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Onarm t1_iu7eqea wrote

fyi the one on the right is Violette Morris.

She was a French Nazi, tortured people for the Nazis, and ran supplies for the Nazis. She was openly supportive of Hitler before Vichy.

She got gunned down in an ambush the French Resistance set for her midwar.


madDarthvader2 t1_iu7laht wrote

Huh, ironic. A gay Nazi. Who'd a thunk.


SnowDoom6 t1_iu7vyal wrote

A lesbian Nazi woman and woman. They possibly had some tolerance for her especially for her service and dedication to Nazi Germany and service to Hitler. But they definitely would not tolerate a man and a man.


ElementalWheel t1_iu8e5te wrote

That’s because you can’t breed men


Raskolnikovs_Axe t1_iu988h5 wrote

>A lesbian Nazi woman and woman.

Aka, two Nazi women.


skumgummii t1_iucrqmq wrote

so lemme get thisstraight. If you are in a relationship with someone then you automatically not only share the same political ideology as them, but you also retroactively gain any new opinions they might have later in life? I had a girlfriend like 15 years ago, today she's kind of a hippie anarchist, does that make me an anarchist too?


Raskolnikovs_Axe t1_iudgwxv wrote

"If you see someone eating dinner with 10 Nazis, you're seeing 11 Nazis eating dinner.". I'm sure you've heard it, I think the saying actually comes from Germany.

If you think the saying is oversimplifying, that's fair. I always understood it to be more of a cautionary comment on the dangers of complacently sliding into extreme ideology, from a country that has deep experience with that. But of course if you apply it everywhere and in every context you can pick it apart.

In this context however - a true and unabashed Nazi party supporter, during the time the Nazi party actually existed, in Nazi occupied France no less - I don't feel any doubt in assuming the saying is 100% true, and that both Morris and her date are Nazis.


Galhaar t1_iu9u6ux wrote

Certainly not Ernst Röhm and the entirety of the SA, no sir, uh-uh, never.


llilaq t1_iu8b6u5 wrote

The only reason I clicked this thread was to see if they survived the war or were sent to a camp. Unexpected to say the least..


pityutanarur t1_iu88t0r wrote

> tortured people for the Nazis

her name in the gay community must have been Violent Morris


[deleted] t1_iu8dkzb wrote



Onarm t1_iua08jl wrote

Not really?

The torture stuff may have been fabricated by the Marquis to justify the killing of minors, but the rest is very easily traceable. We know she visited Berlin during the Olympics. We know she was buddy buddy with the Gestapo. We know she fed them intel.

We know during Vichy she was given preferential treatment by the Nazis/Gestapo.

She was a Nazi agent and collaborator, and was very pro Reich. She just may not have been a sadist. Which is splitting hairs, as she'd have known what they were doing to minority communities. She was openly supportive of people who were rounding up and killing people.

Yes it's not fair that they took away her ability to compete, but that's no excuse for knowingly participating in a genocide. She deserved her death.


SpyCats t1_iu8rswm wrote

Holy shit! That wasn’t mentioned in the Brassai book I grew up with.


New_Ad2992 t1_iuav4yc wrote

She was also quite an accomplished athlete, a Nazi still, but an athletic Nazi