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t1_iy4x6w0 wrote

He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, he likes to pick wildflowers


t1_iy558oe wrote

He's a lumberjack, and he's ok...


t1_iy5977w wrote

He sleeps all night and #HE WORKS ALL DAY


t1_iy4q1tq wrote

I don't understand your title OP. Where is Part One?

Anyway this photo has been posted a buttload of times along with this other photo taken at the same time and we know that the woman is indeed his wife. They were married in 1934 and the photo was taken by Dorothea Lange in 1939.

He was still married to Vivian and with her in the 1940 census.

He goes to prison between 1940 and 41. Vivian files for divorce. He comes to her house when he's out in 1942, according to a newspaper article he says to discuss domestic matters, and she ends up shooting him in the abdomen.

There is also another photo of him linked in this comment that has not been posted.

Edit: Found the Part One referenced in the title. A colorization of the other version of the photo was posted earlier today but subsequently deleted by the moderators. I am not sure of the reason it was deleted but I do know that the OP there is a repost bot that copies popular posts and old comments to appear human.


OP t1_iy5c953 wrote

That's really interesting, thank you! This picture is different from the one I've always seen posted (different angle and Vivian is smoking here) and I thought people would like to see a slightly different take on the same couple.


t1_iy5ydfo wrote

>This picture is different from the one I've always seen posted (different angle and Vivian is smoking here)

I thought this one had been posted before too but I just searched and if it has I couldn't find it. It has been uploaded to imgur but looks like you are correct and it hasn't been posted to reddit before. Probably because the cropping and her smoking make this one less visually appealing. Or it could be that the other version is just more widely spread around the internet since it was first posted to in 2007 (it along with the other 2 photos were available at the Library of Congress before that but their online photo archive is not that well known).

Sorry for accusing you of reposting a commonly reposted image.

Another bit of information related to Thomas (his full name was Tillman Thomas Ursel Cave) can be found in the comments at

>Then, a tragic story from the May 4, 1952 issue: "Kelso Grid Star Dies in Collision". It reads:

>>KELSO, Wash. May 3 (AP) - Richard "Rip" Raappana, 24, well-known southwest Washington athlete, was killed early Saturday. His automobile swerved into a Consolidated Freightways truck and trailer a mile north of here on the Pacific Highway, the state patrol reported.

>>Louise N. Robinson, 21, Longview, a passenger in his car, was injured critically.

>>The state patrol said the truck driver was Thomas U. Cave, 39, of Portland.

>>Raappana was an all-round athlete at Kelso high. He played college football for Eastern Washington college at Cheney and last fall was with the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.


t1_iy6zhdj wrote

Sounds like she found a bona fide man while he was away


t1_iy4ghm5 wrote

I have never seen a social security number tattoo before.


t1_iy4i9az wrote

Just in case he got crushed to jelly by a falling or rolling tree and all that was left was his arm.


Either that or I’m wrong.


OP t1_iy4madc wrote

Apparently it was more common in the 1930's since it was a new thing and the government insisted people have it memorized.


t1_iy47p81 wrote

Monty Python ringing in my ears now...and this man is more than just okay.


t1_iy4ybp5 wrote

I’m a lumberjack and that’s okay. I sleep all night and I work all day.


t1_iy52o4m wrote

He may be a lumberjack, but I'm pretty sure he just laid some pipe.


t1_iy4gfex wrote

It’s rare that I say this about a very attractive woman, but she’s out-kicking her coverage here. That was one handsome dude.


t1_iy4ptbn wrote

My great great grandfather was a farmer/mason/and grocery store owner. He also had his ssn on his wrist, and ankle I believe. He was a great man and better father. His wife, my great great grandmother of course, was a seamstress, teacher and life long Morning Star member, she was the first woman in her small town to make wedding and bridesmaids dresses for a black family, for free at that. Things were different back then obviously but no one can tell you what kind of person to be, being generous and genuine is free. Be the change you want to see in this world. Anyway lol the ssn tattoos were incase you were mangled beyond requisition


t1_iy58auo wrote

Two posts before he was unemployed, glad he found a job so quickly


t1_iy4xaxz wrote

This foto is cropped and way worse than the original


t1_iy5bg89 wrote

He smokes a pipe and he wears no shirt and he likes the smell of dicks.


OP t1_iy5bi1j wrote

People keep saying I cropped this picture, but I think they believe this is the picture of this couple that is usually posted - it's not, notice the different angle and that Vivian is smoking in this picture. She is not in the other. I didn't crop the picture itself, just the filing info. This is how I found it in the library of congress collection.


t1_iy5leij wrote

I liked part one better, looked more "genuine".


t1_iy4i6qq wrote

This man lived a more rich and rewarding life than I will ever hope to achieve. I hope he got to live a long life of peace.


t1_iy5eaw0 wrote

Looks like Chris Cornell in his previous life. RIPx2


t1_iy5k7cf wrote

Pretty sure that guy created an underwater city…


t1_iy5miao wrote

by the way, that's his social security number he has tattooe'd on his arm.

Dude was one of the first Americans to get a social security number.


t1_iy692h3 wrote

I don't want fop god damn it. I'm a dapper dan man.


t1_iy6e41j wrote

He strikes me as a Dapper Dan man. None of that Fop bs


t1_iy6khyr wrote

I don’t want FOP, goddamnit, I’m a Dapper Dan man!


t1_iy7qytl wrote

That is his social security number tattooed on his arm. Curious.


t1_iy8meb3 wrote

They had all the sex!


t1_iy4yb4n wrote

Cropped the shit out of it, huh OP?


t1_iy6ll48 wrote

Garbage cropped version of the real photo going around
