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Stiksmakid t1_j27p5dp wrote

You’re saying this isn’t a still from a ‘90s teen drama??


HumanMycologist5795 t1_j27pcqe wrote

Very nice picture. It looks like it's from a scene in a movie. Awesome 👍


Tsquare24 t1_j27q47q wrote

Makes me think of Dream by the Cranberries for some reason.


slackfrop t1_j27s8tr wrote

Is your sister the awkward tomboy that secretly is the prettiest girl in school and you were the only one who believed in her the whole time? And did the mean preppy 90’s guy’s prize BMW roll into the lake, completing his comeuppance?


JohanFinski t1_j27sw4o wrote

Beautiful pic, real 90's magical vibe going on ❤️


Badeindi t1_j27tbye wrote

Looks like the cover of a 90s movie. Like Thelma and Louise 👌


Flash635 t1_j27th47 wrote

Are either one of you single?


crazed_again t1_j27udte wrote

I love it! Like most people said, it looks like a still from a 90s indie teen drama. There’s something about the picture that screams “two sisters that share a strong bond and a couple of well-kept secrets.”


Inle-rah t1_j27xhk5 wrote

I graduated HS in the early 90s, and to this day like bangs. I find it amusing.

And yes, this is definitely the quintessential 90s Gin Blossoms / Counting Crows / Toni Braxton / Sublime / Spice Girls vibe. ‘96 was the year before Destiny’s Child was signed, and I hear one of them got kinda famous lol.


AnAussieBloke t1_j27xxi7 wrote

Does "How Soon Is Now" by The Smith's play when you girls are around?


fblack01 t1_j27z5wt wrote

Both of you would have my been targets for romantic times. Relentlessly. Gorgeous girls. Glad I never had to choose.


jay_caesar t1_j27zbxw wrote

I'm pretty sure I saw this movie...


DustyPlume t1_j27zfaz wrote

Ha! I thought it was a movie still from a John Hughes film! What an incredible photo!


Ok-Wasabi2873 t1_j27zhed wrote

I can feel the Lilith Fair music from the photo.


eatmydiddle t1_j27zxx2 wrote

100% thought this was a still from a 90's cult classic I'd never seen


Key-Wait5314 t1_j282rj9 wrote

That's some Christina Applegate type hotness right there.


Electronic_Grade508 t1_j288bsa wrote

Cute photo. Takes me back without feeling too old. We were all cool kids back in those days!


rubins7 t1_j288upj wrote

Your sis looks a lot like a young Kate Beckinsale! You’re both very pretty.


gardenia42 t1_j28gc25 wrote

I remember that lipstick. Toast of New York?


OldRestaurant7964 t1_j28htw1 wrote

This is fab...just brings me back! The short 90's hair which I had and shouldn't have had- way too wavy and thick...I remember when GHDs arrived early noughties and changed everything 🤣


Gwhitney20 t1_j28l3dw wrote

This looks like a cut scene from 90210


Valuable-Baked t1_j28mite wrote

Gina Gerschon & Mariska Hargitay are related?


Ollieflatts t1_j28r5bc wrote

This looks like a still from Romeo & Juliet with Leonardo Dicaprio and Kirstin Dunst


mgrammas1 t1_j28u2iy wrote

Have your sister call me. She owes me some money.


innerstate77 t1_j28vxa6 wrote

Remind me which episode of My So Called Life this was? 😉


kcooke7919 t1_j28w3h3 wrote

Damn, those were good years... You oughta know !!


Geek_off_the_streets t1_j28xbxr wrote

This is what I would consider accidental 90's Renaissance. It encapsulates everything about the era without going any further than necessary. Awesome picture that tells a story.


binger5 t1_j28xlok wrote

Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst.


AF2005 t1_j28xt1w wrote

Hey it’s the Charmed ones!


mcfarmer72 t1_j28z7i6 wrote

That is a cool photo for the time. It is a family treasure.


Cheap-Panda t1_j2990ah wrote

Thank you for sharing this amazing picture, you are both gorgeous! Would definitely love to see a recreation or a current photo to compare. No doubt your beauty is even more radiant!


Xeludon t1_j2990o9 wrote

You were both great in "Charmed" and "The Craft"


CreamDanish t1_j29as6p wrote

Cute. For some reason I get the Eastern European vibe from both of you


Dr_Adequate t1_j29bsts wrote

That's an amazing photo, and kudos to whoever took it- another family member?

Back in the days of analog cameras you got twelve or twenty-four photos per roll. Taking a picture was often hit-or-miss and until you got your pictures back from the photo lab you were never sure if they turned out.

This one is lightning in a bottle... the warm light in the foreground, the cool green in the background just out of focus, and the transcendendance of the moment. Thank you for sharing it with us.


CarlJustCarl t1_j29ckk3 wrote

Mom and dad going to jail and you’re wondering where you’ll live and eat?


junostr t1_j29fq1j wrote

What a great photo. Brought back a bunch of memories as a 90’s teen myself.


gardenia42 t1_j29gklg wrote

I graduated in 94. All I wore was Toast of New York lined with Wet and Wild 666 (I honestly don't remember the name just the number, lol).

Has anybody done a My So Called Life pallette yet? Would it be anything other than varying shades of brown?


Im1337 t1_j29s9ud wrote

Kirstn dunst & Christine dunst


Thallhall98 t1_j29v65c wrote

DAMN the 90's were so good. I wish things weren't such ass rn


cocomimi3 t1_j29x7b4 wrote

I thought Charlize Theron for a minute.


Kedosto t1_j2a8y2j wrote

Shazam! There’s something special in that gene pool.


Solomon044 t1_j2abip8 wrote

I feel like this photo is missing James VanDerBeek


DisgustingMilkyWater t1_j2add04 wrote

This looks like a still from a 90’s romcom drama series or something, amazing


SamDublin t1_j2b5qp9 wrote

It's a lovely picture of you both.


Pengupunk77 t1_j2b8rxc wrote

Your sister has a Charlize Theron look about her.


cbunni666 t1_j2bgfp0 wrote

Wow. This really screams 1996. Lol


johneb22 t1_j2bnyt9 wrote

I love that the 90's is "old school".


ITryToFlysometimes t1_j2ccr3h wrote

Wow you guys were (and probably still are) gorgeous! You particularly remind me of Taylor Swift.


Girly_Shrieks t1_j2ce6dk wrote

I just got this post to 1970, come on people you know what must be done.