Submitted by [deleted] t3_11vxnrg in Pennsylvania
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11vxnrg in Pennsylvania
My brother used to take AmTrack from 30th Street Station to Elizabethtown each day in order to work in Hershey. He parked his car in E-town, drove to Hershey, then parked and took the train home. He got a lot of work done on the train, as well. I would imagine that a similar situation could work for Harrisburg. Good luck!
I did it by car for 3 helps if you work a 4 day week. It is hard on family life. Usually took me 2 hours each way (quakertown to camp hill) Maybe carpool... If you can do by train in 2hours that is can read etc on train...
The only question is how far from the Harrisburg Amtrak station to the office.
I commuted from Reading to Manhattan for 3 years. My office was a 30 minute walk from the PABT, so it wasn't too bad.
Nope. if you want to work in Harris burg, it would be best to move to that area. If it was only a 45 minute to an hour i'd just drive it. But 2hrs? If you work an 8 hr day you would be on the road 4 hrs a day. Doesn't sound like winning to me
Depends on where in "Harrisburg" you will be working. If you are working in downtown close to the station, ie, at the Capitol compound, doable but a pita. If you are working in "Harrisburg," which could be anything from Hershey to Carlisle, it might be undoable on some days and a major inconvenience every day you can make it work. Plus, the cost of the commute is likely to eat your earnings to nothingness.
I know guys who did the commute from the Hbg area to Baltimore 5x a week. They'd leave home at 5 am, come back at 8 pm. Sleep, drive, work, drive, sleep. Few have kids.
Yes. Some do it to get foot in the door...I found the commute time good for music and thinking. It also helps if you can work slightly off hours to avoid rush hour people. It can be done. Sometimes it made sense to stay over in motel...if too tired or sick
As someone who used to go to school in Harrisburg and had class mates who lived in Philly and commuted, do not do this. Yes it is possible. No job is worth four hours on a train per day (two hrs each way). Maybe if its a once a week kinda thing, but every day? Don't torture yourself like that.
Then do it
Some people looked for somebody who would let them crash on the couch...
And even pay for that...
If you are willing to do it and can make it work, then power to you.
Amtrak's monthly commuter pass for the Keystone line is about $490/month, so you're looking at almost $6k/year plus roughly 80 hours per week month in commuting time.
You can nap on the train...
This is a horrible decision and a terrible idea. Find a different job closer, or find resudence closer to your job. You're gonna waste so much time and money just commuting to work every day
I mean, you asked for advice and Im just giving you advice. Also, I don't think finding another job would take you ~1k Hours. (4h/day 5x/week for 52 weeks). That's nearly 26 FULL DAYS you could be spending doing something that will have a much better impact on your life.
Reading to New York and back daily? For 3 years?! That sounds like hell.
It wasn't so bad. We did splits. Month in-office. Month on the road.
But by year 3, I was sleeping in the office Monday & Thursday nights.
Amazing you did that for three years daily. That is rough, especially with impatient traffic (truckers and foreign platers going 25 over on I-78). I travel to Allentown just about every fortnight and been doing it for about 12 years (first four years was Allentown to central PA).
OP, while this may sound doable, you need to think about the mental toll that a 12 hour work day will take on you
Just want to wish you the best and take advantage of decompressing on the train (nap, Internet, book, hobby, etc.)! Make good use of the time and the year will fly past. Also good time to see where in central PA you would want to move.
My wife has commuted by car 1 1/2 hours each way for almost a decade. If you find the right job it can be worth it.
Like other people have said -- if the job is downtown or at the capital complex, then it's doable, but doing the commute every day would be a big pain in the butt.
If the job isn't walkable from the train station, may as well make other plans. The bus service around here is not robust whatsoever.
It was not just a job, it was an adventure...
That would absolutely fuckin suck but honestly go for it because if it's truly unbearable you can quit the job
Good luck
I just urge caution because I found myself in a similar situation at one point in my past. It ruined my life for the 8 months I held that job. The job was great, but my life ended up at the point where M-F I couldn’t do anything.
More power to you if you can do it, but I couldn’t make it a year.
Unless your housing is free in Philly or you'd have to buy out a contract I'd say move ASAP. But starting that way for a bit could be ok.
Hell no it’s not worth it. A 4 hour daily commute atleast 4 to 5 days a week is insane. Im sure there are many other oppourtunities here in southeastern PA
No. It's not feasible
If you do it, seriously plan to leave your car at the Hbg train station (or whatever your stop is) and then you have a modicum of independence getting to your office and back. My brother didn't have any parking options in center city Philly, so that worked well for him. Hopefully you will be able to use your time wisely on the train both ways. If you have a good attitude and are creative I think this can work for you. I truly wish you the best!
