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LordFarquaad_theG t1_itsty4l wrote

No, I'd rather not be held hostage by Saudi Arabia who can jack up prices anytime they want.

Keep oil production the same but invest heavily in energy diversification which would bring true energy independence.


Janderss182 t1_itsua61 wrote

Yeah like nuclear energy predominately


LordFarquaad_theG t1_itsufaa wrote

Nuclear is not bad. But we need to diversify, can't rely on one source of energy.


Janderss182 t1_itsukr1 wrote

Cool. Most green energy sucks, is expensive, and is not efficient.


LordFarquaad_theG t1_itsuwm4 wrote

Not true. Solar, wind, geothermal, hydro are good non-dispatchable sources we can use to diversify.


Janderss182 t1_itsv6k1 wrote

Not true. We don’t even have batteries that are capable of banking most the energy we get from many of those forms of power


OligarchWelfare t1_ittigle wrote

Green energy is cheaper than any but keep lying because that's what Republicans told you to believe


Janderss182 t1_itunuyw wrote

Actually it’s not but keep lying because you’re an ideologue and can’t think outside of what your bullshit political parties tell you to think