Submitted by Stabika t3_zubouu in MechanicalKeyboards
TheBadgerLord t1_j1i3e3s wrote
I's impressive....but what were you drinking during the design stage?!? 🤣
Yoosulis t1_j1ibidy wrote
I can finally send a keyboard when someone says something stupid!
PluginAlong t1_j1icfy6 wrote
They were so preoccupied with whether they could, they never stopped to wonder if they should.
JadeNoodlesOfficial t1_j1id5v4 wrote
so is this a rotary encoder or a numpad? or both?
pabloescobyte t1_j1idguj wrote
What a real "rotary encoder" is
fallingfridge t1_j1idpv7 wrote
Errrrr wut? 👁️👄👁️
[deleted] t1_j1ie0ht wrote
Chopchopok t1_j1ievra wrote
Now you can get clacky noises while you make clacky noises.
J_Sauce_C t1_j1if42m wrote
Won’t take long before someone really makes this shit. Then we’re gonna get telegraph keyboards
okami_the_doge_I t1_j1ig9mo wrote
If you used three rotor dials concurrently, I am sure you. Could types roughly the same speed
camilatricolor t1_j1igr0c wrote
Imagine to be able to call 911 with out leaving the home row... sir take my money and send me this beauty 😍
bioemerl t1_j1ihba8 wrote
And had they stopped, the answer would have been FUCK YES.
Samwyzh t1_j1iheoc wrote
“Yeah man, I will be on for raid night, I just need to work on my rotation before then.”
__________________99 t1_j1iheog wrote
Absolutely not.
[deleted] t1_j1ihl9a wrote
ismailhamzah t1_j1iixfs wrote
notananthem t1_j1ijc7l wrote
Is there a 100% rotary input keyboard? 30% rotary? Sign me up
MalanaoWalanao t1_j1ijl21 wrote
“Yea dude let me just dial in this code from my keyboard”
goofygangster t1_j1ikv9v wrote
From the era of ...
I love this!
afonsocarlos t1_j1ilfc0 wrote
Amazing retro! Took my upvote.
Either-Plant4525 t1_j1indu2 wrote
>his grandparents had a rotary dial phone
the use of grandparents here and not parents makes me feel old
bltrunner85 t1_j1io4n6 wrote
I want it. I need it. I NEED IT!
hearke t1_j1iojjr wrote
Eyyyy nice one
[deleted] t1_j1iokoe wrote
I... Must... Have... This.
[deleted] t1_j1iopsz wrote
You say that as if it's a bad thing.
SadisticAI t1_j1iqpnt wrote
The rotary phone started to be phased out in the 50’s was discontinued in ‘86. If you were born in the 90s very good chance your parents did not own a rotary.
friiz1337 t1_j1iqxns wrote
Turning the phone with your finger is low-key satisfying ngl.
Shen0bi t1_j1irsqb wrote
The ultimate fidget/tool accessory
Monchild_Simon_Iff t1_j1isg3x wrote
That’s an awesome idea actually! Certainly the article, could see a band using it on stage as a controller
J_Sauce_C t1_j1itmh8 wrote
Just tell me when the group buy 😭
KPDover t1_j1itojx wrote
Not gonna win any awards for data entry speed with that, but it's awesome!
Void_Of_Galaxies2727 t1_j1itst5 wrote
Kinda badass tbh
justl00kingthrowaway t1_j1itvvy wrote
Phreaking in 2022?
dinopuppy6 t1_j1iumt1 wrote
Was born in early 80s and we had a rotary phone. Prob ditched it in the early 90s. Thing was solid and wouldn’t die
effteebee t1_j1ivc8t wrote
I saw the thumbnail briefly before I took a closer look and thought to myself "It's about time someone put a CD player on the side of a keyboard."
