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sudsymugs t1_j9tkfxu wrote

Anyone who has ever been hop walloped by a huge chuck of snow on the highway and felt that final destination panic come on should fully support this bill


Soccermom233 t1_jae7v5c wrote

In theory but fines disproportionately affect lower income folks.


jeezumbub t1_j9tj9oc wrote

A very special fuck you to Tim Doyle, vice president of the Maine Motor Transport Association, who said his group is opposing the bill because it presents too many “challenges.”

Yes - being safe is a challenge compared to being reckless and lazy. Doesn’t mean you get to say “fuck it” and put other people in danger. I’m so tired of these business/industry folks opposing the most common sense, mutually beneficial shit because it might hurt their bottom line a fraction of a percent. It’s how shit like the train derailment in Ohio happens.


Adventurous_Deer t1_j9tptqq wrote

its quite the stance to take to say "clearing off vehicles is too difficult" when you could easily kill someone


jeezumbub t1_j9tsqi5 wrote

I want to say I’m surprised, but after 2+ years of the Covid pandemic where thousands of people literally were dying each day, I know better than to think a human life has more value than a company’s bottom line.


eljefino t1_j9vsbga wrote

Don't operate a truck so big you can't handle it safely. Evolve or get off the highway.


MadKat_94 t1_j9toa3u wrote

Bill gives 48 hours to clear the snow and ice. Seems like it’s the first 12 hours or so when most of that comes flying off.


Armigine t1_j9u55vt wrote

Is that for vehicles which are on the road? I didn't see a link to the actual text of the bill, and am assuming it doesn't care about a car you're just leaving parked outside and not driving, but it would be good to check


Candygramformrmongo t1_j9w7yhc wrote

Measured from when? Seems like if you’re on the road it should be clear. They should also add trailer scrapers at all the truck stops and weigh stations.


TruthintheBones t1_ja3gjn8 wrote

Seriously makes no sense. Why not "You can't drive on the road if there's a bunch of snow on your car?" Is there some nuance I'm missing?

48 hours from when a snow event ends? What qualifies as a snow event? What qualifies as the end of a snow event? And is weather not different in different places? And, as you say, even if this did unambiguously designate a cutoff time, are you allowed to just go nuts before then?


MadKat_94 t1_ja3nilu wrote

Yep. Pretty much agree, except right now there’s no official law regarding removing snow from cars in Maine. Personally, I carry a “Snow Joe” roof rake for my car. Has a rectangular dense foam pusher on one end of a long pole. Takes maybe five minutes to get everything off. Our other car has an extendible brush/squeegee with a scraper on the other end of the pole.

But it’s common sense. Not just for the hazard you present for others but for yourself when that ski hill atop your car avalanches over your windshield when you stop.


[deleted] t1_j9tsma2 wrote



DidDunMegasploded t1_j9u725g wrote

I'm lazy as all fuck and even I hauled ass outside yesterday and cleaned around the car and shoveled it to the side. Took me all of 5 minutes to do.

And I'm a disabled obese woman, folks. If I can do it then there is little excuse as for why you can't do it.


notmilwaukeebrewer t1_j9tyqxs wrote

At 6am yesterday merging into the highway was definitely made more difficult due to someone who didn't clear off the fluffy stuff. So you're exactly right, the few extra moments are a courtesy to help others on the road.


BadLuckShoesie t1_j9w4131 wrote

You still need to clear it off even if it’s “fluffy”.


YolksOnU t1_j9tndbd wrote

I agree with the bill but sadly I expect law enforcement won't bother enforcing this law, like they don't bother enforcing pretty much all the other traffic laws.


yawnfactory t1_j9trjrd wrote

Seriously. I can't tell you how many people I see everyday on their phones. What's the point of these laws of they aren't even enforcing the laws we have.


YolksOnU t1_j9tycqs wrote

I have a dashcam and I can't even get law enforcement to be interested in getting video of people driving recklessly. I have a fucking clown on video doing about 65 miles an hour down the middle of my 35mph road in his 1-ton with a horse trailer on the back. Can't even get them to take the video on it. Face, plates, everything. Could have killed someone.... and they do it on a regular basis.

