
ShatterZero t1_j86i288 wrote

> wHy cAn't wE HaVe pOlL TaXeS ThAt pReVeNt pOoR PeOpLe fRoM VoTiNg? wHaT'S WrOnG WiTh hAvInG A PoLl tAx? iF YoU CaN'T PaY To vOtE, yOu sHoUlDn't bE AbLe tO VoTe. aLl wE'Re dOiNg iS MaKiNg sUrE ReSpOnSiBlE TaX PaYeRs vOtE. HoNeStLy, It sHoUlDn't cOsT AnYtHiNg, ThAt's wRoNg, BuT We sHoUlD JuSt mAkE SuRe oNlY PeOpLe wHo oWn tHeIr oWn hOmEs vOtE. HoMeOwNeRs aRe tHe rEaL ReSpOnSiBlE PeOpLe iN ThIs cOuNtRy.

/u/No-Neighborhood-7264, probably


ShatterZero t1_j4504cv wrote

Counter protesting and pro-abortion canvassing when the time comes for it.

Right wingers have a long history of attacking, harassing, and bombing clinics: because they feel safe and supported while doing so. Not to mention straight up murdering abortion docs. Making sure people know when it happens -and that it is unacceptable and barbaric- and supporting/creating local groups to prevent it is integral.


ShatterZero t1_j44zoaa wrote

Pennsylvania, particularly Philadelphia, has always had poverty tourism because we are better at providing for those of us with little than our neighbors. The poor come to live with us because we treat them better than their homes do.

It makes me proud that Pennsylvania cares about her citizens and that the citizens of other states can come to us in their times of trouble.

We can do better, and their states should sure as hell do better, but you fight with what you've got on hand.