That's's not that far now, right?
It is still 2hrs each way (including gas stop) but I took a different position then retired a few years ago before it killed me
Why would you ever do that to yourself
I live 40 miles outside philly. It takes me almost 1-1/2 to get home when I leave work. I’m doing night shift now it’s 1-45 on the way in and 40 home.
I work in Harrisburg and my boyfriend lives in Phoenixville ( I live in Lebanon). I go up the turnpike and it takes me 90 minutes. It takes 90 minutes to go back. That’s without traffic. I do it 1-2 times per week. I’m ok but it’s not every day. The days I do it are very long. I’m not even in Philly but a suburb 30 minutes out. I also work on the side which is close to the turnpike. Going into the city will add at least another 15-20 mins. 83 is a bitch on good days and if there’s an accident, it’s worse.
If you need to do this for the job, I’d look into staying in a hotel/motel close by during the week.
That commute will get old real quick and the gas and tolls will get expensive.
I feel like the op is pretty set on their decision to do this. Everyone saying it’s a bad idea you’re disagreeing with. Just do it then lol best of luck
not worth it. Your mental health will suffer.
Having had a two hour a day train commute before, if you can take the train and have a project to work on the commute could be great. That was the time I was most productive in terms of professional goals that required personal time to achieve.
There is no job in Harrisburg worth doing this commute for that you couldn’t also do in Philly area
I know someone who lived almost to Lancaster and commuted into Philly on Amtrak. It was 1.5 hours each way. He was in school to be a veterinarian and had several kids. His wife’s parents had a house they allowed them to live in rent free. He said he was able to do all his schoolwork while commuting, so it worked out. If you are able to fall asleep easily, you can do some of your sleeping on the train to gain some free time.
Are you locked into a lease in Philly? Maybe you could just rent a room in Harrisburg for some weeknights.
Maybe you should do the trip before you accept the offer. If you can, travel from home to the office and back at the times you would be going. You will have to kill 8.5 hours in Harrisburg. Then you’ll know what your door to door time will be. And if you are living with your parents, there is no lease so you can find a place in Harrisburg as soon as you can afford to or as soon as you hate the commute.
I have dealt with similar long distance commutes at various points in my life. I found the train rides to be relaxing. I wouldn't want to do it long term, and I wouldn't want to commit to a two hour each way drive twice a day... but the train? For a year? Sure. If the opportunity was right, I would do it again.
For context, I spend about $600 a month driving to work in northeast Philly from western Chester County. Between gas and turnpike tolls... commuting is pricey. No regrets.
It is certainly doable, especially if you'll be in the Capitol complex or walking distance from the train station. I worked with a woman who commuted from PHL to HBG for years. She would occasionally stay over at a colleagues place if the weather was especially bad. Her work in HBG eventually led to a very good offer in PHL.
The train is reliable, and the ride lets you get work done before you get home.
Good on you for doing the research for this person lol. They should've but hey...
Fwiw, in my neck of the woods, it isn't uncommon for people to commute from the Wyoming Valley, Lehigh Valley, or the Poconos to NYC on a daily basis. It's about 2 and a half hours on Martz or Trans-Bridge coach buses. Last time I checked, a commuter pass for Martz was $800.
I think, for less than a year, commuting to Harrisburg on Amtrak is manageable. Delays are less common and the Keystone is really comfortable compared to a coach bus. Being cheaper than Martz is a plus, too. Anything more than a year or two might be excessive.
I recommend doing what another commentor said and try the commute before you take the job.
Never forget about terrible weather though. Some places may require reliable transportation for that very reason. Hopefully that doesn't hinder your goal here.
Seems to be a thing on Reddit lol
If you are young and single. Do it. If you are older and need to see doctors and have a significant other that you value spending time with then don’t. Is it doable, yes. It will be expensive and wear you down. But, if you see that as temporary, then it’s doable.
*20 hours/week
Still outrageous imo
Whoops, was supposed to be "month" - thanks
I did it for 18 months. Feasible? Yea, sure. But here are some caveats you should be aware of.
Trains do run late...even the keystone line.
Accidents on the line happen and delays can happen...which can leave you super effed in regards to time. The logistics of it all are terrible...even if say you live very close to 30th Street Station, there are many points of failure from commuting by train to HBG each day. Even still...unless you have a job at Harrisburg University or the Capital building...where walking isn't'll be huffing it to get to work.
Eventually my stint of that commute ended, but the commute can be brutal. Plus the monthly passes and only a small discount comparably, so you'll feel the drain of tickets quickly.
Is a train less reliable than a car in bad weather?
