Submitted by Echos_myron123 t3_11t1aju in Newark
NewNewark t1_jcgmbdx wrote
>We made a mistake, and we owned it.
Hey Ras, I have a dozen outstanding tickets on the Report app that your staff has failed to address for months on end. How about owning up to that?
Electronic-Minute-74 t1_jcgzggi wrote
bruh just take the L, trying to justify no due diligence is an even more embarrassing doubling down to fight it back.
wheres your publicist
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jch04mf wrote
Baraka should just take the L and move on longer you go back and forth the longer your city's mistakes stays in the news
Frequent_Blackberry6 t1_jchbttm wrote
I’ve worked with NJ Transit, they are State and not City but I know all of these Govt agencies never admit they are wrong.
Nwk_NJ t1_jci3554 wrote
Ras embarrasses Newark then accuses everyone else of making fun of Newark.
ScrollHectic t1_jci3fd6 wrote
DrixxYBoat t1_jcj4pok wrote
I'm convinced nobody here actually read the article. Y'all are insufferable.
RainCloudz973 t1_jcjmd6a wrote
The comments here don’t sound responsive to the actual article.
He never denied the mistake or attempted to justify it. The entire article is essentially saying, “get off Newark’s dick, we made a mistake but we are working well at other things, and you all dragging this feels like an excuse to dogpile Newark as always” which is a totally understandable feeling. Especially when there were jokes like “who would want to be sister cities with Newark?” made. He’s defensive because he mismanaged the reputation of an already undervalued city and people are pointing & laughing. It’s embarrassing and he’s human. I know he should’ve been smart enough to prevent this from happening at all. But critiquing this response he’s giving just sounds unnecessarily cold.
RainCloudz973 t1_jcjmfq8 wrote
They def didn’t lol
dsarma t1_jclguvx wrote
Also, please do disparage my city. Rents been going up too damn fast. I’d like to continue to live here, Obrigado.
LateNightNewYork t1_jcgldw2 wrote
This is the Conan O’Brien/Cory Booker feud all over again.