Submitted by wdcmsnbcgay t3_y9w45i in Pennsylvania
Unique-Public-8594 t1_it7plzi wrote
Biology Teacher Daren Cusata, Aliquippa, PA refused to use they/them pronouns stating it goes against his religious beliefs and using First Amendment.
(Aliquippa is about a half hour northwest of Pittsburgh.)
akennelley t1_it7sroc wrote
>Biology Teacher
I'd like to hear what this person teaches about evolution.
IamSauerKraut t1_it82my0 wrote
Prolly a Dover educated creationist.
pejede_0 t1_it9blu2 wrote
I get this devilish reference.
[deleted] t1_it8tory wrote
james97go t1_it96omy wrote
Prolly teaches the hard science that there are only 2 sexes. Male and female. Prolly likes to use the classic and beautiful language of his birth and not some made up silly newage jargon.
IamSauerKraut t1_it98dhm wrote
Is it a "hard science" that there are only 2 sexes? Pediatricians and reality might disagree.
ps to person whose post is [deleted]: do not blame any specific religion for the teacher's views. not right to do so.
james97go t1_it997fr wrote
Yes it is hard science that there is only 2 sexes as defined by chromosomes at the cellular level. Don't confuse biology with psychology.
SgtBaxter t1_it9omqh wrote
Scientifically the argument can be made there's 3, xx, xy, and xxy since 1 in every 600 people are born xxy. Physically they are male, but can have features like breast tissue which a true male will not.
There's also karyotypes of mixed chromosome pairs, and let's not forget divisions of the ovum that can result in two separate fertilized ova which is very common. Those ova often re-fuse, and a person can be born with both xx and xy chromosomes if the separate ova were fertilized by an x and a y sperm. This results in things like having a vagina but testicles instead of ovaries. Or having a penis where the clitoris is.
What sex is that?
We could also go on at length about SRY during meiosis, resulting in both testicular and ovary tissues being simultaneously present.
Biology is messy. Individuals are born every single day with the above mentioned. That isn't in their head, it's in their chromosomes. An actual biology teacher should know this.
If not, then they should be shown the door.
SomePaddy t1_itab9u7 wrote
There's also XO, XYY, and XXX if we're talking sex chromosomal aneuploidy. And androgen insensitivity syndrome in which XY individuals present as female.
james97go t1_itbcjnm wrote
You make good points but the truth of the matter is that the vast, vast majority of of people that claim to be transsexuals do not have aberrant chromosomes and are not born with abnormal genitalia.
IamSauerKraut t1_itc0zlj wrote
And what of it? If a kid wants to wear a dress, let the kid wear a dress. Or jeans. Just leave the kids alone.
james97go t1_itc9feg wrote
Oh I am absolutely fine with leaving kids alone. Just do not expect everyone to believe the delusion that a boy dressed like a girl is actually a female.
IamSauerKraut t1_itcdxrd wrote
Who cares what you believe? If the kid is not yours, who are you to have a say in how they present themselves? I personally do not care for tats on kids but I don't make derogatory comments to or about that kid. Not my place. Not yours, either.
james97go t1_itd6tuc wrote
You are correct in that what I believe or what you believe and for that matter what some confused kid believes doesn't matter really. What matters is the truth. IDC if a kid thinks they are a fairy princess,or a cowboy I would play along with their imaginary reality for a bit but I would never suspend reality and tell the kid to go ahead and fly away by jumping off a roof or let them go and ride a bull. In reality they really aren't fairy princesses or cowboys, they just think they are.
IamSauerKraut t1_itdzj17 wrote
gratuitous nonsense
IamSauerKraut t1_it99cz9 wrote
Ah, so birth is just something in a woman's head instead of a baby with maybe unisex parts exiting from thru the birth canal. riiiiiiiight.
james97go t1_it9agz5 wrote
Unisex parts? Seriously is that is your argument for the 'transexual' phenomenon that permeates our societal discussions as of late? You need to get some data together and do the hard science to prove your point if it is.
IamSauerKraut t1_it9puwd wrote
I understand science is hard (try organic, for instance) but at least do a basic internet search. Allow google to be your bbf for a few minutes.
As for "the 'transexual' phenomenon that permeates our societal discussions," that is not science based. It is based on people's ignorance of things different from them, their prurient interest in another's business, and in some folks' willingness to declare war on other people's children. There would be no "phenomenon" otherwise.
Evilevilcow t1_itb61pn wrote
You certainly dropped that "bUt SCIENCE sHoWs thERe ArE jUSt Two sExEs!" argument like it burned you.
But I bet you're going to bust out with it again the second you think the people you are making it to can't come back at you with science.
StupiderIdjit t1_it9j2ck wrote
sCiEnCe dUrr
This is what you sound like.
SomePaddy t1_itabe5l wrote
This is a valuable contribution to the discussion. /s
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_it9jhwu wrote
lmao part of being a scientist is accepting change. You’re a piss poor scientist if you only follow the same age old theories without incorporating new knowledge.
