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t1_j9z1dt3 wrote

Good for you. I still want millionaires to pay their fair share of taxes and the government to help the underserved communities.


t1_j9z34t4 wrote

You guys should quantify exactly what my fair share is. If we tallied up everything people want to pay for by taxing the rich, it’s many times more money than we actually have. I’ve paid a shitload of money in taxes and these problems still exist. There’s no reason to believe that if I pay more, there will be fewer of these issues


t1_j9zzamk wrote

The problem is that taxes are being spent poorly. Again, the solution is twofold - rich people pay their fair share and the government does its job by taking care of the people.

And I don't know how much money you have so I can't say what your fair share is, and that's not my job, either.


t1_j9zzpe9 wrote

If I made one million dollars per year, how much should I pay in taxes and to which government (federal, state, local)?


t1_ja07syu wrote

How should I know? I'm not a tax expert. But if you're exploiting tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes then you're doing it wrong.


t1_ja08mw4 wrote

Why did they put in those “loopholes” if not for people to use them? And your not being a tax expert sure didn’t slow your roll when advocating for raising my taxes. I just want to know how much of my money is enough for you


t1_ja0mati wrote

The loopholes were put there by corrupt politicians bought and paid for by billionaires, so no, I don't consider them legitimate.

Not once have I advocated for raising taxes. I want rich folks to pay their fair share. Period. Where did I stutter?


t1_ja0n52t wrote

I pay exactly what I owe. Not only do I think that’s fair, I think it’s too much.

Give me two examples of a tax loophole that is abused by high earning people.


t1_ja0uwtp wrote

OMG get off it, if you pay your fair share idgaf about you. If you feel attacked when I say that the rich should pay their fair share then maybe you need to talk to your CPA.


t1_ja8hk5x wrote

You're pretending the "rich" are these people with a net worth of like $5M. We are talking about taxing those with net worth in the Billions. The difference is unfathomable and the tax from the revenue that they amassed would solve a lot of societies woes.