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fenuxjde t1_japtxhh wrote

Hearing a Republican claim that a Democrat is not listening to the people is so laughable that I can't tell if this post is an attempt at trolling.


your_late t1_japvv08 wrote

What's wrong with our current voter id practice given the complete lack of evidence of any fraud?


PPQue6 t1_japx3gr wrote

Or.....they could just pass it by itself. Fuck dan laughlin!


RUIN_NATION_ t1_jaqg8sm wrote

Like always they're against common sense


ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_jaqgbej wrote

Tell me you don't understand what Pork Barrel Politics is, without telling you don't understand what Pork Barrel Politics is.


Steelplate7 t1_jaqjnda wrote

Seems to me that the sexual abuse legislation should be a bill of its own and the REPUBLICANS put the voter ID bullshit in as a poison pill that they knew wouldn’t pass…for the express purpose of political posturing.

Guess the OP is too caught up in partisanship and/or lacks the intellect to recognize these stupid games.


worstatit t1_jaqqaiy wrote

"House Republicans continue voter suppression agenda"... "


[deleted] OP t1_jaqrui9 wrote

Last I checked, common sense is to actually find a problem with something before you spend my tax money to fix it.

If there are actual, demonstrable issues with our elections in PA that need a constitutional amendment to fix, then for crying out loud show the damn evidence already.

The sexual abuse legislation should be a bill of its own, end of story. Some politicians are using it solely to advance the other two bullshit amendments. In an ironic way it shows exactly how much they really care about: only as far as it can help them politically.


RealLiveKindness t1_jaqyh0w wrote

There are very many elderly Pennsylvanians who lack credentials, birth certificates, passports etc. that would be needed for a voter ID card. My 90 MIL is one. She was born on her family farm in MD. She has lived here & raised a family for 80 years. She has voted in every election since 1960. She has several friends in the same boat. Don’t take away their vote🥲.


susinpgh t1_jar553c wrote

That isn't what is happening, not at all. All of those would have to be put on the ballot as a package; it's a ridiculous take and is why so little has been achieved by this legislative body. Talk to your Senators, and ask them to disassemble the packaged bill.


drunkmonkey176 t1_jar7gh1 wrote

The real reason is because they want to increase the voting age, desperately trying to prevent as many people as possible from voting that rightly hold the opinion they are unamerican domestic terrorist worshiping pieces of trash that should be taken out.


IamSauerKraut t1_jar7tzv wrote

Fact: Senate Republicans are not interested in extending the SOL for sex abuse survivors. They could give a shit, really. They certainly are not interested in compromise.


Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_jar8ewo wrote

Thanks for the point of view from the America hating traitors. Now tell them to leave the country.


IamSauerKraut t1_jar912l wrote

>If there are actual, demonstrable issues with our elections in PA that need a constitutional amendment to fix, then for crying out loud show the damn evidence already.

There are no such issues, as even the courts have determined. In 2020 (as well as before and after), PA had a free and fair election with very few issues across the Commonwealth. 2 of the issues were GQP members who voted for their dead mothers. Arrested and slapped on the wrists.


[deleted] OP t1_jara7gh wrote

Exactly. I’m sick of this stuff that is easily proved false every time. When did we become so dumb? So impressionable?

Some washed-up, loud-mouthed opportunist lost his election and cried about it, and that apparently gave the green light for everyone else to just do the same, dragging public money and legislatures’ valuable time along with their bullshit claims that are constantly found to be false?

When did we start to revere whiners? Seriously. I want the “tough guys” of PA to tell me: When the hell did you start idolizing the snot-nosed brats you would never have been friends with as a kid? The kids who would lose a game and whine about the refs or the kids who would fail tests and cry about it but they never put in the time to study?

We just wanna hurt each other today, and that’s a scary thing.


TabulaRasa5678 t1_jaragv2 wrote

Well, I guess I can see how Fetterman got elected, by these responses.


TabulaRasa5678 t1_jaraw0z wrote

I don't know what I was thinking, posting facts. It appears that I ruffled a lot of Democrats' feathers with this post. I should have known better to post something like this in reddit. I'm glad that I'm older and (hopefully) won't have to see this country turn into the movie, "Idiocracy".