At this point I am pretty sure the police only utilize traffic safety laws to fuck with poor people.


another_one_1886 t1_j9u6bnz wrote

>At this point I am pretty sure the police only utilize traffic safety laws to fuck with poor people.


I thought everyone knew that?


thesilversverker t1_j9upj3t wrote

But new laws to selectively enforce will fix it! Then we can collectively shockedpikachu when the abuse tools we hand law enforcement are used to abuse the next out-group. Or just poors, they're always a safe target.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j9vemk2 wrote

That's exactly why fine based punishments exist. It's why most tickets are punishable by a monetary penalty. Traffic infractions that are compensated using monetary means are just revenue generators plain and simple.


Sad_Dimension_1576 t1_j9wghko wrote

This is my take, laws already exist but LE can be super selective about enforcement.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9tdtsh wrote

Well it's about fucking time. Now we have to see if it'll actually be enforced this time around.

> Past proposals to outlaw driving with snow- or ice-covered vehicles have failed in recent years, largely because of [...] ambiguous language that police said would make it difficult to enforce.

I'm curious as to what that "ambiguous language" was, though. Is this just cops saying "nah, I don't wanna" or is there more to this? I don't think it would be hard to pull people over in cars and then fine them appropriately because you noticed they had huge chunks of snow and ice on their roof. Maybe it has something to do with disabled people not being able to clean their cars and police fining them for something out of their control? I dunno.

Either way...two words: snow rake. Best investment you could possibly make as a Mainer. Good for short fat people like me, good for tall folks like...well, like a lot of ya. It's better than using a regular snow shovel or your own bare hands, lol.

Two more words: time management. Learn it, use it. Haul your butt outside early to clear snow off your car before you go to work instead of running late and then leaving snow and ice on your car for other people to deal with. It's really not hard to do for most people, especially if you have a snow rake as I mentioned above.


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j9tfj16 wrote

If only my dash cam could issue citations….

But really, you don’t have to catch all the violations, just enough that people start to notice and react by clearing the snow. Or stopping at red lights. Or removing illegal lights. It’s a long list of things we want stopped but the cops are unwilling to both about.


New_Sun6390 t1_j9tmdpu wrote

I am NOT using a snow rake on my car!! I do, however, have an awesome brush/scraper with telescoping handle that does the trick nicely.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9u5gl3 wrote

As long as it cleans snow off your car effectively, use what ya want. Snow rake, push broom, whathaveyou.


Jah348 t1_j9tlejp wrote

I think my main concern would be police over enforcing it and using little meaningless dustings as an excuse to pull over whomever they wish.

Certainly not a fan of people who don't clean of their roofs but I can't think of an easy way to write this that would avoid misuse. Then again I'm not a lawyer.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9u7nz2 wrote

Yeah...that might be what they mean by "ambiguous language". I can definitely see them pulling over people because they see just a small coating. But that's if they even enforce the law at all to begin with.


KingKoopaz t1_j9ul588 wrote

Yup. It’s a safety concern in NH it’s Jessica’s law


AriusTech t1_j9uquei wrote

Jessica is the name of the little girl killed by ice/snow not cleared off a vehicle. I think of her, and my own 6yo daughter, every single time it snows... What a small amount of work to protect the safety of others, it's such a shame people have to be forced to do the right thing.


Tarankhoes t1_j9uqfyx wrote

And in PA it’s Christine’s law. I think a good rule of thumb would be when governments start having to name safety laws after people, everyone should just adopt said laws without waiting for their own martyr to die and lend their name.


Oblivion615 t1_j9uodln wrote

If you can’t be bothered to clean the snow and ice off the top of your car then you shouldn’t be allowed to drive until spring.


