Submitted by redditor01020 t3_11n0t8n in Pennsylvania
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbl0x1t wrote
We should have a Wickersham Commission redux to really show how ineffective cannabis prohibition is and how it's lead to a rise in crime.
wallacehacks t1_jbl1lac wrote
The people who are still against marijuana legalization don't care about the facts at this point unfortunately. No amount of science is going to convince them. We just have to tell them they are wrong, we are legalizing it, we are expunging the records of the people who were prosecuted, and they have to fucking deal with it.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbl21n7 wrote
Having Commission reports at least looks good for you in the history books. I'm sure in the day, they knew the Wickersham Report wasn't needed to show prohibition wasn't working, but nowadays it's good to see the evidence.
[deleted] t1_jbl609y wrote
PalpitationLatter663 t1_jbl8xki wrote
Just do it already for crying out loud. Fast track it so we don't have to wait until 2026 to actually buy it. Keep prices reasonable to drive out the black market. And allow us to grow our own freely.
Griswa t1_jbla6oa wrote
This is Pennsylvania. It will be expensive and you will not be permitted to grow your own. Options will be super limited as well. I WANT to be wrong, but the way they literally run every enterprise in PA tells me I will be right.
AllWhiskeyNoHorse t1_jblgtzq wrote
I wonder what the Chairman's select recommendations will be? LOL
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_jblm928 wrote
Do it Josh - you promised!
[deleted] t1_jblr7kf wrote
linkdudesmash t1_jblu0ot wrote
It’s the Casio money all over again! Come back here in 5 years. I am calling it now.
ChuanFa_Tiger_Style t1_jblv9j9 wrote
I’m sure that we will see all kinds of enhanced services from the state with all that weed tax money! I am high right now!
dratseb t1_jblxiq7 wrote
Apparently there were a bunch of studies that proved Piracy actually increases video game sales, but the media only references the parts of the study on music and movies.
commanderfish t1_jblyoks wrote
Well and the rampant crime funded by bootleg liquor
pwnedkiller t1_jblywly wrote
I tell you it’s those damn man woman show things and THE MARIJUANA!!!!!!!
CidersShadow03 t1_jbmuhjj wrote
Ok, first, make a law to test people under the influence of weed. Then follow the guidelines of drunk driving laws. Take away their license and raise their insurance premiums sky high just like they do with drunk drivers. Then if you’re in an accident involving someone who is driving under the influence of pot, sue them for damages as “high” as the law allows. Sorry, you use, you abuse, you lose big time. Okay potheads show how big, tough and bad you are on here. Because it will only push me harder to have the influence laws passed and strictly enforced. So tick me off.
Aggravating-Egg-5098 t1_jbmv0vk wrote
Didn’t wolf say the same?? I’ll believe it when I see it 😂
Weary_Ad7119 t1_jbn55kf wrote
You won't like internet tough guy when he's angry!
Firsttrollprincess t1_jbnair8 wrote
For God’s sake, just do it already. As it stands, I’m close enough to get over the NY border in two directions to get edibles for my anxiety if I want. Might as well spend it in my own damn state.
killakam86437 t1_jbnmb3y wrote
This guy has to be memeing right?
[deleted] t1_jbnyghv wrote
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jbnz847 wrote
Tell us you’re an alcoholic without telling us you’re an alcoholic
Olive_Mediocre t1_jbo16jk wrote
But to fund the police? We don't have more important things we could fund with that money?
No-Setting9690 t1_jbo3zd5 wrote
See that was it. Gov't was broke, they lost the revenue from the taxes on liquor. The mobsters were the ones taking in their revenue from all the speakeasies by supplying the alcohol. Haha, haven't used that word in like 25 years.
CidersShadow03 t1_jbo5b7e wrote
Sorry, but I don’t drink alcohol or take drugs. Too bad, I’m not part of your narrative.
wallacehacks t1_jbo5j5t wrote
It is already illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana.
wallacehacks t1_jbo5kis wrote
He sent me a long threatening DM as well.
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jbo5ups wrote
My narrative is that weed being illegal is fucking dumb and the vast majority of Americans and Pennsylvanians agree
survyguy79 t1_jboi36l wrote
I remember Wolf not being supportive of recreational legalization for the longest time? It wasn’t until near the end of his term that he was calling for it.
Zenith2017 t1_jbon0xg wrote
Uh, this already exists dude, maybe do a little googling next time. You get pulled over, officer may claim they detect marijuana, you get tested or refuse and get detained. And since there's no way to differentiate recent use from currently being high, you're pretty much at their mercy even if you're 100% sober at the time of the incident. I might have been high last night, but the next afternoon a test will just show the presence of THC, regardless of my current state.
KeysertheCook t1_jbopmlc wrote
hey hey hey, smoke weed every day
HeyImGilly t1_jbosaca wrote
Chairman’s Select is gonna be the premium brand name of the state-owed weed sold through state stores.
apk5005 t1_jbov38o wrote
You will go to a state licensed store for a large amount and grocery stores or Sheetz for small amounts.
But the strong stuff, that is a different state run store.
Edit: this was supposed to be sarcastic and a commentary on how absurd it is to buy beer and liquor in PA. I don’t think recreational cannabis is happening anytime soon.
SomDonkus t1_jbov4zy wrote
This man really said “make all the laws that already exist a law” and thought he was cooking.
Griswa t1_jbovnxa wrote
No way. Not in PA. We have a democratic governor, but the rest of PA is Kentucky. They just allowed gummies for medical, and they are not really gummies. It will be state run, at a state store, with limited options. Again, I want to be wrong, but I don’t think I will be.
[deleted] t1_jbowdb8 wrote
ispongeyou t1_jbp8p7y wrote
I wonder what an 1/8th will cost, $75-$100?
poopshipdestroyer34 t1_jbpkinx wrote
what the fuck are they gonna do if its fully legalized and im growing a couple plants? go fuck yourself government !!!!!
No-Setting9690 t1_jbkyo8u wrote
One of the main reasons alcohol prohibition was reversed. Time to do same for cannabis.