Submitted by gregv64 t3_113e3lj in Pennsylvania
gregv64 OP t1_j8ps2ks wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Moving to mountain region of PA-Tell me how it is? by gregv64
With regards to?
Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8psxaa wrote
You are unaware of the pedophelia rampant in the catholic church? You aren’t concerned that your own children could become victims as well?
IamSauerKraut t1_j8s486w wrote
>You are unaware of the pedophelia rampant in the catholic church?
Don't be an uninformed bigot. Today's Catholic Church is not the unaccountable Catholic Church of yesterday.
Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8sauv9 wrote
Public school teachers are not only grooming children, they are raping them . Every day there is another story about a public school teacher molesting a student.
IamSauerKraut t1_j8sb94n wrote
Fundamentalist preachers are indoctrinating, grooming and raping parishioners and the children of parishioners.
Whatever "grooming" means, the fundies are doing it, too.
Patiod t1_j8se095 wrote
As a former Catholic, I've got no horse in this race, but are you aware of all the sex scandals that are happening with protestant "Youth Pastors" hooking up with teenagers in their Youth Groups?
It's also rampant in a lot of the higher-control religions like JW, Mennonites, Amish, etc. It's everywhere.
Endlesshills03 t1_j8uszcu wrote
They are looking at Bradford county, they obviously don't care about their kids getting raped.
*semi joke - they likely don't know about how the schools regularly cover up sexual abuse in the community, or in the schools themselves.
[deleted] t1_j8qasrj wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8qtebn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8rj5lk wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rw90z wrote
Just bc you, some random person, had a great experience, does not mean that that is everyones experience, and this article shows that you got lucky. Also just bc you didnt see it occur doesnt mean it didnt. Get real
[deleted] t1_j8rwlni wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rx437 wrote
Yes you did. “And nothing like that occured here” Direct quote from you. You dont know that. You cant guarentee that.
[deleted] t1_j8rx9zl wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxmae wrote
So? You obviously still stand behind it.
[deleted] t1_j8rxxh3 wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s1x50 wrote
Nah youre the one still here insisting that you had a great experience at some nameless catholic school and then insisted no one at that school ever got molested there. If you didnt still stand behind it, youd stop commentingn promoting catholic instituions.
[deleted] t1_j8s2hki wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s3duo wrote
Nah im having a great day. If you recongise that you wouldnt continue to promote them. Imagine you told OP to send his kid to this specific school and then while theyre at that school, they get molested. Still confident your experience, that happened however many years ago, matters?
[deleted] t1_j8s4vxm wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s86bp wrote
Believe me no one is obssessed with you. You keep saying you had a good experience over and over again. Thats a recommendation. No one is putting words in your mouth, we are taking them directly from your previous comments.
[deleted] t1_j8s8ezu wrote
[deleted] t1_j8s5czy wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s8fiu wrote
See thats where our differences lie. I never said anything about any schools other than providing a source that says the catholic churches in PA have a proven history of molestation. Im not making recommendations or standing up for a specific school system. You are.
[deleted] t1_j8s8nxi wrote
Jotakave t1_j8r4a5w wrote
That you know of
[deleted] t1_j8rj760 wrote
Jotakave t1_j8rnuj6 wrote
It’s not tantrums. There’s staggering amount of documentation regarding abuse and yet people think it’s a tantrum. ‘not every priest is a pedophile’ is always the usual counter argument and that’s actually true. The problem is when you have an organization going above and beyond to cover all this stuff up for CENTURIES. Abuse of children, genocide of tribal peoples in America, Africa, Australia, corruption and just the cheer amount of money that has been used to pay for churches, mega cathedrals, TV ads and abuse settlements. All the money that could’ve been put towards something meaningful. But yes. It’s Reddit throwing tantrums. Open your eyes. In my personal experience I had an education through Catholic schools. I wasn’t abused but i was bombarded with some BS regarding gay people, sex before marriage and saving yourself as a woman for your husband. What a load of crap that turned out to be.
[deleted] t1_j8roevt wrote
Jotakave t1_j8rvgtl wrote
Just because it wasn’t your experience it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen to other people. It’s like saying that ‘hurricanes aren’t that bad, my house is still standing’ when hundreds of others suffer the aftermath of one.
[deleted] t1_j8rworr wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxbq1 wrote
In the parent comment to my comment you said “and nothing like that occurred here” thats when you said it didnt happen to other people. Just so u/jotkave has receipts
[deleted] t1_j8rxeyq wrote
DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxt5p wrote
Nah youre dirty deleting.
[deleted] t1_j8rxws1 wrote
Jotakave t1_j8rzhn3 wrote
As you claimed you never said that. Who’s the one lacking any kind of comprehension? Just because you deleted it now doesn’t mean that our comments right after you said it weren’t valid. So salty for a person who’s no longer Catholic. Got sip some tears of repent.
Jotakave t1_j8rxiv5 wrote
You’re making that statement as to mean that because it wasn’t your experience it can’t that of others. Or why else would you say that? Either way I’m not going to waste my time on this anymore. Go be a Christian but at least don’t feel like you have to hide behind whatever this account of yours is.
[deleted] t1_j8rxqis wrote
Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8saljy wrote
There are pedophiles in all groups of people. Look at all the teachers being arrested in public schools across the Country.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8sbg87 wrote
Compare the number of pedophiles in the Catholic church to the ones in public schools and get back to me.
The Catholic church deliberately and intentionally shielded pedophiles by moving them to different schools and dioceses for decades in the US.
Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8si9tg wrote
I get it. YOU are anti Catholic, pro Government schools. BTW those crimes mostly happened decades ago and more of them have been defrocked. Crimes against children in our public schools are happening NOW every day.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8sigzr wrote
> pro Government schools.
Here's the keyword to let you know this guy is a nut, the right wing nutjobs call public schools "government schools."
> Crimes against children in our public schools are happening NOW every day.
The Catholic church systematically enabled child molestation and covered it up.
Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8sjx3d wrote
Public schools ARE Government schools and anything and everything run by the government is inept .
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8skhu2 wrote
Child molestation - okay as long as it isn't the goddamn gubbermint doing it.
Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8sjs4w wrote
And the left is ANTI CATHOLIC everything.
gregv64 OP t1_j8pvbkq wrote
Im not sending them to a seminary. Im weary of the public education system. In Canada public and catholic schools are equally funded by taxpayers. Private schools are few and far between. Only difference in catholic schools in canada is uniforms in high school, and you have a religion class once a day. This is what we are used to/expect.
We want small class sizes, and a very safe school. Don't know if that exists in america..
Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8pvx9r wrote
Over and over again, for me, The catholics I’ve met are the meanest people I’ve met so not a good choice imho
[deleted] t1_j8qar10 wrote
IamSauerKraut t1_j8s4g78 wrote
The one Catholic you've met is not representative of all Catholics.
Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8srpir wrote
More like 20 or 30. Looks like a pattern to me.
IamSauerKraut t1_j8ss9q5 wrote
Such a bigly number.
artificialavocado t1_j8q6gsu wrote
Dude don’t listen to these people. Nobody is saying it isn’t an issue but largely do to anti-Catholic bias in America they make it seem a lot bigger than it actually is. We’ve seen incidences and cover ups in all institutions. Police, medical services, sports, and other religious denominations.
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