TarantinoFan23 t1_j9tvff3 wrote

They don't already have laws for unsecured loads? Because thats what this is.


illevirjd t1_j9uhzl2 wrote

They do, it just doesn’t specifically mention ice or snow. Just firewood, logs, etc. (it does say “including but not limited to” but that means nothing else is going to be enforced)

29-A MRSA Sec. 2396, Par. 2


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j9ve4pr wrote

Fines that are not based on a percentage of income are nothing more than a poor tax. People for whom the money means nothing will continue their behavior while people for whom money is tight get fucked with one instance.


RealMainer t1_j9u2cyo wrote

The people who don't clear snow off the roof are annoying, but even worse are the people who don't clean it off their windshields. I was driving behind someone yesterday who had zero rear visibility because the back windshield was covered in snow, and their wipers must have been frozen because they only cleared off half of the front windshield as well.


ThatGuy_K t1_j9u8jhc wrote

I hate government and telling people what to do but this is one instance where it’s needed. If you’re too lazy to clean off your car before you drive it out, don’t be driving. I’ve had chunks of snow/ice fly off and almost destroy my windshield.


cmcrich t1_j9uccim wrote

I’m seeing so much of this driving around this morning. I’m a small person, but still manage to clear my SUV off completely, with a telescoping broom. Yes, it’s a pain sometimes, but necessary. I’ve had clumps of icy snow hurtled towards my windshield a few times and it’s scary, as well as dangerous. Clean your damn vehicles off!


dumpln t1_j9vum46 wrote

Doesn’t matter if no one enforces it.


KenMediocre t1_j9tivac wrote

Yes please! I can’t believe this isn’t yet a law.


ner0417 t1_j9uzbh4 wrote

New Hampshire first introduced this sort of law under the name "Jessica's Law" in 2002, because Granite Stater Jessica Smith was killed by a 9 foot piece of ice that flew off of a tractor-trailer. Hopefully that law rings a bell to all of you, we should all remember it. I dont think any of us wants to be sitting at a funeral where a loved one died because of a piece of ice that didnt get scraped off a roof.

The article I looked up to refresh myself on the event put it well, quoting Jessica's mother Linda Smith as saying, ""It takes not even five minutes to clean off your car," she said. "It can take three seconds to kill somebody"".

I think its probably generally important to also note that, although ice and snow on personal vehicles still may be problematic, it is likely a lot less problematic than ice on commercial vehicles like tractor-trailers and other large trucks and such. I dont think the fines for the average citizen really need to increase, the fines for the actually dangerous commercial vehicles probably do. Hence why commercial truckers are opposing the bill. I personally would like to keep my head on my shoulders.

The lady in OP's article got lucky, but regardless, lest we forget why we talk about this is in the first place, just take a minute to remember Jessica's Law and why its called that, and why its important.


screamingcatto t1_j9wuqpz wrote

Good, a sheet of ice sliding off a pickup truck shattered my sister's windshield with her baby inside.

The person sped off so fast, they knew what they did.


BadLuckShoesie t1_j9w3wlr wrote

I got so pissed off this morning when a Toyota Camry only had the rear windshield cleared and nothing else in front of me. A good chunk of ice flew and hit my car. Police need to get on this shit. Clear your fucking car before you get on the road you lazy fucks. It’s a danger to everyone else on the road.


fyrie t1_j9u45cm wrote

I've witnessed a driver on the interstate pulled over for snow on the roof. This was in CT.


Steve-C2 t1_j9xeo7r wrote

If you can't clean your car, you should lose your license for 3-5 years.


gregra193 t1_j9v3w3k wrote

Why the 48 hour grace period? That’s probably the most likely timeframe for an incident to happen. How about a couple hours after the storm ends?

Commercial drivers can chill out— they’re the ones doing 70 without a care when 45 is flashing.


MosskeepForest t1_j9vv06q wrote

I personally trust the judgement of police....

BUT... I hope it's written clearly, so that the bad apples don't abuse it for an excuse to pull people over because they missed a spot or something (to be clear, bad apples are very very rare. I love the police and the state and the police should be celebrated for the hard job they have defending our freedoms. They should be paid more for having the most dangerous job in America.)
