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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j9zi3ma wrote

From the article:

> Dales, a 1994 graduate of North Catholic High School in Philadelphia and veteran U.S. Marine, hopes to slap other men in the face, over and over, until one of them gives up or can no longer stand.

Is it me or is this a fairly bizarre goal in life? Like, what do they actually teach in catholic school and the marines, slapping?


dalex89 t1_j9ztsq9 wrote

my friend got deployed to iraq and when he came back he had learned how to juggle and smoke cigarettes. so someone is teaching people how to juggle.


tehmlem t1_ja4bie7 wrote

In combat you always go for the juggler


Dredly t1_ja0dca3 wrote

If anyone hasn't seen this yet, it is insane, like, its all the concussions from the NFL, all the knockouts from boxing, and the brain damage from "Professional Wrestling" wrapped into 1.


Its only a matter of time until people die, if they haven't already


ZaddyAtty t1_ja14vgz wrote

And the champion with the bloated face who went viral, he made a whopping $5000


RaccoonSamson t1_ja1gq6j wrote

Yeah it's pretty wild, I can't believe it's now officially sanctioned sport by the Nevada athletic commission, and there's a mainstream TV show / league now run by Dana White (POWER SLAP! lol) it's on TBS Wednesday nights at 10PM.


Freerangebee t1_j9zyzl1 wrote

the loss of a child affects people in so many different ways.


scotticusphd t1_ja504r6 wrote

This is the dumbest thing I've heard today.