M4053946 t1_it89sm6 wrote
Someone says that biological sex is a real thing, and you wonder what they think of evolution? Odd. I think the right person to ask this question is the person who says that your sex is determined by your feelings and not your biology.
akennelley t1_it8anah wrote
I wonder what they think about evolution because its ALSO not compatible with most mainstream religion, and being religion is the excuse the teacher has given to not use preferred pronouns, I think its a valid curiosity.
M4053946 t1_it8bflz wrote
> not compatible with most mainstream religion
Except for the catholics, methodists, lutherans, anglicans, presbyterians, unitarians, and others.
akennelley t1_it8gmf3 wrote
And how many those prohibit using preferred pronouns?
I have another question.
What the fuck is your problem? You're either a complete spaghetti head or hellbent on picking the dumbest fights for no reason.
WindsDyinDownJosh t1_it8h5k7 wrote
From the looks of it, the answer is "Spaghetti head"
yeags86 t1_it8mesu wrote
To be fair, both would also be a valid answer.
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_it9jzkc wrote
Certainly compatible, but good luck convincing the most conservative members of those said religions into thinking that it is.
PensiveLog t1_it8kqav wrote
sex and gender are different things. Pronouns denote gender
someone wanting to be referred to as “they” does not have any impact on your life, so there’s no need for you to cry about it.
thelongestfurby t1_it92jnm wrote
Transgender people are very aware that your biology doesn’t magically change when you identify as another gender, they take hormones specifically for that.
gray-matter1111 t1_it979vd wrote
biologically, there are not just 2 sexes anyway. genetics is a crapshoot. anyone who has taken higher level biology classes should know that!!! science doesn’t give a heck about your feelings, buddy.
CltAltAcctDel t1_iteiswm wrote
How many sexes are there and what are those other sexes?
gray-matter1111 t1_itejkch wrote
there are an abundance of potential chromosomal differences that can occur in humans. aside from the typical XX and XY, humans can be born with a single X chromosome, XXX, XXY, etc. in addition, humans with seemingly normal XY chromosomes may present as female until genetic testing provides other evidence.
pretty cool to research, tbh!! it’s amazing what the human body does
CltAltAcctDel t1_itejtow wrote
There are chromosomal anomalies but the people with these disorders are still male or female. What are the other sexes? You said there are more than two so name them.
gray-matter1111 t1_itek7d3 wrote
intersex individuals. undefined by standard sex definitions. those examples are intersex humans, not male or female.
CltAltAcctDel t1_itekjeg wrote
Intersex isn’t a sex. It’s a disorder, a deviation from the norm. Intersex people also represent a very small percentage of the population.
gray-matter1111 t1_itel5aw wrote
nope. there’s increasing evidence that hormonal issues including low testosterone and PCOS (which affect a substantial portion of our population) are intersex conditions.
CltAltAcctDel t1_item0ej wrote
Disorders of sex development (DSD) don’t equal intersex.
CltAltAcctDel t1_iteo3hr wrote
Also PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a disorder of the ovaries and they are in no way intersexed. While they produce more male hormones, they aren’t males or some third yet to be named sex.
CuriousMaroon t1_it8zmoz wrote
This was my thought as well. Sex and gender are binary for 99.99% of humans.
thelongestfurby t1_it92d9c wrote
“Gender is binary” and “there are exceptions” are mutually exclusive
jaythebearded t1_it9h6gz wrote
.1% is still several million humans
CertifiableNormie t1_it7sx52 wrote
I'm curious as to why it would go against his beliefs but at the same time he's probably using that as some bullshit excuse to not do it. What a waste of everyone's time and energy to be pissy about not calling someone by their preferences.
kifn2 t1_it882pg wrote
He's definitely using it as a bullshit excuse to hate people. Although it is true that his religion likely does preach hate.
saintofhate t1_it8n5kt wrote
People who use religion as an excuse to be bigoted, should be made to show where in their holy book it says that. The bible doesn't mention trans people at all.
susinpgh t1_it8xmk8 wrote
This has been surfacing lately:
Frankiethetrans t1_italppa wrote
Please go a day without saying they at all. Examples oh look someone drop their wallet I wonder who they are. look that person they are really attractive. Please go a day without using that at all.
merklegroot t1_it8jrk2 wrote
Good for him. He has my support.
Unique-Public-8594 t1_it8mcqr wrote
The way I see it, anyone who struggles with the feeling that the genitalia that they were born with doesn’t fit their personality and desires needs support. Their life is hard enough. Using their preferred pronouns is an easy way to show acceptance, understanding, and inclusivity. You can’t know how hard it is unless you are them.
sataninspirit t1_it9obeo wrote
Absolutely right. It’s dealing with delusional people 101. Listen, understand, don’t judge, avoid challenging how they feel, and respect their view of their world. It’s not that hard
merklegroot t1_it8qmlm wrote
So anyone that doesn't agree with you gets fired now?
Unique-Public-8594 t1_it8tj7n wrote
I’m not setting policy and not in charge of anyone else. So, not up to me.
victorix58 t1_ita1w6f wrote
Agree. He shouldn't have to conform to the thought police's abuse of English.
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