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TandUndTinnef t1_je8vaoe wrote

There's no perfect manu, there's no perfect qc.

If you can afford it and see a design you like give GMK a go, they do make really high quality keycaps. If your set is faulty somehow contact your vendor and have them send a replacement.


dsarma t1_je9ee3o wrote

It’s not so much the perfect anything, but how they react to issues. I saw that wonky space bar, and their response was that it was fine. They just spent $100 (?) on a set, and get told that this space bar that is crooked is fine, and to suck it up.

Nobody is demanding perfection. People want to have their issues addressed and fixed.


TandUndTinnef t1_je9f0q4 wrote

I'm not sure if you're referring to a specific instance but, again, that's something that's between the buyer and the vendor. A decent vendor will help the customer out.

If you buy a television and the remote doesn't work you usually don't ring up Samsung but go to your retailer and have them fix it for you.


RelativeChance t1_jea8bbp wrote

I think the warped spacebar issue might be extremely over exaggerated. I have opened like 10 gmk sets in the past year and have not run into any issues with the spacebar being warped and I only use the 7u one, it is also possible that it is just extremely rare. The people posting about it could be attributing issues with their stabilizer or switch to a "warped spacebar". Aesthetically I also don't believe you would be able to see these slight warps when it is on a keyboard.

When people have any issue with something as expensive as this they are going to be really loud about it and it will gain a lot of visibility, rightfully so, but you and the commenter two comments up have to consider that this creates a bias that makes it look like everyone is having problems with gmk when really almost no one is.