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Jocko677 t1_ix3wljy wrote

Stop crying over the song use.


JonasNinetyNine t1_ix48gg0 wrote

Love how petty (pun intended) it is to specifically mentioned, that the campaign failed. More power to Tom Petty and his legal team.


khamuncents t1_ix4at7j wrote

The thing is... Tom Petty is dead.

If you were to use a Michael Jackson song at a wedding, and you were sued by his family members for using that song, I bet you'd be fuckin furious.

But as long as it happens to someone you don't know or particularly like, it's right?


Daredizzle t1_ix4c4if wrote

You can't get sued over the songs use at a wedding but you CAN get sued if you use it in a commercial function like an ad or other published media.

None of it matters over who is alive or dead, these are the laws of using media in a commercial setting.


soda-jerk t1_ix4cyp5 wrote

Musicians typically leave control of their material to someone they trust, usually family. So when that musician dies, the trusted party takes over legal ownership of everything the musician owned. At the very least, they're able to approve/deny public usage requests, and take legal action when needed.

An artist's work doesn't become public domain when they die, unless they specifically ask for that to happen.

Also, you don't get sued for playing music at a wedding, unless your wedding is in a public area, and open to the public.


thegreatestajax t1_ix4el2u wrote

Are we going to do this every day? Who gets the karma tomorrow?


landof10000cakes t1_ix4fl1z wrote

We see these issues basically during every campaign season. My favorite response was the Dropkick Murphys telling Scott Walker not to use their music because “we literally hate you.”

So my point being campaigns will probably continue to use music unauthorized until they are held more responsible. Obviously they don’t care because they keep using unauthorized music.


The_Original_Gronkie t1_ix4kww3 wrote

Conservatives are constantly showing their ignorance, but the Conservative Propaganda Machine gives them an innacurate 5 minute talk about FISA warrants or top secret document declassification laws, and suddenly they know more than a room full of Harvard educated lawyers.

The more they "learn," the dumber they get.


kjblank80 t1_ix4l6ok wrote

if the music was played at a venue with an ASCAP license, the law suit will go nowhere.


RadiationDM t1_ix4lchm wrote

What PR company do you work for? “Slams” lol?stfu, you were obviously paid to write this, just like you were paid to write the paramore post (or you just copied and pasted the content)


striderwhite t1_ix4omid wrote

Old news, already posted...boring!


devictionne t1_ix4s48s wrote

I hope the mods slam the delete button for this trash post


thirdAccountIForgot t1_ix4ti23 wrote

It’s almost certainly copied article, and fairly obvious from the writing style and contents. “Lakes campaign did not immediately return a request from The Hill for comment.”

OP shouldn’t be copying others’ content (there’s some rich irony there), but your response also reads a bit childish.


spucci t1_ix4vtnq wrote

Curious if they used it in a campaign ad or a public setting like at a speech event of some sort. If the latter, I think they can only ask them not to use it.


imakenosensetopeople t1_ix4wxmn wrote

For what it’s worth, I don’t mind the repost, I’m just sad that politicians keep using unlicensed music, and strangely predictably enough it always seems to be from that side of the aisle.

Edit - the trolls have kindly/rudely pointed out, I should use the term “allegedly unlicensed”


norealmx t1_ix4wym0 wrote

The snowflakes keep melting, first post went into the Ether, now this one is being raided by qltists.


imakenosensetopeople t1_ix50d2v wrote

Except the concern was, the campaign was using it - not just a single instance in a single venue. Can the campaign purchase an ASCAP license, and did they? Or is the assertion here that any venue which played the song had their own ASCAP and the complaint filed by Petty’s estate is not going to hold up?


GumpsDrillSargeant t1_ix51cn4 wrote

You’re the kind of person who, if I own a parking garage and you find a way to park there without paying for it, feels like it’s a victimless crime that you deserve. “I’m not stealing, I’m just not paying for this!”


Casperrrrrr t1_ix53h7v wrote

I want to drown in Kari Lake


moneycomet t1_ix55q5g wrote

Funny coming from a guy who flew the Confederate Flag during his concerts.


Cash907 t1_ix5bkdr wrote

If the rebroadcast isn’t done for commercial use, how is it illegal? While I think it is tacky to use art from any medium that you haven’t been given permission to for something like this, I don’t see how it is technically illegal or violating any copyrights.


Aluggo t1_ix5bn4u wrote

Why alleged if it miss fact that the song was used? Perhaps the unauthorized part?


zoglog t1_ix5fv7w wrote

Can we ban any posts that use the word "slams'?


Tenpat t1_ix5g26y wrote

Right? This is almost always how it works out. Venue has a license so the politicians can play whatever they want because they are leasing the venue and by extension its license.

Every damn election usually because a Republican is using a song and every damn election every idiot on the thread acts like this will cost them big time.


fpsmoto t1_ix5hzgu wrote

Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.


IDDQD-IDKFA t1_ix5i7pa wrote

And he acknowledged it as being stupid later.

>When we toured two years later, I noticed people in the audience wearing Confederate flag bandanas and things like that. One night, someone threw one onstage. I stopped everything and gave a speech about it. I said, “Look, this was to illustrate a character. This is not who we are. Having gone through this, I would prefer it if no one would ever bring a Confederate flag to our shows again because this isn’t who we are.”

>It got a mixed reaction. There were some boos and some cheers. But honestly, it’s a little amazing to me because I never saw one again after that speech in that one town. Fortunately, that went away, but it left me feeling stupid. That’s the word I can use. I felt stupid. If I had just been a little more observant about things going on around me, it wouldn’t have happened.


Rebelgecko t1_ix5k0h1 wrote

Someone's estate is allowed to override an ascap license? How does that work? Does the estate have to approve every licensee, or do they have to object to each one they don't like manually?


bunnymud t1_ix5tjej wrote

Why would she use the song of a drug addict??


Informal_Emu_8980 t1_ix63zf0 wrote

Ugh. Slam dunk this article right up your ass basket for using "slam"