Submitted by t3_103k500 in Maine

pls help! i have no dental insurance and an a grad student in the bangor/orono area. anyone have recs for relatively inexpensive but still good dentist around that area? i’ve tried the uma dental school bc it’s cheap, but jesus 10 hrs for a regular cleaning was not worth it for me.

Any help is much appreciated!



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t1_j2zwr7h wrote

Not sure why you're being downvoted, this area sucks for sliding scale dental stuff and it's confusing even if you have MaineCare. There is a dental school in Bangor that is sliding scale I believe and a place in Lincoln, I would just google it.

Edit: Also if you're eligible for MaineCare they now totally cover dental (before it was just emergency stuff if you were in pain). Not sure how many dentists accept it yet.


t1_j31rayl wrote

PCHC used to have dentists in training- not since the pandemic unfortunately but they still do the sliding scale. It just takes longer to get in.


t1_j2zggev wrote

My fiancé used some dental service in dexter. Not sure what it was but next to Hannaford. But they use a sliding scale for payment based on your income.


t1_j2zgz6x wrote

I think enrollment is probably closed but for next year, you can probably get a very low cost plan through CoverME (Maine’s Health Insurance marketplace). You’ll have to be filing taxes independently from your parents to qualify to do this, but this is what I did during college.

Also if you’re ever in Portland area, the UNE dental school is a good option as well. Located on Stevens Ave in Portland.


t1_j2zh2wa wrote

You could go to the PCHC dental clinic


t1_j2zqoiv wrote

I went to the dental clinic at HHC in Old Town a long time ago. Was cheapest option at the time for getting a couple cavities filled. Dentist was nice, staff was also nice. Was not terribly expensive given what I had paid out of pocket going to an actual dentist’s office. They also are sliding scale, if memory serves.


t1_j31o5ot wrote

If you can’t find a free one try asking for a cash up front price. Perhaps as low as $75


t1_j31r3kn wrote

PCHC dental is on a sliding scale. I’m disabled and have been using them for years. Their cleanings are great and the sliding scale definitely helps with the cost. They accept care credit. If you have anything over $200 of work, it can be spread out over 6 months with no interest.


t1_j30qfb5 wrote

Inexpensive dentist? Not on this planet.