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Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jaesm4m wrote

What did you buy?


ConfirmedDunce t1_jaf24t8 wrote

Food prices are up something like 30-40% over the last two years so that is hardly the point. You can buy lentils and salt and you will get less of that for your hundred dollars than you did quite recently.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jaf386j wrote

It kind of is the point... I mean I got some groceries today, came home with 4 full bags and spent $80. In honesty, it was a mix of junky foods and healthy foods (think meat, potatoes, peaches, ice cream, frozen chicken nuggets, etc) plus a pack of paper towels, a couple things of juice, and a stuffed animal for my kiddo (I couldn't say no)...

Do I think it was all worth as much as I paid? No, that same trip used to cost way less. Food is a necessity and it should absolutely not cost as much as it does now. Same can be said for electricity and heating oil...