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Fraaaaan t1_jdmojfn wrote

60, 65 and TKL are probably the most popular form factors but that doesn't mean they're better than anything else for your use case. It's all preference at the end of the day.


gangaskan t1_jdmqptw wrote

Cause I'm a net admin, 100% or bust.

But I am a different case I guess. I refuse to buy a separate numb pas I'd I don't have too.


bootaylious t1_jdmue9v wrote

If you don’t use a numpad often then 60,65,75% that will generally suit you. Later you can go smaller with layering.


2manypedals t1_jdn1jef wrote

I would agree that popularity doesn’t matter. But, I would decide on aesthetics rather than what keys you need. If you get a smaller board you can always use layers, especially if the board is qmk/via compatible. Also, layers can be more comfortable than using a bigger keyboard. Lastly, you can always get a separate numpad if necessary.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn3hmh wrote

layering is inconvenient compared to a readily accessible numpad right on the side. shedding percentage is mostly for aesthetic reasons. you either need two hands, or have to be holding down a layer trigger key.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn470d wrote

people who use 75 and under are very, very few people in the niche hobby that is mechanical keyboards. if you think you can compromise 20+ keys for aesthetics and keep your productivity and workflow the same, test out with 80-75% keyboards first.
and for the most popular, i'd say it's the 75.


jk_pens t1_jdn4gxz wrote

>shedding percentage is mostly for aesthetic reasons

It's more than that. If you are right handed, losing the numpad and nav cluster allows your mouse to be closer to your right hand, which improves efficiency and ergonomics. Also, some of us have absolutely tiny desks and need to optimize for space. Since I rarely use F keys and never have need for a numpad, a 65% is exactly the right size for me for practical reasons.


jk_pens t1_jdn4pr6 wrote

Yes exactly.

I thought 60% would be cool til I got one and realized how addicted to arrow keys I am and how much I hated using mods to access them.

I think 75% & TKL look cool but I very rarely use Fn keys and the random nav keys.

I built a couple 40's out of curiosity, but find them more cumbersome than efficient in practice.

Hence, I have settled on 65% as the ideal form factor for me. Doesn't say anything about what will work for anyone else.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn4xew wrote

imo having your thumb pinned down to type is such a constricting and uncomfortable feeling. i want my hands to be floating free while i jot down numbers. i don't want to be pressing down a layer key every time i input numbers. it's liberating to type on a numpad compared to a layered numpad.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn5d7q wrote

right.. efficiency. that's why the most successful people use 65% keyboards... no wait. they don't. 65 percenters are a tiny, tiny minority of keyboard users. it's not even worth mentioning the number compared to the gen pub.
but good for you.


HadouKang t1_jdn8rmg wrote

The part that rubs me the wrong way is how the preference is qualified by the job (net admin). Truth is, there'll be other net admins out there who prefer smaller layouts. Even within the same job function, there's going to be a spectrum of preference.


NotSecretlyANarwhal t1_jdn8ybo wrote

96% (1800 layout) guy here.

I need the numpad and it saves a little bit of space :)


HadouKang t1_jdn9na0 wrote

What correlation is there between being "successful" and layout size? I'd guess that most jobs only need the bare minimum keyboard that works. Everything past that is mostly preference.


anson42 t1_jdnaigx wrote

I'm a software guy who doesn't do numeric data entry so for my use case I need arrow keys, function keys, page up/down and home/end. I also love my Delete key. A 75% fits what I do best though I could get by with a 65% and Fn the function keys. Some 75% keyboards don't have a PCB design that will yield all 5 of the Del, Pg Up/Dn, Home/End keys and a 65% will have room for at most 4 of those. I must have a discrete Del key and Pg Up/Down at a minimum. From there I can Fn the Home/End onto one or both of the Pg keys.

I just built the KDBCraft LEGO keyboard that is a 60% with arrow keys. I find this layout too inflexible for me for work as I have to Fn to get both Pg Up/Down and Home/End but I do have a Del key above the right arrow. And a very small 1u right shift to afford those arrow keys. For me, a 60% is just too limiting but I'm typing this comment on it so it's not like I can't ever use one.

What's great about the keyboard world is there is a layout for everyone. Pick your most common use case and what you can compromise for flexibility, accessibility, desk space and aesthetics and go from there. You might find you want more than one keyboard to switch between for different use cases. Maybe add a number pad if you do numeric data entry just once in a while. Good luck!

Oh, wanted to add that I can't live without QMK/VIA support for customization. I realize there are less expensive keyboards that allow customization with custom software but I prefer to use the open source approach and not run software I know nothing about. If you think you need to customize your keyboard(s) consider if customization is possible and what method is used. IMO the smaller the layout the more you'll want to customize.


gangaskan t1_jdo09kq wrote

People are just jaded and strongly opinionated to the point where it's hurtful to them if you don't agree with them.

To each their own, I guess.

I even have a full size that has a trackball on the side. Too big for me lol.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdq0z7u wrote

the word 'efficiency' was mentioned. successful people focus heavily on efficiency and streamlining. i don't see how that tiny, tiny change in desk space and "improved ergonomics" somehow makes you a better worker in the grand scheme of things. because if it did, corporations and companies would be the first to implement that system into their workspace. it doesn't happen. but if it makes you feel that it does, then good on you.

i've been in this hobby for a while, and people seem to have such a hard time admitting that a lot of this hobby revolves around pretentiousness and aesthetics. nothing wrong with it, but they try to push this narrative that it's somehow "better" and then go on to buy a numpad keyboard on the side. if your workflow doesn't rely on using numpads, then good for you.


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdq16pi wrote

good on you. but i've seen people who say there's always that one instance where they could really use that numpad for inputting numbers for some gov doc or spreadsheet that they had to fill in, since the number row is such a painful experience.