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RepostSleuthBot t1_iwpmbvc wrote

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dimikid t1_iwpmgz5 wrote

That looks like Juan Soto’s grandfather


JarbaloJardine t1_iwpq87t wrote

It really is fabric plus construction. Less clothes doesn't necessarily make you cooler. Think about what dessert people wear. They don't go around naked, they are covered in a way that is actually cooler


OnehappySmile t1_iwpqxxy wrote

How many of you started hearing Havana ooooh na na, my heart is Havana...


xDragonetti t1_iwpx83r wrote

I learned this running a country store surrounded by farmers. Long sleeves and pants with a hat keeps the sun off your skin so you cool down faster and helps prevent skin cancer in the long run. They would also say hot coffee helped them cool down, but I still argued it was because they’ve been up since 4am (we opened at 5:30am)

Though, I still couldn’t wear long sleeves when doing construction work. 😂


morleyster t1_iwq27sz wrote

Cuba is an example of how you cannot buy 'cool'. The people are mostly dirt poor and yet always stylish in both clothing, accessories and many have this amazing humour with a heavy dash of sarcasm.


jagdtiger721 t1_iwq6ylr wrote

I agree with the desert folks' garb of big airy clothing to keep the sun off your skin (think bedouin clothing) - but Havanna? it's humid af - I don't know if any clothing will help with the humidity - especially a tighter/good fit suit like this fella.


immersemeinnature t1_iwq7ecc wrote

I'd be a sweaty mess. But maybe without ever having AC, he's acclimated to the heat. Some people sweat less too.

He's fly as fuck too.


x_KinalaM_x t1_iwqil4t wrote

Call me a racist or whatever, because simply judging this man by his image, I expect he was one hell of a dancer!


Sarrada_Aerea t1_iwqvwmv wrote

There was a post in r/100yearsago where men said that it was actually really uncomfortable to wear straw hats and it would make them sweat like crazy, but they had to wear it anyway because the other option was wearing winter hats. You can also notice that around this time women wore very light and short dresses so the ''it was just cold back then'' idea goes out of the window.


Successful-Code-9065 t1_iwr3zy0 wrote

My bf is from Cuba and it's heartbreaking how much has changed since this picture.


Rhinocerostitties t1_iwrb17f wrote

A lot of it had to do with style at the times. There was a picture a while back on here of a man in some league to change mens dress or something like that with shorts and a linen button up with all the men in their 3 pieces staring at him like an alien


AshFromTheStands t1_iwrc8al wrote

Well said. Being cool doesn't mean adorning one's self with branded, high end attire and accessories. It means "putting yourself together".

And, no, you don't even have to be a "pretty" person either. Just deliberate with looking your best. Like this is how I want the world to remember me. Even if you don't agree with the attire, it's clear to see when someone put thought into what they wear, because they like it. And, if I have the organic opportunity to complement them on that, I do. Even if not my own personal taste.

But I'm not gonna make it weird.


Green420Basturd t1_iwrkc7i wrote

Looks like Joe Morton before he took off the white suit and out on a black one for Blues Brothers 2000.


waxonwaxoff87 t1_iws2ckr wrote

Unfortunate that nice hats aren’t a common thing anymore. A fedora is now just a meme.


Rabid_Kiwi t1_iwsnmmc wrote

Damn I wish I could pull off that look…


brAshKnuckles t1_iwssccg wrote

Nucky Thompson's bodyguard from Boardwalk Empire 👂


[deleted] t1_iwsw04o wrote

I cannot pull even a white shirt without staining it with something I'll accidentally brush into let alone an entire white suit...


Katy-Moon t1_iwt67jd wrote

Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.


stonymessenger t1_iwv02x1 wrote

The subject line could the the first line of a novel.