Submitted by susinpgh t3_10zsthg in Pennsylvania
ShatterZero t1_j86i288 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Neighborhood-7264 in Voting Rights Victory in Pennsylvania by susinpgh
> wHy cAn't wE HaVe pOlL TaXeS ThAt pReVeNt pOoR PeOpLe fRoM VoTiNg? wHaT'S WrOnG WiTh hAvInG A PoLl tAx? iF YoU CaN'T PaY To vOtE, yOu sHoUlDn't bE AbLe tO VoTe. aLl wE'Re dOiNg iS MaKiNg sUrE ReSpOnSiBlE TaX PaYeRs vOtE. HoNeStLy, It sHoUlDn't cOsT AnYtHiNg, ThAt's wRoNg, BuT We sHoUlD JuSt mAkE SuRe oNlY PeOpLe wHo oWn tHeIr oWn hOmEs vOtE. HoMeOwNeRs aRe tHe rEaL ReSpOnSiBlE PeOpLe iN ThIs cOuNtRy.
/u/No-Neighborhood-7264, probably
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