If you have to be in your new job 9-5, 5x week, this is a LOT of long days. If you're able to flex any of your time and perhaps work on the train on a laptop or otherwise remotely, this becomes a lot more feasible because you can combine working and commuting.
Feasible? Yes… but you’d spend 4hrs in transportation each way… plus rail ticket costs. Plus, unless you are working at the capital complex you’d be looking at taxi fare…
TBH, housing is cheap in Harrisburg for a reason…
Cost is a huge part of "feasibility" for most people. If it costs $5,000/month, is it still feasible to you? Sure as fuck wouldn't be for me.
That’s a pretty rough commute if you’re doing it every day. If you can work on the train then it’s not so bad. My daily commute has been 45 minutes to an hour with nowhere near as much mileage because I’m driving locally in Chester County. 45 minutes to an hour doesn’t sound bad, but it wears on you. It’s even less than 30 miles but that’s what the traffic is like. The good thing is if you drove, you could just take the turnpike. Going west in the morning shouldn’t be bad.
Time and cost are literally the only factors concerning feasibility here.
I was being hyperbolic, the point being that a $500/month pass may be feasible for you but not for someone else. You didn't ask if it's feasible from a time standpoint, logistics standpoint, or cost standpoint, so you're gonna get opinions/information from all aspects of the issue. Don't like it? Try being more specific.
>without being rude.
You're the one claiming I have a reading comprehension issue, but you're the one who wrote a very general question and then got bitchy when you got detailed, specific information.
If OP can find any travel nurses, they usually share a rental for purposes of sleeping only and do it cheap as hell.
It's feasible but the expense both in time and cost is going to be up there.
As others have mentioned a monthly rail pass will run you about 450+ a month with a time cost of 4 to 5 hours per day just commuting.
Personally if you have to do this and can't move for a year the more feasible option would be to find an apartment with room mate for the year that is just a crash pad and drive in and out every weekend. Above that in cost would be weekly hotel check ins.
You know the answer and are hoping someone will say it is feasible to shake your doubt. It’s honestly the stupidest thing to commute 4hr per day. No sane person would do this unless they are desperate. Better be some good salary.
76 fucking sucks from center city all the way past KOP. This isn’t gonna be feasible for you, sorry. I commuted 85 miles each way to work for 18 months and it was wide open highway between southern NY and Williamsport. I barely made it happen then. You can’t fight traffic for 45 minutes then get on a toll road and drive another hour and 15 (if you go quick) to Harrisburg. 1000 miles a week divided by whatever mpg your car gets. It’s been years since I’ve taken the turnpike between Harrisburg East and KOP but the toll has gotta be at least $15 one way. You might be better off just finding a cheap place in Harrisburg and commuting back to Philly on the weekends?
>Sit this one out.
Wtf? Don't ask a question on a public forum if you don't want it answered.
Hes taking the train fam
Esp if “harrisburg” is like colonial park or union deposit. He would have to get an uber on top of the train ride
Have you looked around for an Airbnb room. Maybe take the train on Monday. The money you would use commuting use to rent an Airbnb room for the week and take the train back to Philly on Fridays. Many Airbnb folks will Negotiate a price. Just a thought
Oh ok, I don’t know how I missed that. I still don’t think it’s gonna work out. That a long ass commute to do every day and are those trains even at convenient times for getting to/ from work?
Commuting from york to hbg is a terrible idea. 83 is constantly shut down when it snows. The back roads are just as bad half the time. In one snow storm i left work in york at 230 pm. I sat on the high way until 8pm when they closed 83 bc of accidents from trucks trying to get over reesers summit. They didnt reopen 83 until after midnight. I didnt get home until 1230am and i had to be back in york for work at 6.
Yeah fuck that. I wont commute more than 30-45mins depending on how much the job pays. Like would have to be over $100k for 45 mins
Maybe take the job/commute and still look for another in the meantime. Just in case it doesn’t work out.
Absolutely yes. I’ve been stuck on the train many times bc of down power lines, engine issues, etc. Amtrak is great and comfy for commuting up and down the corridor but they come with their fair share of issues!
Huh. I used to commute via Amtrak multiple times a month and was once 20 minutes late. The folks who drove similar distances were late much more frequently. One was 3 hours late.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcveqhv wrote
A quick search of the Amtrak app shows it's almost 2 hrs each way. Let's say 20 work days in a month...that's almost 80 hrs lost per month.
Amtrak has monthly rail passes, which should make the cost more reasonable than daily tickets, but I couldn't find prices for those.
EDIT: I just found prices - looks like a monthly commuter pass for the Keystone line (which gets you one round trip per day for an entire month) is about $490 per month.