2064pj wrote

I don't think you need an extra lamp in may (or even really much past end of march given the amount of sunlight in those months is the same as the summer) but otherwise I think these are all good suggestions