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t1_j5nyufk wrote


Gas stove and a French press means I always have coffee ;)


t1_j5op3l6 wrote

We have an electric range but I've got a butane camp stove for coffee. Or the wood stove, or the Coleman whitegas stove.

Gotta have a backup for your backup.


t1_j5p1ycy wrote

The story of Maine living.


t1_j5p4wuc wrote

I mean, it really ought to be the story of living everywhere.

I lived in Maine during the 1998 ice storm. We were without power for 69 hours which wasn't that long compared to some folks. My parents have a coal burning stove and a gas range. We couldn't bake anything but otherwise life was good.

I was in Mass during the 2008 ice storm, we didn't have power for 72 hours but we've got the wood stove and the Coleman stove and I put an inverter on the car battery to give some lights and internet.

These days we're probably good for a week or more and at that point the only thing we'd really be down is fresh veg and milk.


t1_j5q1arm wrote

I lived in MO. We had a really bad I've storm in 07. My folks' street didn't get power back for 14 days. Thank goodness for generators, gas fireplace, and a well that didn't freeze.


t1_j5pnm4h wrote

In midwest town we randomly lose power in the spring summer and fall :)


t1_j5pe9bb wrote

Primus stove and a jetboil, plus I've got a portable indoor fireplace (look it up, they exist). Same grid as the hospital so I'm usually in good shape, but it helps to be prepared.


t1_j5pkh4s wrote

We're on the same grid as the elementary school which is also a shelter so we lose power infrequently and for short periods.

Still it pays to be prepared.


t1_j5rki6h wrote

Reminds me of my sump pump. That's officially double backed up.

I guess for heat/cooking. A wood stove and some wood is good for a single backup.

Idk what happened to OPs generator and i'm saying this is it... but I feel like that's a thing where folks get into trouble, just like not running them every so often and changing oil every year.


t1_j5olj6h wrote

Wait til the gubment takes away your gas stove to save the children! Then you'll have to use a camping stove :)


t1_j5ovm9y wrote

The government is not taking away anyone’s gas stove and no one has suggested that they should

For anyone who doesn’t realize it an unhooded and unvented gas stove is a serious risk to indoor air quality and your health

At some point in the future state and/or the federal government may require any new constructions with gas stoves to include an outdoor vented hood. That would just be common sense and good practice.


t1_j5p86y9 wrote

New York City actually did ban them in new buildings starting in 2024 for anything under 7 stories and in 2027 for anything over.


t1_j5p8t29 wrote

That makes sense in a city where venting your stove outside often means venting up into neighbors windows above you.

In fact there was a post on Reddit just last week or so that got a lot of attention on the front page where someone reported that they had been on all kinds of medications for breathing problems until they figure it out that a restaurant located at street level was venting out of their building and all the gases were coming up through their open window into their apartment located on a higher level just across the alleyway.

So banning gas stoves entirely within a city makes perfect sense and is a good practice


t1_j5p97gt wrote

I’m sure it is, but to say that its not happening at all is disingenuous. It is happening and it could happen in other cities.


t1_j5p9jzb wrote

I didn’t realize that cities were banning them entirely but after thinking about it it’s obviously a good practice

If people want to use gas stoves in an area where their vented fumes aren’t going to end up in somebody elses building that’s entirely different


t1_j5osop3 wrote

The federal Government is going to inadvertently freeze us Mainers to death in the pursuit of a healthy life style. Good thing our Upta camp skills and loose camping gear is there for the most extreme of times.