LeicaM6guy t1_j1iw81s wrote
This is the sexiest keyboard I’ve ever seen. How can I make this?
unburiedbody t1_j1iw93k wrote
The way numpads should be
simmering_happiness t1_j1ix6yh wrote
Or self, goddamn
doggiekruger t1_j1iy020 wrote
Straight to the bottom of hell /s
5tr4nGe t1_j1iyiob wrote
I hate that I actually love this
Drenhat t1_j1iz56x wrote
All I want in life is a typewriter keyboard.
pizzaz007 t1_j1j0584 wrote
Was just talking about a keyboard like this with some of my coworkers the other day
I'm so in love
mr_edgeworthvii t1_j1j1r6p wrote
ukulele_melancholic t1_j1j1tl2 wrote
At first glance, I thought, this is really lame, then I imagined myself doing it and in fact I think I would love to have something like this...good job
stylesuxx t1_j1j2rlu wrote
Probably depends where you are from. We still had rotary phones in the early to mid 90ies...
dpetz79 t1_j1j33dl wrote
I need a keyboard with a flux capacitor built in. When I type 88 words per minute I can then travel through time.
Supahvaporeon t1_j1j33jq wrote
I sure did
cmhamm t1_j1j38tq wrote
Might have been discontinued in ‘86, but I’m pretty sure they still work if you have a POTS line.
thatsandwizard t1_j1j47z3 wrote
Funky looking numpad ya got there bud
NoNick1337 t1_j1j4wef wrote
Don’t mess with this guy. He has SWAT on quick dial.
BadMotorScooter73 t1_j1j4zcm wrote
Honestly...if I knew how to get a hold of squidgeefish, I'd f%$king buy one
DandyBean t1_j1j57sy wrote
maxkmiller t1_j1j5zz0 wrote
my dumb ass thought it was like a skateboard or razor scooter wheel 💀
stephs_LOL t1_j1j750k wrote
I need this as a module that i can add to my keyboard, or a seperate one all-in-all
DeeSnow97 t1_j1j79zb wrote
are you sure it wasn't leaded?
on-the-line t1_j1j8beg wrote
Late 70s baby, here. Same. Had a yellow one to match the paint in the kitchen with a long ass stretched out coiled cable. My mom would get it wrapped around her while multitasking.
DrunkRussian23 t1_j1j8nb3 wrote
Me, I asked
shibbo92 t1_j1j90ul wrote
My mom kept an old rotary phone around when I was a kid just in case power went out.
Weaseal t1_j1jah84 wrote
I was born in the early 80s and the only one I can remember using was at the community swimming pool. The lifeguard office had one you could use to call your parents to pick you up. I had to get help using it the first few times.
jk2damax t1_j1jautm wrote
I prefer abacus
LunaOSS t1_j1jclxr wrote
knob fanboys need this
lucy_pants t1_j1jer3n wrote
This is my favourite bit;
"I figured that it was imperative that the dial actually work for numeric input - especially since I was planning to remove the number row as well, thus forcing the use of the rotary dial for numeric or symbolic entry."
You have to hold shift and turn the dial for symbols.
fiah84 t1_j1ji9bk wrote
th_linux1107 t1_j1jkgle wrote
I absolutely love this! Fantastic!
NotThatEasily t1_j1jl47c wrote
Born in ‘87 and we had a rotary phone hooked up in the basement, but our main phone was a touch tone.
nolnogax t1_j1jpaaf wrote
Plot twist: This was built by a Counter Strike pro gamer.
NavinHaze t1_j1jple1 wrote
This is beautiful and r/blursed
ExigoxD t1_j1jpvy1 wrote
Speak for yourself op...
SurealGod t1_j1jqrh0 wrote
What non-car people think when I say I'm a "rotary guy".
Please_Leave_Me_Be t1_j1jqs7o wrote
Born in ‘90 and same situation.
