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t1_j6hr2d2 wrote

First time I saw her, I thought she was a puppet from The Dark Crystal.

EDIT: ahem Muppet!


t1_j6hsd8p wrote

First time I saw her, she transformed into a 500ft lizard robot after inhaling the Triangles of Zinthar, and Robert Smith from The Cure had to fight to stop her from destroying the city


t1_j6hyemm wrote

Robert Smith is the greatest person who ever lived…'Disintegration' is the best album ever


t1_j6ils1y wrote

honestly, as an european this actually WAS the first time i saw her/heard of her existence


t1_j6ixsgi wrote

That movie and this pic give me the creeps. This is a great comment.


t1_j6hqtrq wrote

Did anyone else think two tiny hands are holding her boobs?


t1_j6iemuq wrote

It’s like…. In trying to hide the boobies, the hands are actually just drawing more attention to the boobies.

What could we call that… the Barbara Effect maybe……..


t1_j6ikxhz wrote

They kind of are. I can't remember exactly which of her movies this is a still from, (I want to say "The Owl & The Pussycat") but in the movie, she's wearing a baby doll type dress, that has hands on the boob part of it, as the print.


t1_j6hp4ju wrote

That’s from The Owl and the Pussycat (1970) with Barbra and George Segal.


t1_j6iib9x wrote

Seriously funny movie to me at the time, wonder how it aged. Will rewatch and report back.


t1_j6jc844 wrote

Another good one of hers from this era is "What's Up, Doc?" with Ryan Oneal. An homage to 1930's screwball comedies. Both leads are very good. It also has some fantastic stunts in the film including a great car chase.


t1_j6jhxa5 wrote

I remember seeing some of "What's Up Doc" when I was a boy. I also saw "The Main Event", too.


t1_j6lg3yj wrote

I watched it for the first time last year and I hated her character so much, and now so as the film went on.


t1_j6nsy4m wrote

The scene where Segal sees her pic on the movie poster and goes inside to watch is one of the funniest scenes ever.


t1_j6ihdxz wrote

Believe it or not (or nuts) she filmed a topless scene for this film. She insisted it be removed before the film was released. Some stills from it can still be found in Google. “The Owl 🦉 and the Pussycat 🐈‍⬛”


t1_j6jk5qq wrote

Hey, isn't that the lady with that house in Malibu?


t1_j6i31od wrote

Saw What's up Doc during my formative years and I fell head over heels.


t1_j6ij4no wrote

Barbra has been my favorite singer since the 1970s, I had 21 of her albums (as LPs or CDs or cassettes), one of the best female vocalists of all time.

But for some reason I never could stand her as an actress. I'm not saying she wasn't any good, but I've just never liked her, except for What's Up, Doc? (1972), I adore that movie--just watched it again this weekend--despite the fact that it also stars Ryan O'Neal, another actor I dislike. And she never looked more beautiful (IMO) despite her very unconventional looks.

The above photo is taken from The Owl and the Pussycat (1970) with George Seagal, one of the highest-grossing films that year, but I never saw it and never want to.


t1_j6it6z1 wrote

First time I seen this picture, I thought she was being groped


t1_j6jnugd wrote

Wow, now I know what inspired one of Sarah Lynn's outfits on Bojack Horseman.


t1_j6jwwph wrote

Didn't she Jolene Rita's man away from her?

Only thing I recall of her other than her duet with Neil Diamond


t1_j6hv3h6 wrote

Every time I see old photos of Barbra like this, I can't help but wonder if Hayley Williams has any acting chops because there is no one I can see playing Babs in a biopic more than I can picture Hayley doing it.


t1_j6ivbdt wrote

She looks like this one thot from my old neighborhood who bopped the team


t1_j6idwvl wrote

She really does have that "I could be in Hollywood..." face.


t1_j6ilb9n wrote

To all the ladies out there, are chockers considered masogynistic? I mean doesn't it kind of indicate that a women is on a leash?