Archangelical t1_j1jrx7u wrote
I would use this every day
Skullz64 t1_j1jsg51 wrote
Dude fused the 1970s tech with 2017s tech
that_tazer t1_j1jsxnp wrote
Does it have a nice tactile feedback?
samdiceque t1_j1jt5uj wrote
Many people might no know but this is the way PC people used to use dial up internet in the 80,s and 90,s
JoshXinYourAss t1_j1jtayk wrote
Where's the IC form?
technologyclassroom t1_j1jtn1r wrote
This is cool as a stand-alone USB device, but I would not want it connected to my keyboard. Blocking the 5th row is silly and I love it.
PetrTran t1_j1jv2dw wrote
pipestream t1_j1jwyw7 wrote
To dial internet?
LiftsEatsSleeps t1_j1jy23a wrote
Was born in the mid 80s, had a Western Electric model 554 on the wall until about 1997. My grandparents had one until they died in 2012.
Polite_Jello_377 t1_j1jy9jo wrote
The perfect numpad doesn’t exist…
Zombie_SiriS t1_j1jyb7n wrote
I grew up in the odd period of time where I had to unplug the rotary phone, to plug the single phoneline into the modem so I could access BBSs.
InspiredNitemares t1_j1jycp8 wrote
My knees hurt reading this
ImproperEatenKitKat t1_j1jzi9p wrote
Just like touch tone or anything on a "land line"
jacesonn t1_j1k19mw wrote
In 80 ish years we went from not having phones to having phones then back to not having (landline) phones
viriv-on-reddit t1_j1k1dr4 wrote
Got my Minecraft hotbar on speed dial 🔥
B1GTOBACC0 t1_j1k205b wrote
I was born in '86, and remember my grandparents upgrading from dial to cordless around 1997.
Those rotary phones lasted forever, and grandad wasn't about to replace that "perfectly good" phone with a 40 foot cord on it.
BauerUK t1_j1k239x wrote
is this still tenkeyless?
Trollarrow_ t1_j1k2k1h wrote
I didnt even notice the number row at first glance lmao
OddKSM t1_j1k3i8z wrote
...yet now I want
Somegeezer t1_j1k3ihi wrote
The use of your parents and not yourself makes me feel old. I'm not even middle aged.
[deleted] t1_j1k4615 wrote
ilovebrownies t1_j1k6ec1 wrote
Is there an /r/mechanicalkeyboardscirclejerk sub? Haha!
kryo2019 t1_j1k7f04 wrote
I work for a service provider, and would fucking love being able to place calls in my softphone with a rotary dial
Purple_Lordx t1_j1k7xgd wrote
all hail the number bar
Blur_410 t1_j1k8y4f wrote
My grandparents had a rotary phone up until the 2010s. I remember calling my great grandma while she was still alive on it.
robin-m t1_j1kbcr8 wrote
That's so good! Thanks for the laught
Kallehoe t1_j1kdaqj wrote
Yeah, just because they didn't sell any more of them doesn't mean everyone upgraded right away.
We got a button phone early 90s.
The old one was hanging about until 2000s before it got thrown out.
Dangerous_Delay_1652 t1_j1kdcqs wrote
Why does the keyboard logo look like teslas logo
theblazehead16 t1_j1kgfgb wrote
Where can I get this keyboard?
DKx1 t1_j1khj82 wrote
They should remove the alphabet portion and put a rotary dial there too for T9 style typing
iISimaginary t1_j1kibrr wrote
>Won’t take long before someone really makes this shit.
What do you mean? This is a photo from an actual build.
Little_Monkey_Mojo t1_j1kle8x wrote
The rotary and the touch tone were both supplied power through the telephone line. If one would have worked, the other would have worked.
Bheggard t1_j1kls2z wrote
I wonder if this ever gets annoying to use.
RushTfe t1_j1km8cd wrote
There are no keys, there are holes, so I'd say it's tkl
MrNobodyISME t1_j1kmh4p wrote
I love that. I have also tinkered with a rotary dial which is now attached to my desk
Extreme_33337_ t1_j1ksp2c wrote
I asked
konaya t1_j1kxyv4 wrote
I'm assuming the other phone was cordless.
kkaos84 t1_j1kzdz7 wrote
Born in the early 80s. Pretty sure I remember a yellow rotary phone on the wall in the kitchen in my earliest memories. There was definitely a similar rotary phone that sat on the bedside table at my grandparents' house for many years.
kkaos84 t1_j1kzpge wrote
A rotary numpad! Amazing. I'll add that to the list of things I never knew I needed.
I would say his job does not involve a significant amount of numeric data entry though. That may take him a while.
Captain_Pumpkinhead t1_j1l55bs wrote
Still better than 60%
Captain_Pumpkinhead t1_j1l5a2k wrote
I was born in 98. My parents had a pink rotary phone. I remember my dad saying I could have it in my room, until I was old enough to want to use it. Being young and dumb, I (years) later asked him how to hook it up so I could use it. It got taken away.
Loud_Cry7272 t1_j1l5tu5 wrote
I asked by the way
LeBaux t1_j1l6ciq wrote
Timeline of my reactions to this picture:
- Haha, that's silly
- I mean... I used rotary phones and dialing was kinda nice
- I need a rotary phone numpad
[deleted] t1_j1lcqf4 wrote
WolvenSpectre t1_j1lden0 wrote
Only if the carrier supports Pulse signalling, which was largely removed when they moved to Optical Fibre Networking.
shibbo92 t1_j1lf9en wrote
innsleeper t1_j1ligim wrote
Now THIS is the kind of awesome shit I come here every day hoping to see! GG WP OP
h0n3yd1ck t1_j1ljdv0 wrote
Omg , thought it was an ashtray at first
Crunchykandi t1_j1ljei0 wrote
I use my numpad for rhythm games, this design might complicate that
Chikanari t1_j1lkc0i wrote
You are on to something!
triadwarfare t1_j1llkfh wrote
I could definitely use this if it's compatible with our VOIP Phone.
fujiman t1_j1lq6uc wrote
Mechanical keyboard with a disk drive.
InteruptingParrot t1_j1ltj4q wrote
Hmmm, yes … but why?
big_fuzzeh t1_j1lyjjf wrote
Voice switches are all digital now, so handsets using pulse dialing (analog) no longer work. DTMF replaced pulse dialing, so any handset using DTMF should still work on a POTS line today.
Of course there may be a pocket in the world sill using pulse, but I doubt it. The parts for analog voice switches have been manufacturer-discontinued for decades.
SmerksCannotCarry t1_j1m5w1a wrote
They even blocked off the number row. That's dedication I guess
missamethyst1 t1_j1mqtrg wrote
Meh, wake me up when someone builds a keeb incorporating a telegraph key! /s
Seriously though, this is pretty awesome. Sure, it's not the most functional idea, but if we were only concerned about function, we wouldn't bother with, say, different colored keypads or anything else aesthetic.
ExternalPast7495 t1_j1pncsb wrote
Born in the 90s, used many a rotary... missing variable, Australian.
volvo765ti t1_j1qsrbm wrote
I suddenly feel the need to have a rotary numpad
sedwards65 t1_j1rdc03 wrote
Fun fact. (AFAIK it's true.)
One of the factors for assigning area codes in the NANP was population -- with heavily populated areas getting codes that took less time to dial. Except 201 which the Bell Labs engineers 'took' for themselves.
SpambotSwatter t1_j1recr3 wrote
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deletus_my_fetus t1_j1vvu47 wrote
It’s not obvious from the picture that OP shared, but the rotary dial also has the symbols of each number key. I’m curious if they actually work. (How they would work is probably just by pressing shift
like normal.)
I can’t imagine they don’t work, especially since OP both replaced normal functionality of the number key row:
> Yes, it does in fact type out the rotary dial is mightier than the number keys
when pressed;
and added the symbols to the 3D printed shroud that hides the internals.
officialme123 t1_j27lm5v wrote
love your number pad
Stabika OP t1_j1i2pqe wrote
Though i wish it was, this is not my build. They made a whole blog post detailing the build here.